
Photograph via //r/castaneda

The purpose of this subreddit is to aid in the pragmatic application of the works of Carlos Castaneda, Florinda Donner, Taisha Abelar, & Carol Tiggs to how we experience existence. Core topics include: sorcery (a.k.a. the mastery of intent), awareness, & non-ordinary reality (magic). Here, you can: learn ABOUT sorcery, what has and has not worked over thousands of years, decide to empirically embark on your own "definitive journey," and altruistically document your challenges and discoveries.

Wiki or in the Old Wiki Format.

• For more concise demonstrations, visit r/castaneda_instruction

The purpose of this subreddit is to aid in the pragmatic application of the works of Carlos Castaneda, Florinda Donner, Taisha Abelar, & Carol Tiggs to how we experience existence. Core topics include: sorcery (a.k.a. the mastery of intent), awareness, dreaming-awake, & non-ordinary reality (magic).

We can't teach people. But we can demonstrate to each other what has worked, and what else others went through to learn on their own.

Carlos Castaneda's books in chronological order:

  1. The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge (1968)

  2. A Separate Reality: Further Conversations With Don Juan (1971)

  3. Journey to Ixtlan: The Lessons of Don Juan (1972)

  4. Tales of Power (1974)

  5. The Second Ring of Power (1977)

  6. The Eagle's Gift (1981)

  7. The Fire From Within (1984)

  8. The Power of Silence: Further Lessons of Don Juan (1987)

  9. The Art of Dreaming (1993)

  10. Magical Passes: The Practical Wisdom of the Shamans of Ancient Mexico (Jan. 20, 1998)

  11. The Wheel of Time: The Shamans Of Ancient Mexico, Their Thoughts About Life, Death And The Universe (Jun. 1, 1998)

  12. The Active Side of Infinity (Sep. 1, 1998)

Florinda Donner's books:

  1. Shabono: A Visit to a Remote and Magical World in the South American Rain Forest (1982)

  2. The Witch's Dream: A Healer's Way of Knowledge (1985)

  3. Being-in-Dreaming: An Initiation into the Sorcerers' World (1991)

Taisha Abelar's book:

  1. The Sorcerer's Crossing: A Woman's Journey (1992)

  2. Unpublished Manuscript - Stalking With The Double (restored version) (March, 1996) - file includes a link to the original scanned version, older file links


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All Tensegrity Moves in One House


I was watching silent knowledge last night, and saw this (sort of).

So I made it.

By the way, Minx really does steal stuff.

One might think that's not possible, but Carlos came close to verifying it, in a joking way.

"The Disappearing Spot" was a topic in private classes for a week or two, and Carlos warned people not to accuse the inorganic beings of stealing stuff, if they didn't.

We've also been told how they kidnap seers. First they kidnap your double, then later a bunch of them go back for the physical matter. I've calculated they can only move 2 ounces of weight, which still allows them to hold you down on the ground if you fall flat.

But their ability to lift weight is likely exponential, rather than linear. So that 10 of them can carry away the body of an adult male.

Just my guess, but it's based on observations of them and not on rank speculation.

I've noticed they'll try to trap you in their world, by leaving "precious" objects in your path.

YOu find yourself in their world, and there on the ground is something you wanted for a long time.

Right there! Just pick it up.

I presume, if you take the object which you do not own from their world, the punishment is imprisonment.

But since you can't imprison them, the rule doesn't apply if they take something.

Which Minx will...


16:12 UTC


Recapitulation Tensegrity?


I couldn't get the AI to draw this, but it's not too far off. And we don't know much about this.

First, in Silent Knowledge videos form in the air about whatever latent concerns you have.

Can't be in your internal dialogue! The level of silence is so great, that you start to shapeshift automatically.

So you can't go into that kind of "seeing" with a deliberate question. That would focus your awareness in the wrong direction, and prevent receiving automatic flows from the emanations.

But if you were concerned about something during the day, and especially if it might help others learn sorcery if you had the answer, then if you can silence your mind so completely that your physical boundaries seem to change, you might have a good chance of getting your answer.

It has to be a "latent concern", not a "pressing" one.

But you'll have to figure that detail out for yourself. How to have a latent concern, instead of a pressing one.

I'll give you my tip, but it'll be useless. You have to go into "sleepwalking" by slipping at an angle to the left and slightly downward through the golden amber crystalline fog. Without viewing the interesting landscapes as you travel that direction.

Then silent knowledge flows freely.


Useless... And even if you could understand it, it's very difficult to pull off. For starters, you have to be able to "look that direction".

And no one can. It's at an angle not just in space, but also in time and multiverse "depth".

So here's the only tip that matters:

Silence is the key.

If you think you got "silent enough" and can kick back, you're doomed not to get any further.

Every inch of progress requires deeper silence.

And one big problem with sorcery is that someone else's "tips" are pretty much useless. At least as far as the specifics go.

As don Juan said about tips when Carlos asked for some, "Those would just be what I myself did." Implying they wouldn't work for Carlos.

Now I'm tempted to say that what you see here in this picture are those "memories stored in the calves of the legs."

Either don Juan or Carlos told us about those, and the recapitulation magical passes massage points on the sides of the legs to stimulate thoe.

I do that series nightly, which might explain my recent fondness for scooping up memory clouds like this.

But the location of the memories doesn't really seem to be limited to your physical body.

