
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to /r/capsulewardrobe - where redditors can come to get advice on starting, maintaining and utilizing a capsule wardrobe to their best advantage.

Welcome to /r/capsulewardrobe - where redditors can come to get advice on starting, maintaining and utilizing a capsule wardrobe to their best advantage.

What is a capsule wardrobe?

A form of minimalism that follows the idea of only having clothing, shoes, accessories that you will ACTUALLY wear; things that will not go out of fashion, are always useful and that you LOVE to wear.

There is no set amount of items you can have, (although most participants keep their collection intentionally small) no required theme or rules to it but rather most look at their closets and only keep the things that they wear and love.


There are no rules for a capsule wardrobe, but there are for this subreddit so please check them out below.

1 - No spamming, obviously.

2 - No shitposting or bullying - disagreements or discussions are one thing but if name-calling starts or if things get out of hand, mods will step in.

3 - No affiliate links or sponsored content; sharing what you love or what works for you is okay but don’t try to push an item on someone just so YOU can make money, that’s a dick move.

4 - No memes.


Wikipedia Article for Capsule Wardrobes


The Vivienne Files

Putting Me Together







146,595 Subscribers


Outfit recs for work trip?

Need some help planning my wardrobe for a two-day work trip! Need two outfits for business casual meetings that will fit into a carry-on. Want to look put together but be comfortable for walking around in late April weather in the Northeast!

1 Comment
17:20 UTC


What is the name of my style/ other people who have my style?

Hello! I went through a pretty long depressive phase for a few years, and I am coming out of that. During that time I don't think I really cared how I dressed, and I developed a lot of clothing habits that I realize now actively made me feel bad. I'm working on trying to find a capsule wardrobe for myself now, but a challenge I'm having is creating a mood board or having a name for the kind thing I like to direct myself.

For summery/shorts weather I have a capsule wardrobe that makes me happy. But, I also have an office job now which i've never had before, and to be honest I have no idea how to dress. I kind of hate anything formal, so I am having a hard time adjusting.

For long pants, winter or workwear, I don't have any cloths that I like or that make me feel good. I have a lot of cloths that fall into those categories, but I think I just let depression take over whenever I was cold and didn't really try to look good or make myself feel good.Goal : I'm hoping someone can point me to a style name, famous women in media, anything that gives me inspiration.

My measurements:

  • Height: 5'11
  • Weight: 155-165lb
  • shoulder width: 17.5in
  • Bust - 35in
  • waist: 30in
  • hips: 40in (I have hip dips!)
  • shoe size: 43

Summery style: The styles that make me feel good and confident now:

  • Bottoms - High waisted shorts, typically fitted at the waist and baggy down. 5in inseam seems ideal. Colors I have: Olive, terracotta, Forest Green, Light-jean, cream.
  • Tops: T shirts and graphic t's. Typically something plant related, my tops typically are neutral in colors. Cream, light gray, light brown, light-peach. I like them slightly baggy, I do have fitted shirts I like. It just depends on my mood.
  • Shoes: I wear these shoes: https://www.lemsshoes.com/products/womens-primal-2?variant=18552321605690
  • overshirt: Sometimes I wear a light collared button up over my t-shirt.
  • Hats: I wear hats when I bike or when its windy. Always ballcaps.

Example: This is essentially how I dress in this summer: https://www.uniqlo.com/us/en/stylingbook/20018722/E465756-000?offset=0

Shirt tucked if I'm wearing an overshirt, untucked if I'm not.


Sometimes I wear dresses, I don't like skirts. I like dresses that are loose and flowy but hug my waist. I don't like being too colorful when I'm in very feminine attire. I usually stick to darker colors like black or navy. All of my dresses have floral patterns. These don't ever have straps, I don't think I look good in straps. I also like simple simple, no belts or anything like that.

Examples: this shape but in a different color: https://hips.hearstapps.com/vader-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/1650388626-easy-summer-dresses-office-1650388611.png?crop=1xw:1xh;center,top&resize=980:*



This is the hard category because I don't really have anything I like. I know I like certain elements.


  • I like high waisted pants. I also like it when the inseam is flush with my shoes. I like high waisted skinny jeans with boots, but I really want to move away from this style because when I'm feeling down I feel like an ugly sausage, and it also limits my shoe options to one.

