CB got you cynical? Do you feel like the 'broke networks get you down a lot? This is the place for you.
Also, we (used to) have a sweet skywhale at the bottom. Let it blow your mind. Let it.
Welcome to CB Celebrity Rehab.
What is the magical place?
Complainpire™ Directory
####Group Therapy Session 2
The mods will be monitoring the thread if any of you just need someone to talk with on account of you having a really shitty day, week, month, year or life. If you don't want to post your messages for everyone to see, feel free to PM me (or any of the mods) if you want to talk.
In the recent few days, I have been dealing with a sense of superficiality in my life, and as always, this extends to reddit generally. To make my life more meaningful, I have been trying to read more for pleasure and to only do my STEM homework when I absolutely must in order to maintain my grades.
I recently took up playing Magic, and I actually like it. I don't really know anything about the lore, but I play a blue-red combo deck and a blue-white control deck. That's pretty much all that is going on with me.
Have you all been having any problems with reddit lately? Any problems in life that you want our shitty advice about? Any new activities making life more bearable?
Me? I close the computer and go outside. Used to ride my bike but messed up my back at the gym a few weeks back so haven't been able to do that much lately ):
I also read a lot. Hooray for libraries!
So how do you cope with reddit?
Hey Guys,
I want to take this opportunity to share with you a peculiar little coincidence, because it is the little things in our life that make it worth living.
I took a GE English Literature course last quarter. Every day when I came into class, I would have a nice chat with the previous class' professor, who would usually be there erasing the day's spanish notes. Today, he moved in across from me in an apartment and when my friends came by, they said that they were taking his spanish class. He stopped me today and commented on my car. I saw him and his girlfriend leave on bikes just a few minutes ago.
What are some of the little things in your life that you really appreciate?
Welcome to the first CB Celebrity Rehab Group Therapy Session. In this CBCRGTS, we will discuss what we like about Circlebroke, its many offshoots, or its users. As always, I will start.
I adore many of the regular Circlebrokers. I find their sense of humor is often witty and poignant, and they tend to write well and do a good job of establishing their points without being disparaging or derogatory.
All of the offshoot subreddits are hilarious to me. Many are a one-off joke, some still get posts every few days or weeks, and some are actually very active. The aggressive expansion in-joke is one of my favorite parts of CB.
Moderating A-Team is pretty amazing. Considering /r/Circlebroke was initially established in response to a massive /r/circlejerk breakdown, it's impressive how well the subreddit has grown and how well it is moderated. Moderating B-Team is great as well. Moderating C-Team are scrubs and bums, but maybe that will improve over time.
I'll be the first to commit suicide.