It's just that down below your waist are all sorts of "feelings" that you haven't felt since childhood.

The things which held reality in pace, when you were a small child.


Very nice feelings., because back then you were internal dialogue free.

And the Tensegrity automatically stirs those up.

What's shocking is when they become a physical shape you can move with your arm.

I have to assume that's also built into the design of Tensegrity.

After doing this a few times (with some help from a "dragon" I've been making using Silent Knowledge) I came to realize that women have a huge advantage over men.

They'll be better at finding past "feelings" due to their own being unstable and in need of self-examination fairly often.

Which reminds me, Cholita was smoking a big cigar when I got home, and studying some book that had actual medieval paintings illustrated in it.

She might have lent me the dark energy to make this post.

12:13 UTC


Our Community Message

For some time now we have become a point of reference for the Castaneda community.

Simply by being the only ones fousing on really making the techniques work.

In some ways this subreddit is a headquarters for practitioners, but also a message.

A message for new people and for those who were once involved.

Something like "It just works! Be honest and get to work".

I also have a spanish version, wich I'll put in our social media.

04:26 UTC
04:26 UTC


Armando Busted?


I suppose we don't need this in here, but I posted it on instagram and Facebook, so here it is.

But why care, a beginner might ask?

There's absolutely every reason to care!

We don't practice alone. It's not possible to learn sorcery without the pull of past practitioners.

And it's much easier to learn, if there are current practitioners.

That isn't obvious to non-sorcerers, but at some point along the path to becoming a "seer" you'll be able to see this in great detail, with your own eyes.

Realty flows to us, from the outside.

And men like Armando and Eddy who prey on our community with make believe just so that they can steal from us, deviate large numbers of our population and keep them focused on pretending and idol worship.

They also give any reasonable person who isn't interested in our sorcery, the impression it's all made up nonsense.

They can see that the books of Armando are like the books of every other faker in a random "magical system".

So they keep the opinion they had from all that's happened in the last 30 years, that "Carlos Castaneda was thoroughly debunked!"

On the other hand, I dare anyone who is sincere and honest and believes that Carlos was debunked, to explain what's going on in this subreddit. After actually studying the posts.

They can't.

Someone on Facebook summed it all up by saying that Armando was an agent of the "fliers". A special category of inorganic being which influences our behavior, to encourage self-pity as our basic emotion.

While we're spending all of our time feeling sorry for ourselves, we make a nice tasting meal for those beings.

They lick our awareness.

Just as Armando and Eddy are doing.

*** From Facebook ***

Does Armando even exist?

I don't know, but it's very disturbing that people in Argentina think he's the replacement for Carlos, when in fact it's dubious what he even is.

I didn't look into it myself, but here's a conversation from the subreddit.

I thought Eddy Martel was the man who put Armando up to it, and Armando was the remorseful victim. But maybe not.

At least, that's not Eddy's name. I got it wrong.

But he loves to go by Juan Yolilitztli and attend book signings with adoring fans.

Our community is filled with suckers who will fall for anything! And don't give a fig about following the instructions Carlos left us, if they can engage in sinister hero worship.

Those of you clinging to Armando are GROUPIES.

Knock it off! According to the witches, we turned Carlos into a guru for groupies and that's what killed him.

Can we PLEASE put Armando to bed now?

*** From reddit chat ***

Person 1: so I am not following, Editora Alba is the one that published Armando's books aren't they actually talking bad about Alba?

Person 2:
I'll have to take a look to that pdf, but for what I quickly saw, it involves many of the dubious characters of the spanish speaking Castaneda community.

Like Moralez, who wrote "Atrapado en lo Tremendo", which seemed to have true content.

Then there’s the brazilian Eddy Martinelli

Turns out that Armando Torres is a composite of two or three people. I mean, if you check out the printed version of their first book, you see mis-matched fonts; obvious copy and paste !

I gotta find an English version of that 43 page document

... (1 day delay in chat )...

Ok, I did a general look to the pdf, and for those interested, it's about a man who was personally affected by getting involved in a very dark and morbid business that affected our community: making sorcery books without knowing anything about sorcery.
The book is dedicated to providing evidence and details of the organization behind Armando Torres. Lots of details, and it's really horrible.
He seemed really disturbed to discover this. If he knew we eat bad players for breakfast!

Person 3:
I spent some time reading and re-reading that pdf, and the material is disturbing. There are criminal level bad players appropriating material which they know nothing about! The author of that document, Alfonso Orozco, had a run-in with the following motley crew from Linaje1723: Julio Diana, Frank Diaz, Eddy Martinelli, Victor Tejeda. The troubles for Alfonzo began in 2015 and lasted until 2017. Adding to the drama, Alfonso's ex wife was involved with this Kinam practice and the Linaje1723 crew; then came a messy divorce, where the crew began harassing Alfonso with ugly threats of physical violence against Alfonso's two kids. The pdf document does a nice job of debunking Armando Torres, hence the overreaction on the part of these clowns Julio Diana, Fank Diaz, Eddy Martinelli, Victor Tejeda. We have new terms like Kinam, Julio Diana Yeitekpatl Temixochitzin lol! I see parallels between these clowns and O'Neil: both characters abuse drugs, although, in terms of criminal behavior ...the Linaje1723 and Kinam dot org and Nacion/Templo Tolteca are at a higher level of depravity. We cannot afford to be nice to the bad players that show up, that is for sure!