Tops:* I really am a t-shirt girl. I have long sleeve t-shirts. I also love sweaters, I have a lot of neutral color sweaters. I like crop sweaters with dresses a lot. Shorts with sweaters.

Overcoats: I like long overcoats with a solid color like maroon or olive. Very simple without many embellishments. I don't like lapels, but I do like collars. The wintery/fall overcoats I like go down to my butt, are button up with collars and a solid color.


I don't really have an idea of what kind of pants I like to be honest. I also don't know how to dress for work. I mostly come to work in t-shirts and a pair of jeans that I don't particularly like. When my t-shirt is fitted I wear skinny jeans, and when it's not I wear straight leg.

Do the styles that I like come under some name, or maybe there is some famous women who dresses like this who I can take inspiration from? Thank you!

15:16 UTC


Help me finish my year-round shoe capsule

I'm really close to feeling finished, but I do think I'm missing just 1-2 more pairs. I recently sold a pair of lug-sole Chelsea boots and I want to use the profits in part towards a new option. Probably something closed-toe, summery, and in a color that isn't black. A fisherman sandal? A low slingback pump?


What would you add for someone who lives in a warm, dry climate and works as an educator? My heels run narrow, but I'm open to seeing any and all options that might be adjustable enough!

02:17 UTC


getting started from scratch?

hi all!

i’m a trans women who has the opportunity to redo her wardrobe since it’s all men’s clothes. do you have any recommendations for essential clothes for women and to cater my clothes options for a capsule wardrobe? i also wanna be able to experiment more with clothes and styles so i want really versatile pieces. thanks!

02:10 UTC


Spring Work from Home Capsule

Hi-I’d love your suggestions!

I’ve lost 40lbs, so needing to invest in new clothes. I don’t mind spending on upscale pieces ($100-$400/piece) in fact, fast fashion is a hard no for me. I work from home and I’m client facing, and senior leadership so I’m looking primarily for tops that look put together on the video calls. I’m big busted; self conscious about that in work setting. I love layers because in SoCal it’s cold in the morning, and warm in afternoon all spring and even through June.

Pant suggestions welcome, but less of a priority.

I’m very much a neutrals girl, ecru, black, white, grey, but digging a splash of pink and purple this year. Anyone up for helping?

01:20 UTC


Any brand similar to Arknit but cheaper?

Would love to hear your advice!

1 Comment
22:04 UTC


Acloset question

Hey guys, I’m trying to use a closet. I am putting everything in “my closet” but then I may want to create “summer closet”. How can I transfer items from closet to closet ?

20:19 UTC


How to help my wife get started

Hi! My wife has flagged her desire to start a capsule wardrobe in the past, but has been limited in doing so financially. Her birthday is coming up and I would love to help her get started, as I know how it will help ease some of her stress.

I would love some advice on this!

  • How can I help her get started? (I know nothing of fashion myself)
  • Is there anyway I can purchase a gift card that she might be able to use at various online clothing retailers? (Rather than just one)

Thank you.

Edit: I am new to Reddit, so I don’t know if you will be notified that I have added this note or anything. But I just wanted to say thanks! I was not expecting so many people to offer advice - I appreciate all of you.

02:22 UTC


Aaargh, issues with the Stylebook app, need random outfit generation...

Sooo.... I've just spent a ton of time photographing like 1/2 of my wardrobe and uploading it to stylebook.

I was hoping it would just create random outfits to help me get more creative with my choices, but that doesn't seem to be an option. It seems I can only make my own outfits by doing *more work* to create "magazine style photo spreads" of my clothes.

Am I missing something? I want to do *less* work, not more. Has anyone successfully used this app to randomly generate outfits? Do I need it be tagging items or something? I feel like I'm missing a step.

I can't think of anything more soul-crushing than curating thumbnails of my clothes. I just wanted Stylebook to give me new ideas with what I have.

21:00 UTC


How do you deal with orphan items?

I'm still in the early stages of my capsule journey. I've cleared out all the things I didn't want to wear, and made some outfits with the things I didn't know how to wear. Now I'm left with the clothes that I wear and love (or at least like), and others that I have yet to wear in their season.

For the non-wears, the categories are:

  • 'love it but don't have an item to go with it' (like maybe it's a red sweater that doesn't have a coordinating outfit)

  • 'it could be OK but I don't have an item to go with it' (like a top that needs a particular shape of pants),

  • 'love it but it doesn't currently fit, so I'm storing it', and

  • 'not quite right but I could wear it under something' (like a top that isn't quite the best fit, but it'd be ok if it was hidden under a cardigan).

