Subreddit for everything cemeteries related!
Be excellent to each other!
No trolls or abusing your fellow Redditors.
No spam, advertising, surveys, polls, etc.
Limited YouTube promotion is ok but if you over do it you will be banned.
Related subs
r/CemeteryPorn (SFW pictures of cemeteries)
Hello r/cemeteries!
Here is Photography Competition #2!
This competition's theme is: Unique
Competition Description:
Take a photograph of a grave that looks unique.
Competition START and END DATES:
January 27th, 2025 (8:00AM PST) - February 27th, 2025 (8:00AM PST)
*If needed, competitions will be extended
A lot of people have forgotten or don't know about their ancestors. Does anyone here visit old family graves? Why do you?
Thanks to all who contributed images!
The winner of Photography Competition #1 is u/AJ_Mexico.
Here is there winning submission!
u/AJ_Mexico, if you would like your prize (a unique userflair for r/cemeteries), please comment below or use modmail to message me)
Thank you to everyone who entered!
We will begin our next Photography Competition in a bit less than two weeks.
Hello everyone!
I hope you are having a wonderful new year so far!
I'd like to propose an idea for r/cemeteries, show and tell!
My idea is that (each week, once a month?) we do a show and tell!
Perhaps you'd like to teach us all about Incan burial practices, the most interesting grave at a nearby cemetery, or even the best way to do gravestone rubbings and provide an example!
Show and tells could be a way for us to teach other :)
Here's how this could happen (I'm open to other ideas!):
If we decide to do show and tells, how often should they be? Daily, once a week, every other week, once a month?
Let me know in the comments what you think and if you have any ideas!
Would being buried in a state owned cemetery be better in terms of the land not being dug up at some point?
I'd think that privately owned cemeteries might be more at risk of being turned into a neighborhood or something.
Obviously, lots of people pass away but is it worthwhile as a career financially?
Happy New Year everyone!
I wish you a happy and healthy new year!
It's been wonderful getting r/cemeteries up and running again, and I look forward to working with you all to make r/cemeteries awesome!
I'm going to start working on our new banner here soon, as well as adding more helpful resources to our subreddits wiki and sidebar.
In 2025, I'd like to host some AMAs on r/cemeteries for YouTubers who make Cemetery videos, as well as others.
I think 2025 is going to be an exciting year for r/cemeteries!
Hello everyone!
I'm going to be designing a new banner for r/cemeteries.
My idea is to have the banner include photos of gravestones/cemeteries taken by you!
If you have a photo of a gravestone/cemetery that you would like to submit, please comment it below!
I was wondering if anyone had any cemetery related videos/channels you'd recommend? Thanks!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays r/cemeteries!
I hope you are all happy and healthy!
With the recent deaths of my father and mother, I've gotten better acquainted with the "grave" situation in my hometown city cemetery.
Earlier this year, the cemetery director sent me a PDF of the file of information on two lots bought in 1918 and 1931 by my great-grandparents. They must have had high hopes for lots of descendants. In short, no one in my family will ever be buried in any of the nine graves in the lot bought in 1931.
I would like to sell these and split the proceeds with my brother and two cousins. I've seen websites that are marketplaces for such transactions. If anyone has any insight and advice on selling graves, I want to hear of your experiences.
I've just launched a blog about the foreign-born in Mountain View Cemetery. They won't be the rich and famous, but they will be people born in nearly 60 countries whose lives are of value. Here is one example, a member of the Mien community who fled Laos in the wake of the Vietnam War:
I was wondering if anyone knew how to clean a gravestone without ruining the stone itself?
What do I need when cleaning (brush, sponge, etc)?
Hey everyone!
I am looking for a Cemetery Owner to answer questions for an AMA (Ask Me Anything).
An AMA is just another name for a Q & A.
The AMA will be held through a Reddit post where you answer comments.
If interested, please message r/cemeteries here: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=r/cemeteries
Hey everyone!
I want to add some helpful links to our subreddits sidebar and your input is needed!
Genealogy and cemetery records websites are what I am looking for at the moment.
Here's what I have so far:
It would be great to have some region-specific cemetery record websites as well, so if you know of any, please let me know.
I was wondering if anyone knew what happens to a cemetery when it's full? I would think there would be plans to prevent this, but it must happen eventually.
Welcome to all our new members! Don't be shy and say hi!
Hello r/cemeteries!
Here is Photography Competition #1!
This competition's theme is: Forgotten
Competition Description:
Take a photograph of a grave that looks forgotten.
Competition START and END DATES:
December 16th, 2024 (8:00AM PST) - January 16th, 2025 (8:00AM PST)
*If needed, competitions will be extended
Hey everyone!
I want to announce that r/cemeteries has partnered with r/findagrave!
You'll find r/findagrave listed on our sidebar as well!
Go show 'em some support over at r/findagrave!