18:38 UTC


Thank you, INTENT. Thank you, Members of this Sub.

Dearest Intent,

On this Thanksgiving Day, (for those celebrating) and every day, I THANK YOU for leading me to this incredible SORCERY and giving me the minimal chance to pursue REAL FREEDOM.

Thank you to this 10,000 year old LINEAGE and all the Sorcerers who've been a part of it. Thank you to the infinite generosity and the genius of Carlos and the Witches, who did all they could to pass down this potent knowledge.

Thank you to all the members of this sub, who give of themselves, their knowledge and their precious time, to share their experiences, answer questions over and over, explain such difficult concepts and keep the teachings alive in PRACTICE. All of this while living full, busy lives of their own. Thank you, indeed!

May we all achieve the goal. INTENT!

18:28 UTC


DVD 1 Second Half


These "Magical Passes" are tricky!

Once I animate them with special effects, hopefully you'll see how "devious" the design really is.

Everyone of course assumed it was all just made up by Carlos, and like "Chi Gung" doesn't really do anything.

Big mistake! We almost lost it all due to this kind of ugly pretending.

These initial animations of the second half of DVD 1 have a lot of problems, but when I "deploy" them in my copy of Dance home I'll add the special effects and then I can look at the fine details.

If I can't fix it, I'll just have to pay my animators a second time to perfect it.

It's really NOT easy to animate (yet).

Later, AIs will do it for you.

Currently, they absolutely cannot. Don't let anyone fool you.

Everything has to either be done by hand at this point, or you have to cover the person with dots and numbers, and shoot them from multiple angles.

But like I said, when AI gets better, what I'm doing now will become easier.

Unfortunately, our stuff never gets trained into them. So they won't know the fine details of Tensegrity even at that point.

ChatGPT doesn't even realize that Richard DeMille is a co-founder of scientology!!!

Debunked my eye!

And like Greg, he attacked Carlos because Carlos has been a thorn in the side of Scientology from the beginning, with his unbelievable "Tales of Power".

They figured they'd "debunk" him, not realizing all those tales are TRUE. Then Greg followed him around with a giant camcorder, trying to catch him picking his butt.

Greg the scientologist. I've been told that the scientology building is where they keep the original recordings Greg made.

Evil men those are!I

I wonder, if they realized all the magic was true, would they still have gone after Carlos?

And you'll get to see that yourself. That all of the magic from the books works EXACTLY as stated.

One "hidden" technique is on the cover of Wheel of Time.

Did you now there's a very good reason the Olmec man is raising his arms up, to get that scene of the phases of the moon?

Maybe no good reason for the circle of rocks, but myself, I'm not a fan of witchcraft rituals like that.

Cholita is, and so I bought her a bunch of large bricks recently. She likes to create "magical paths" in our fairly large backyard. I'm waiting to find out if she paints them each a different color.

It doesn't actually take much to enlist the aid of your double!

Even being "inspired" can do it.

But certainly your energy body swarms when you raise your arms like that as shown on the cover of Wheel of Time, and the purple or blue splotches of your energy body will be mixed with jet blackness.

Perhaps that's "dark energy". But whatever it is, it energizes the pieces of your energy body.

So that they'll form a screen in the sky onto which Silent Knowledge can project like a video.

Later, you'll see that yourself!

17:08 UTC


Journey to Ixtlan maneuver to push disease from the body

In Journey to Ixtlan, don Juan shows Carlos a movement to be performed lying down where disease could be pushed out from the body. A portion of it's description seems straight-forward, but not all of it. For those who interfaced with Castaneda and his female companions, did they ever show this? If so, if you could share, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

08:32 UTC


Question: Why Would My Double Reject an Inorganic Being?

As I looked at my hands and then an object, again and again, a clear picture of where I was began to take shape. Then, an IOB that took the form of my late father became visible. He was smiling at me so happily, and even called my name, the way my dad did.

I began to walk towards this IOB, but then stopped, not of my own volition. I had a clear "knowing" my double didn't want to go to this IOB. But, the IOB as my Dad, was so alluring I insisted. Immediately, my double took off and "flew" to another location, IOB free.

Please, help me understand why my double did what it did. Thank you.

11:43 UTC


Question from a non-practitioner.

Hello, I don't mean to impose here. I'm hoping this is a welcoming reddit.

I found my way here from a Youtube video about Castaneda. Basically the video made me curious to learn more so I decided to read through reddit and found this reddit. But then something very strange happened to me. I read something here about purple puffs.. which I found quite serendipitous.

About 20 years ago I had an experience that I have never forgotten but have also never been able to make heads or tails of. I moved to a different country for school and on one of my first nights there I had this experience;

I sat up in my bed in the middle of the night. I don't remember why I woke up. The only thing I do remember is that for about two hours there was a basketball sized circular puff cloud oscillating between purple and green color.

I thought it was just an artifact from having rubbed my eyes at first. But it lasted for two hours, it stayed in the same position of the room even if I turned my head physically. If I looked away entirely and looked back it was still there. It just floated there. I said hello, but never got a response. There was nothing frightening about the experience either.

after a while, I felt so sleepy that I just said goodnight and fell back to sleep, with it still oscillating there. It was gone when I woke up.

I don't have a Castaneda book right now, so I was wondering if any one here would be so kind as to explain these puffs In detail?

Kind Thanks.