This might sound weird, but an ugly tee shirt I feel like I can just wear around the house. No problem, that's going to hit my 30 wear target easily. But an obviously effortful kinda dressy blouse doesn't feel the same. It's too nice for the house and I'm not happy wearing it in a sub-standard outfit.

Actually I might not strictly be in the capsule area because I tend to create and store full outfits rather than mix and match. Some pieces are part of multiple outfits, of course, but it's not like I have three pants and three tops.

So anyway, what do I do with those orphaned items? The ones that aren't quite right or don't have a rest of the outfit. Do I keep them and alter them, do I hope the right thing comes along (next week, month, season, year) or do I just jettison them? What works for you?

14:08 UTC


How many items are in your capsule wardrobe?

Have you discovered your sweet spot number?

11:52 UTC


Making a new purchase fit or letting go

I thrifted a pair of jeans from Poshmark back in January as they seemed like they’d fill a gap in my closet. They fit great and I feel confident wearing them, but something’s been not quite right about them and I’ve only worn them 8 times. I finally figured out that I don’t like the way my boots (primary fall/winter footwear) work with them. I did some styling and I think they work better with my spring/summer footwear, but I don’t really need more summer pants.

I keep going back and forth on reposhing the jeans; hanging on to them and accepting that they will not be worn a lot; or buying a new pair of footwear that could really make these jeans work all year round.

What do you folks tend to do when a new item that you really like doesn’t 100% fit your wardrobe?

11:00 UTC


First timer with no clue

Hey everyone!

I had a baby a year ago and have finally accepted that I’m never going to fit into pre baby clothes. This has left me with 1 dress and 1 pair of pants which still don’t fit!

I’m looking for some inspiration to make a small capsule closet mostly with dresses and skirts as pants aren’t my friend right now.

I generally hate all things clothes but I’m getting desperate and am so uncomfortable in my clothes that I need to start.

I’m 5‘10 with a long torso and shorter legs and can only wear sneakers thanks to a foot issue.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

07:36 UTC


Clean White Sweater without pilling / losing color

Hi everyone - I bought this white sweater from Amazon and shockingly have gotten a lot of use out of it. Wore it yesterday to work (very casual environment) and saw a ton of pilling and the color certainly faded into a "dirty white" if that makes sense. Does anyone have a better quality sweater recommendation? Or what materials should I be looking for? I love the white and the quarter / half zip - I just want better lasting material that does pill or fade.


13:02 UTC


Is there anybody who has updated their outfit daily for at least a year in a closet app?

Is there anybody who had maintained updating their outfit in a closet app everyday for at least one year?

How did you get the motivation to ensure that you update your outfit everyday in the app?

How long do you take to do it on a daily basis each time?

05:43 UTC


Pajamas...lounge wear...casual wear...exercise/gym/outdoor wear... Where do you draw the line? Is everything in your capsule?

What type of clothes do and don't you include in your core capsule wardrobe? Do you have a separate little capsule for things like sleep and lounge wear, the gym, etc? Or other specialty activities?

EDIT: Just wanted to say THANK YOU for all your replies. It's useful for helping me to sort out my own adventure in trying to create a a better wardrobe system!

22:42 UTC


My heavy rotation (masc/alt)


I haven't seen many/any alt or more masc capsule wardrobes on here, so I thought I'd contribute my own. Black is my FAVOURITE colour, the deeper and more chemical, the better!!

20:53 UTC


Capsule wardrobe brands?

This is my first time trying to revamp my wardrobe. I'm almost 30, had a baby a year ago and my current closet is just a mess of flannels, western wear, black dresses and some sad attempts at preppy/stylish. I'm really drawn toward eastern/southern style and would love my clothes to be all neutrals that I can dress up with fun accessories. I haven't shopped in so long, I don't even know where to start. How did you find your favorite capsule brands/guides? I dread shopping because I'm so bad at it... I'd love your favorite (reasonably affordable) brands!

14:01 UTC


What are the reasons that you are able to upload all your clothes into a virtual closet app

Currently i am looking at virtual closet app. Not too sure If I can upload all the clothes into it as I have a lot of clothes, and it looks like a lot of work.

What are the reasons or the app that provides you the motivation to upload all your clothes?

04:30 UTC






13:39 UTC

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