For lovers of chicken of the woods please share all your finds , creations and questions all about chicken of the woods (Laetiporus sulphureus)
hi everyone, I am obsessed with this mushroom and have been for quite a few years, occasionally having found and harvested them in the wild. I would love to contribute to the world wide protein transition, and have been playing with the idea of creating a food startup selling COW as veggie-chicken, since they taste so much like real chicken.
As far as I could find this hasn't been done before, but I'm sure there are good reasons for this, maybe there are serious bottlenecks when it comes to production? Apparently they can be produced on a (small) industrial scale, and they contain about 2/3 the amount of protein in real chicken, so I could totally see this working.
What do you guys think?
And is it still okay to eat? Found in Audubon park in New Orleans, Louisiana!
Came across this image on a sketchy Indian website claiming to sell spore prints of COTW (If anyone has any instructions or images of COTW spore prints I would greatly appreciate), I genuinely thought it was AI but I managed to trace it back to a 2011 Flickr post by a mycologist named Renee Lebeuf. Wish I had a sample of this magnificent beast. Last image is from an unknown source.
Like the title says: I am curious if anyone in this group has ever grown COW at home? I have seen some people boil oak mulch and inject COW mycelium. How hard and expensive is it? Everyone i see doing it is a pro. I wanted to hear from " real people"
I grabbed a bunch of COTW the other day and put them in a slow cook stew with some resinous polys. The COTW was well colored, texture was fine, but there was ZERO FLAVOR, and infuriatingly, despite the fact it slow cooked for FIVE HOURS, it was still tasteless (the rest of the soup was most certainly not).
I picked an "identical" batch a few weeks earlier and it was delicious. It actually set me off on this whole mushooming thing, I know like 20 mushrooms now.
I see a lot of COTW pictures when it looks more on the "blobby side", before the edges thin out and "mature". Is this "blobby-ness" prime picking time for flavor?
I have a large hand and this was about 12 of my hands worth layered. Gunna cook some tonight. Can I cook these and then freeze them? It’s too much to eat by the time they go bad. Plus I have literally 50-60lbs of boletes/chanterelle/lobsters I need to take care od
Brother found these on a hike, juicy with a clear liquid, maybe just extra moisture? He wants to give them a shot but father is nervous about amateur mushroom foraging.