00:19 UTC


Meditation effects Vs Darkroom practice

12:04 UTC


Darkroom Questions

Question 1:

The wiki says to aim for 2+ hours of darkroom a night.

What kind of impact does brief lighting have on the process? I inevitably need to turn the light on briefly to find my water cup(s) or use the bathroom. Sometimes I'll need to refill my water so have to walk to the kitchen.

Question 2:

After around 40-1 hour 40 minutes of recap, I'll often feel like I "came out" of an altered state. Sometimes it's intense and I'll think I've been in darkroom for 30 or 40 minutes and it's been twice that. I feel "normal" after wards, often more awake than the tiredness I felt in the recap. For example tonight I "woke up" (to be clear I never actually fell asleep), I started feeling a bit tired, thinking outside of sorcery ("I should go to bed soon, was there anything else I wanted to do today? Time to make plans for the rest of the evening"), I did a round of passes then stopped.

Is there something I should be doing when recapping to maintain strangeness, and I suppose increase the opportunity for AP shifts? Is there something I can do to take advantage of that "coming out" feeling for AP shifts?

Question 3:

Sometimes the "altered state" in recap feels dreamlike: an accelerated, erratic internal dialogue that feels jumbled. I struggle to maintain all of my mental coherence here tracking thought to thought. Is this a good sign - that I'm going "in" to the recap? I want to *think* that I'm improving at being aware of my thoughts but it's difficult for me to distinguish self-awareness with turning up the internal dialogue.

05:27 UTC


The Wall in 3D


Here's a good example of why drugs are a total dead end, and completely unnecessary.

Try doing this nightly, using ayahuasca or shrooms! You'd be so twisted out of shape, you couldn't hold a job anymore.

You'd have to move to the Amazon and live in a hut, selling shamanism drug trips to stupid tourists. That's about all you'd be good for if you did this daily with drugs.

Except maybe for giving lectures on your "heroic drug trips" with disheveled hair, while you philosophize about how Carlos was only using metaphors borrowed from other sources.


But using silence, your ability to function in the real world only gets stronger. Your IQ goes up 15 points or so, memory gets sharper, you get better senses, more patience, and a very positive outlook in life since what you see here is just the start.

This is NOTHING compared to what don Juan and Silvio Manuel must have been doing.

Women I suppose have both a huge advantage, and a huge disadvantage.

From their monthly cycle, which prevents their assemblage points from ever being fixed in place the way men's are.

Advantage because they're natural witches.

Even nuns are OBVIOUS witches. Just look at that nun outfit! They even have wings on the sides of their head.


If those aren't witches just trying to avoid being burned at the stake, I can't imagine what else would motivate that outfit!

So women can run circles around men. And easily fool them with disguises when needed.

Except, their mood gets the best of them to the point that they want to keep smelly flowers around, just to fight off depression and doubt.

I've heard that Alien abductions often feature floral smells, to keep the stupid humans from freaking out as much.


My suspicion is that this type of "sorcery navigation" activity is a better cure for the blues than roses and lilies.

Although, Cholita sure did like that last bouquet I got for the living room because I was happy she returned from Mexico.

I had to be careful with flower choices. If I gave her any flowers that are red, she'd assume I was threatening her with my desire to drink her blood. But if I got white roses, she'd think it was a proclamation that we're husband and wife, and she has sexual duties she's been neglecting.

I settled on yellow roses, but it was ok to have white lilies since those symbolize something else.

She just "corrected" my placement in the glass vase with water. Apparently you're only supposed to fill the bottom 1/4th with water, and leave most of the stems bare.

I can tell that she liked them, because they didn't go into the trash as soon as she saw them.

A success!

That's Cholita in the distance there putting together a jigsaw puzzle, which lured my double to go see what she was up to a couple of days ago. It likes the pretty colored pieces which need help to get arranged properly.

The double gets obsessed with "the most asinine details" in dreaming, according to don Juan. Which might partially explain why Tensegrity works.

It's a bit like a 2 year old child who gets an amazing Christmas gift, but likes the colorful box more than the gift.

By the way, once you can perceive "the wall" in 3D you might conclude, as I did, that we've completely misunderstood what intent is.

It's more "ordinary" than we realized, since you have to use it even to build your normal daily world.

It's closer to our ability to focus our vision, than to some magical force you summon with chanting, or emit from your fingers like Darth Vader's lightening bolts.

It makes me wonder why Carlos advised us to shout at it.

15:00 UTC


REPOST - "How sorcerers shift perception" by u/Juann2323

15:25 UTC


DVD 1 Pass With Special Effects


Here's one of the movements from that first half of DVD 1.

It REALLY does do this.

If you can remove your internal dialogue long enough for your assemblage point to move to the bottom of your back.

But wait... It gets even better later, when you can move your assemblage point to the other side of the body, in alignment with the assemblage point of your energy body.

Which forms at the end of this video.

I suppose that sight isn't available in the "shift below", which is where the puffs become this vivid.

So that last sight of the energy body, is more advanced.

But available to you!


1 Comment
15:16 UTC


Tensegrity is NOT "Weird Chi Gung"!


Once you reach silent knowledge and can play around with it for a half hour, the temptation is to try to find tensegrity movements which only use the arms, and don't turn you around in space.

Here's some, from DVD 1!

Animators showed me the first 6 before they moved on to the rest, just so I could be sure they were getting the in between stance right this time.

It's more work for me if each pass doesn't return to the same position.

