
Photograph via snooOG

For discussions of, questions about, images relevant, or anything at all pertaining to the rather wacky occult subculture/practice known as Chaos Magick.

A place for discussions of, questions about, images relevant, or anything at all pertaining to the rather wacky occult subculture/practice known as Chaos Magick. Chaotes, Discordians, Subgenii, Pranksters, Experimentalists, and Curious Folk of All Sorts should subscribe and contribute. As with any chaote forum, this subreddit is only as good as those who choose to use it.


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Solar Eclipse in the Tree of Life

It just occurred to me that a Solar Eclipse is literally to be found in the Tree of Life, as Yesod blocks Tiphareth from Malkuth ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ


1 Comment
21:46 UTC


Post-Eclipse Posting

I put my orb in a little sterling silver boat and had my jade kephera push it through the occultation, positioned in a window that only produced direct sunlight during the time period of the eclipse.


What did you do? How'd it feel? How'd it turn out? (it might be too early to ask how it turned out)

19:31 UTC


Experiences and Transformations: A Journey into Personal Magic and Spiritual Change

I would like to share with you the achievements I have made, not only to seek advice but also to inspire others. Let's examine what I can do:

  • I have experimented with invocations of various aspects of authoritative figures, the first of which was Odin, although initially I was not aware of it when I performed the Eye of Odin ritual. This ritual was passed on to me by a friend in chat. For a week, I felt more confident, taller, and gained strong authority over others.
  • I have evoked goetic spirits, and Marbas responded to my call. He helped me heal chronic pain in my right leg and perhaps removed a toxic person from my life.
  • I have created servitors using the chaos magick method. My most recent servitor protects me from astral larvae, which are residues of past servitors that could harm me and of which I have no memory. This servitor protects me and feeds on such larvae.
  • I use divination through the I Ching.
  • I have abandoned the practice of hoodoo magic because I do not agree with the use of psalms and find the amount of tools and materials required for results that I judged as poor or nil excessive.

My personal goals have also changed over time. If in the past I immersed myself in anticosmic and nihilistic doctrines and philosophies, now I want to lead a fulfilling life. Losing 80 kg and the help I received from Marbas played a crucial role in my physical, mental, and spiritual transformation. I intend to continue improving what I now call my temple, my body. I might also study Cornish witchcraft, as it fascinates me.

10:53 UTC


An 0verdue intr0ducti0n.

5hal0m h0mie5. I am A5phnX. (Phonetically, A. SphinX, but y'all can call me Sphinx for short. I also take A, Anon, and various other names that start with the letter A. But I digress.

I am A Mystic with over a decade of experience is various systems, a tarot reader, and an anonymous artist. (An An-Artist, if you Will.) While I do offer magick services, the truth is, I'm not here to sell you anything. I am seeking colleagues and friends, I would love to exchange information and see this community flourish. I am thoroughly passionate about magick. My approach and flexibility of systems may seem ludicrous to some. True to my nature as an artist- I am highly creative, experimental and experiential; perhaps even a bit Avant-Garde. En Garde!

However, no matter how much it may appear to be madness, there is method that may perhaps be inscrutable. Madness and sense merely pretend to be opposites in the theater of the mind..

Many of you have already seen my works here, and perhaps wondered why your retinas are burning or bugging out. I'm not trying to: give you headaches, sap your energy, fill your Astral OS with malware, brainwash you or in other way dominate your Will. etc.

I am not any form of evil Lich or sinister Warlock; If anything, I'm a very cheery and friendly chaotic neutral! An old rogue of sorts, if you are famliliar with the archetype. I am a self employed hobo with a deeply rooted spiritual nature expressing himself through a digital visual medium; I am creating playful Illusions- constructions of light and energy imbued with the psychic flavorings of emotion.


I would love to answer any questions the community has for me, and make some friends in the process.

01:54 UTC


Do you have any numerological superstitions?

If I happen to check the time, and it just happens to be 4:20, I must blaze it. It doesnt matter if I dont feel like blazing it at the time. It would be "bad luck" to not blaze it, at 4:20, knowing that it is 4:20.

00:48 UTC


Share your method to get gnosis

My method is to put my head underwater and hold my breath until I can't do it anymore. After doing this, I observe my sigil

19:00 UTC



An animated sigil for channeling the energies of the eclipse.

16:11 UTC


Sigils for long run results. Please help

How do I keep and charge sigils for a long run intent.!? I am new to sigils and i use magic square sigils. Also how many sigils can one make at a time.

08:07 UTC


Why monotheism doesn't work for some people

Isn't monotheist god like Jesus is the god of literally everything, the most powerful god in the universe? Isn't it more convenient to unify all practice towards only this god, and keep it less complicated

06:25 UTC


Magic Words

Abracadabra (Abrahadabra?)

Hocus Pocus



Mumbo Jumbo

Bibbidi Babadi Buu

Klaatu Barata Nikto

Mecha Leqa Hai Mecha High Knee Hou

Presto Change-o!


Is there anything I'm forgetting?

Lets get some traditional "magic words" going in this tread.

Are there any that you actually use in practice? I'm not talking about Godnames or Barbarous names,

I'm talking about "magic words" that maybe even have no meaning at all and have arisen more from the zeitgeist of your culture, or possibly from a fairy tale or media franchise and not from you occult studies. (NO HARRYPOTTERSHIT ALLOWED)

00:18 UTC


Is it us or is it Maybelline

Is probability determinative?

Can me rolling a dice cause each subsequent roll to change?

Can we really predict the future or remember the past if we only live in the present?

Who wants cake for lunch?

If you predict the future, do you cause it to happen/not happen, or is the world truly as chaotic as we think it is?

Free Will??? What did he even do???

23:04 UTC

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