But looking at these, I realized that DVD 1 has precisely what I was wishing for.

Movements you can do in Silent Knowledge, just to see what they lead to when done over and over with the vivid magic you get to see in that state.

If I had to explain the difference between the green and red zones, doing these passes, and the purple zone, I could only say that when you get to the orange zone (assemblage point just switched sides on the body), the "phantom realms" become visible.

That whitish light on surfaces.

That allows new realities to become visible.

But then in the purple zone, where the assemblage point has finally moved into alignment with that of your energy body, you add the element of a kind of golden sparkling "screen" where entire objects or places can manifest as "real" things.

The whitish light is "over there", but the silent knowledge of the purple zone is "right here".

And in that state, these early DVD passes are quite useful.

Especially this one:


I can't wait to try it out tonight. I'd forgotten about it.

The way technology is advancing, before I'm dead it will be possible to put on virtual reality headsets, and have Jadey materialize right in front of you, ready to teach all tensegrity movements on your voice request.

I'm working on a $20 AI chip for that right now.

So it's entirely "off line" and needs no internet access. Just a really big memory is all. 32GB is needed to do that with voice input and spoken output, and all the tensegrity moves.

I'm not sure how to train the AI with Jadey's personality...

But the one I could fit into that visor is certainly complex enough to be indistinguishable from a real person.

Might have to be satisfied with just her voice and likeness. And a stuffy "know it all" AI personality.

22:25 UTC


Synesthesia as a child, but it disappeared...

I'm curious, since I know someone that has pretty solid synesthesia (sounds have shapes and colours, and letters and numbers having colours for them)

I do remember that as a child, all numbers had colours in my mind, so I did have synesthesia myself, but this mostly disappeared. All I experience is that sometimes when listening or talking to someone and i'm emotionally invested, i can see the words taking up shapes in my mind.

And i'm curious how other people's experiences are, with synesthesia, and how it has evolved...? I'm also wondering if and how I can uncover those perceptions I had in childhood ... is there any practice for this?

16:10 UTC


Inorganic Being Fun During Recap

Something strange has been happening during my recap sessions in the past week, but now I think I know what it is.

Every day, during recap for about a week now, details in my recap would suddenly change. A weird looking object would suddenly be in there, a strange "person" would make an appearance, or someone I was interacting with, would suddenly have wobbly legs and fall down, etc.

Throughout the week, I pondered what it could be. Was it my double? Was I somehow accessing the second attention during recap? It was strange, but not bothersome enough for me to research here, so I just shrugged it off.

Yesterday though, as I was recapping a scene of me on a treadmill while talking with someone, I noticed that my clothing began to change. I was actually wearing a pink top with red yoga pants, but every time I recapped that, my clothing changed into a sexy red backless top with straps and a cheerleader like red skirt. This kept happening each time I tried to correctly recap the scene. It was as if some force outside myself kept deliberately changing my clothes.

Intriguing! What's happening?

Suddenly, it dawned on me that.....

"Awwwww.....an inorganic being is playing with me in recap."

Atleast that's what occurred to me. I don't know why, but it was such a funny realization, that I burst out laughing

Then, I came to the sub and found posts on IOBs and their interference during recap.

Just thought I'd share, in case any new practitioners are experiencing things like this during recapitulation.

Have a wonderful sorcery filled day!

14:43 UTC


Did tensegrity in my dream body tonight. Freaking cool.

Well, I did it. Tensegrity in the dream body. Lobster strike immediately lit up my surroundings in full color and changed the environment immediately. My house was not the exact copy that I’ve been used to but slightly different. It also made things much more “wavy” for lack of a better term. Not sure if it was lobster strike or the turkey waddle pass (can’t remember the name) but I was able to explore for waaaay longer than I have before . A few things I did; found a mirror. Weird looking at my face with no eyes but I guess that’s how it be in that space. Did more lobster strike in front of the mirror. Went outside and lobster strikes the front yard. Thought maybe the dream police would show up for the crazy naked man throwing knife hands in the air at 4-am so I flew up in the air. The smells were amazing. Like fresh lilac and lavender. Eventually I started feeling like my chest and arms were being constricted and I panicked a little bit then woke up. All in all… That. Was. Intensely. Awesome 😎

Anyone else with similar experiences? Please share!!

09:29 UTC


Unintentional darkroom

What the fuck did I see? This evening I fell asleep super early and woke up suddenly not long after. It’s dark in my room but not super dark, the curtains aren’t black out and there’s a little light coming from the street. I was half asleep still. Directly above me there was a dense black puff and as I watched it trying to figure out what I was looking at a pink/purple area emerged in the black.

I remembered reading something about needing to put puffs on pouches but I’m still a newb, still working my way through the books (only started with Journey to Ixtlan a short while ago and am now only up to Fire from Within, though I’ve read both Florinda’s and Taisba’s too). I’ve been reading a lot on this Reddit couldn’t remember what I’m supposed to do. I put my hand out and tried to grab the puff or move it towards my body but it didn’t work. I got very in my head thinking about it all and it all faded away. My heart was racing with excitement, so I spent a bit of time looking around and not really focusing on anything and the black came back. It was really close to me and then the purple/pink patch appeared and there was like movement and images. My eyes were struggling to focus but there was at one point an eye that looked like maybe a tiger/animal eye, not human.

I keep looking around and there are small magenta patches that slide across my vision and then disappear. They were more solid that the other magenta patch, like there weren’t images in them, just moving kinda circles, very small and bright. Now I know you all talk about this being possible in darkroom but this wasn’t intentional darkroom. I saw some other weird stuff like blueish light around the room, like the reflections of light from water that was bouncing around and texture and the air looked like it was wriggling. I kept struggling to maintain focus (both the literal focus of my eyes and not getting distracted by rationalising it all) and I fell back asleep.

After the surprise tonight, it’s given me a kick up the arse to actually put the work in. I was reflecting yesterday that I’m diving into the books and reading everything (highlighting bits that feel useful) but that is easy for me to do. I sometimes like collecting all the information about a thing and then it can be an excuse to put off doing the actual thing.

I have to admit I’ve been a bit half-arsed with practise tbh. I’m a carer to a family member who needs round the clock care that is very not routine and so I don’t get to decide my schedule. I’ve been recapping about a month or so (since I first posted however long that is) and feel a massive difference. I’m a year into what is now a planned 7 year celibacy to stop myself getting distracted and deal with the whole “worms” thing in case recapping doesn’t fully. I have been practising tensegrity in the day a little (passes for silence mainly) but not a huge amount and certainly not the 2-3 hour while in darkroom as I’ve not been able to find a time and space I’m not needed to do that. I’m clearing out a very small closet to use as a dark space where I can move a little so I am heading that way but slowly. Anyway, despite fully believing in what you all experience and what is discussed in the books I’m still feeling super shocked that I experienced something so clear and obviously not “normal.” The only things I’ve seen previously recently are an area of gold glitter that was quite bright, ripples in the air up near my ceiling and noticing weird movements around my feet out of the corner of my eye/shadow movement. I saw a lot more weird stuff as a kid into my early twenties before deciding it was all woo woo nonsense.

Edited to add words for clarity, deal with spelling and add my actual question - What do I do if I can’t move the puffs to place them? Does that come later? Am I supposed to be “gazing without staring” as is mentioned in the books?

00:18 UTC


The other religion "magic "

Why are people so afraid of black magic? does this do anything? For example, in Brazil, people are very afraid of macumba(black magic of African origin) Religions like Umbanda and Candomblé have a lot of weight around here, basically people are afraid that others will attack others, curses, ties and everyone faithfully believes in that when something bad happens to someone or a person who had a certain light out of nowhere starts to get sick, either of the body or mind, people here already say that it is a mess made by others who do not wish the person well. What do you think? Is there any truth to the means these regions use to attack others? Or is this all mental?

23:52 UTC


Do You know any other practitioner?

Practitioner / reserchear closeby?

Do You have relationships / do you know about anyone?

I hope it Is okay to ask this

21:40 UTC


Why Dona Soledad tried to kill Carlos

The following paragraph was taken from "The Second Ring of Power",
It is one of the darkest paragraphs in the book I think.
Don Soledad explains to Carlos why she tried to kill him.

'There is something I must tell you,' she said in a weak voice. 'The Nagual set me up to wait for you; I had to wait even if it took twenty years. He gave me instructions on how to entice you and steal your power. He knew that sooner or later you had to come to see Pablito and Nestor, so he told me to use that opportunity to bewitch you and take everything you have. The Nagual said that if I lived an impeccable life my power would bring you here when there would be no one else in the house. My power did that. Today you came when everybody was gone. My impeccable life had helped me. All that was left for me to do was to take your power and then kill you.'
'But why would you want to do such a horrible thing?'
'Because I need your power for my own journey. The Nagual had to set it up that way. You had to be the one; after all, I really don't know you. You mean nothing to me. So why shouldn't I take something I need desperately from someone who doesn't count at all? Those were the Nagual's very words.'
'Why would the Nagual want to hurt me? You yourself said that he worried about me.'
'What I've done to you tonight has nothing to do with what he feels for you or myself. This is only between the two of us. There have been no witnesses to what took place today between the two of us, because both of us are part of the Nagual himself. But you in particular have received and kept something of him that I don't have, something that I need desperately, the special power that he gave you. The Nagual said that he had given something to each of his six children. I can't reach Eligio. I can't take it from my girls, so that leaves you as my prey. I made the power the Nagual gave me grow, and in growing it changed my body. You made your power grow too. I wanted that power from you and for that I had to kill you.

Apparently, Carlos passed that "test" by being able to use his own energy body to punch Dona Soledad when she tried to kill him.
I guess Don Juan was happy to take that risk / maybe had trust in the abilities of Carlos at that point.

But who knows for sure?

The following pages in that book are quite a change in the overall direction. So while Don Juan left, part of him are still "in the children as well as in Carlos".
Carlos describes how he then is able to do things he could not really do on his own before. 

I would appreciate if anyone could elaborate on this very intense part of the books. It is not clear to me what is meant in a "literal" way, and what is not. 
It is neither clear to me which part is intentionally "dramatized", and which is not. 

The paragraph above seems to be literal. Can anyone shed more light on that particular battle between Dona Soledad and Carlos (and maybe give more background info in that context)?

Thank you.

19:03 UTC


Blurring the Dreaming Barrier


Very fun things happen if you keep going!

You learn multiple cool things to do, until you can't figure out which one to explore each night.

Don't get me wrong... We make progress just one inch at a time.

But after working hard for an extended period, you'll have stories to tell which will be beyond anything any other system even dreams of.

Such was walking away from your physical body, FULLY AWAKE with your eyes wide open, to go explore your home in your double. Hoping to find a witch who lives there with you, and get her to play again as she used to do years ago.

I didn't succeed at getting her to notice me last night, but with sorcery sometimes the "what" you wanted to do, is not nearly as important as the "how".

The how allows you to clean your link to intent even more, and to develop deeper silence.

If you aren't getting rid of your internal dialogue to the point that you begin to experience totally amazing magic, then you're never going to get anywhere.

Pretending is no fun!

Follow the instructions Carlos left to us!

Our leaders are not.

Its now up to you, as an individual, to teach yourself sorcery for real.

16:30 UTC


New to this, just a few questions.

Good morning. Yesterday, I read through the wiki and many of the posts here and decided to do my first darkroom practice. I 'awakened', as some people may term it, when I was a child. I saw colors then and, through meditation, began to see them again recently after dealing with a lot of my trauma/bad memories.

I had no idea who Mr. Castaneda was until a post through the mediumship Reddit yesterday brought me here. I know that experiences on the J-curve can vary as to when they happen where. I see purple lights, so-called phosphenes, and even these wave-like lines that seem to emanate or create tunnels or ripple-like patterns.

Meditation has brought me relatively little except that I can readily silence my inner voice at will. During the darkroom practice last night, I noticed that I could hear voices that definitely were not my internal voice. I also began receiving 'hypnogogic hallucinations' aka dreaming while I was still awake. Is this a sign I am doing this right, or is this another layer of the internal voice trying to trick me? The main voice I heard was male, and I am a woman, if that matters at all. Thank you for your time.

14:55 UTC


Question about silence

I’ve noticed during my attempts to get silent that I have multiple layers of “noise” in my head. There is the initial layer that is conscious thought. I intend to think of something and it is thought… I find this voice relatively easy to silence. Then there is another layer underneath that. Once the initial intentional voice is silenced, I will have completely random thoughts, disconnected from any train of thought enter my head. It might be bits and pieces of a story, random person, etc. This layer as I am becoming more aware of it, has grown increasingly hard to silence. The last few nights it has become so intense that I haven’t been able to maintain puffs in my vision even over several hours of practice. The there is possibly a third layer of again, intentional thought, but after I have achieved silence but don’t seem to interrupt my meditative state. These seem to be more “direct” or “close” to myself than the initial layer of conscious thought that I have grown accustomed to willing away. A few questions. 1) anyone have any tips for silencing the random intrusions? A mantra of sorts helped immensely with silencing the initial layer but this secondary layer has been a bugaboo 2) once I have achieved some level silence and I am engaging with puffs and able to “think” while maintaining an interactive state, should I be seeking to further silence this voice?

20:22 UTC


Where Will We Refuse To Look?


Unlike "Zen", there are no "attainments" in sorcery. Even though, our experiences exceed anything a Buddhist ever dreamed of!

You might experience something super amazing as a result of very hard work done daily over a long time, but if you stop working hard it'll vanish as if it never happened at all.

It's a very long road. And at no point have you "arrived".

So if your goal is a little throne to sit on and some bald monks to lord it over, sorcery isn't for you.

Sorcery is for people who want MAGIC.

And don't expect to understand most of it. It just "is".

"Seeing" is a good example. As we read in the books, seers can misinterpret their seeing. Especially when it's about something too close to their own interests.

But there's also "the non-linear", and "the abstract".

The non-linear includes sights which come with an entire history, which is instantly absorbed just by viewing it.

You just "know" what you are looking at, as far back in time as is important to that topic.

Then there's "the abstract" which can only be experienced. It can't be thought about, written about, or spoken about.

Still, it's possible there's something else out there which we will NOT look at. On purpose.

We just skip past it, if we're scanning the air for silent knowledge.

What is it?

I have no idea.

16:56 UTC


My experiences so far

Hello, I am 42 years old. I read the books of Carlos, Florinda, and Taisha (one of her books) 20 years ago, and I’ve been practicing the Dark Room and Tensegrity every night for about six months. However, it’s been rare that my time in the Dark Room has lasted 3-3.5 hours. I want to share my experiences during this period with you.

The first strange phenomenon I saw after about 1.5 to 2 months of practice was one night when I saw a window with a glowing white frame. When it appeared, I initially saw three vertical lines near my right eye, which I didn’t take them seriously. But, when I looked directly at it, I realized it was real, and the window, half open, appeared to me in just a few seconds. To prevent it from disappearing, I didn’t move (I was lying down that night). This event happened after a short nap. The phenomenon lasted for about 30-40 seconds before gradually disappearing (I’m sure I was completely awake).

After that, no other major events occurred during practice until about 1.5 months later when I began seeing a human-shaped ghost. Initially, it resembled the ghost of a statue in a cart moving horizontally, but its movements softened in the following nights. I don’t think I’ve ever seen its legs. Maybe it’s close to the description of "Double" because it always appears as human and doesn’t shape-shift, typically in black, though I’ve also seen it in light purple/pink/blue and gray. Additionally, this human ghost appears when I start Tensegrity in the Dark Room, usually circling around me, often hiding behind me, and sometimes standing in front of me during practicing tensegrity or gazing, positioning its head near mine for a while (usually on the left side of my head).

The first time I saw this ghost was exactly two nights after successfully completing an hour-long "Double AP wiggling" session. I sometimes do it and find it as one of the best not-doing practices (I’ve done it five times for one hour and several times for 5-25 minutes). I feel I should thank Daniel for mentioning once that Carlos probably achieved this precision in his second attempt, as it’s quite difficult to do.

But Sometimes, I see several human-shaped ghosts (I can confidently say up to three). I don’t know who they are. Are they Double of sorcerers trying to observe me or other clueless Dark Room practitioners or Double of miserable first attention people like me who gather at night and move together?!

So far, I’ve only seen two clear videos in the air. One was of a white wall of a house, nearly disappearing with plant pots (about 10 seconds long), and the second was a VHS-quality video in the air zooming out from the top of an apartment wall, even it had those horizontal noise lines in VHS cassette videos. Strangely, this video repeated, as if the film reel suddenly reset. When it disappeared, I was extremely frustrated for having seen such a video after all my practice. lol

The strangest thing that happened to me was when I was starting to fall asleep and I was trying to resist it, and suddenly the ceiling and part of the wall in front of me disappeared for 1-2 seconds, revealing a starry sky. Given the city lights, such a starry sky isn’t visible. But it was real sky like night summer sky of my childhood.

Several times, in this half-sleep/half-wake state, I’ve passed through a forest of plane trees and poplars, as if walking on a road among the trees while looking upward and one time I saw a waterfall. I can’t explain them but they were somewhere between real and clear scenes and imagined ones, I was there and experiencing them and meanwhile I was sitting in my room. Also, they lasted 1-2 seconds.

Except for these cases, the other videos I have seen so far have been formed from the dust around me in the dark room and have been monochromatic, matching the color of the surrounding dust.

Once, during a 4.5-hour practice which I began from 4p.m to 9:30p.m I saw several images in the surrounding dust while gazing. 2-3 times during gazing, I saw videos which seemed I was flying.

Regarding direct encounters with IOBs which formed the shape of something familiar, I can only refer to instances when I wake up with burning eyes, unable to open them properly, and see human-shaped heads above me: zombie-like head, a laughing man’s ghost or a half upper body of a realistic scene of man with a mustache winking at me with full details. These heads spun and gradually faded, but I have yet to see IOB on my hand using the exercises shown in the subreddit. However, in the Dark Room, separate dust clouds have moved toward me from different sides of the room or moving around the room, and so far I’ve even seen faint shapes of a tiger (one of my favorite animals) and a cat moving toward me and even sitting next to me, as well as a floating snake-like figure, circling around me before disappearing (these were animal shapes in the dust, not realistic ones).

I also practice gazing during the day, with my longest session being two hours. I still see only purple dust, sometimes almost blocking my view. (But from Daniel’s explanation, it seems my daily gazing hasn’t gotten anywhere since I’m not supposed to see purple, and I’ve never seen a red ghost shape.)

Overall, I don’t think I’ve managed to extend my silence beyond 30-40 seconds.

Also, a very strange event occurred one night while I was sitting in a park (around 8 pm) and reading a sentence from Castaneda’s book on my phone (from a telegram group). When I looked ahead, I realized part of the scene in front of me, just the part between two trees that was 20 meters away of me, as if it were placed on horizontal blinds/shades (it lasted about 4-5 seconds).

I apologize for this long text, but my intention is to share and describe my experiences with you, especially with beginners like me who might still not sure about Castaneda path and to express my belief that silence cannot be stored—it’s the individual’s intent and perseverance that eventually stops the world for them. Unfortunately, I’ve been lazy lately, not practicing Tensegrity enough, and falling asleep quickly in the Dark Room. It's as if my mind/flyer tries to take me back to swimming in the river of shit again by my stalling in these days.

Secondly, I would appreciate hearing from more experienced individuals about my observations, whether there are hallucinations among them I should avoid and if the human-shaped ghost is my Double, how can I incorporate it better into my practices. Thank you.

P.S : Here is an approximate image of the window I saw. I recall that the light from the three vertical beams was brighter than the rest, accompanied by a faint cat and the night sky that I saw.




12:32 UTC


What Abilities Have You Developed Through Castaneda's Teachings?

Hello, dear community. First of all, I’m really glad that this community exists. I believe it’s the only place on the internet where people gather to exchange experiences and knowledge about Castaneda. The books by Castaneda have, to be honest, a somewhat peculiar presence in my life. My father delved into these books back in the 90s, when I was just born. Over the years, various very strange events have occurred in my family, which repeatedly led to some of these books resurfacing in our home. However, I don’t know anyone who has truly developed magic or any abilities, or achieved anything through this knowledge that goes beyond the average life of a person.

I’ve been reading the books for some time now; before that, I hadn’t engaged with them. I’m currently about to finish the fourth book.

My question, which genuinely interests me—and I ask people to answer honestly, because what’s the point of claiming something that hasn’t been achieved—is this: What abilities or possibilities were you able to open up for yourself through applying the knowledge from Castaneda? I’ve read that there are some people here who have gained the ability to see. But what is your experience with that? For example, can you see answers to your questions or receive answers? Castaneda once asked Don Juan what magic is, and he replied that through one’s will, one can influence the primary factor of things and thus shape it according to one’s will. Has anyone been able to achieve something like this?

Are there people here who can directly influence physical reality, as Don Juan did with Castaneda’s car engine? Is there anyone here who can truly see the thoughts, feelings, or emotions of others? Or even sense them very accurately?

16:35 UTC

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