Nothing is perfect, but at least its warm. She gave me the laundry room. Our loud washer and dryer are within arms reach but I imagine it’s like living next to a train track…..only noisy every so often and before long you get used to it.
All I need is a new rug to match the green but that’s not stopping me from tying tonight!
Both the portable station and desk top were handmade myself
The blue covered box has bucktail and pike flash in it. This set up has been through multiple hotel rooms, tiny bunk bed set up rooms, and once I got an entire side of the living room to myself for this and now I’m heading to the PNW. Been focused on steelhead flies lately but am just mad there’s no open water close by for me to cast practice everyday until I leave.
It’s been a quite awhile since I could actually tie at this desk. Too many projects and ideas with not enough time to execute. Piles of material with no organization. Finally getting at least this part of my life back in order, for tonight lol.
This is my all-hobby station. That includes everything from painting tabletop gaming minis to fly tying (red arrow) to repairing my son’s toys. There’s a little bit of everything on those two desks. (And under the desks, and stacked on the sofa, etc.)
I envy people who can have nice, neat bugstations. My brain doesn’t work that way. 🧩
Time to get tyin’
Cleaned my flytying space today!🤗🤗 Ready to hunker down until late April tying up a storm. Two new books to reference 1) Trophy Striped bass (available now) and 2) Atlantic Salmon Flies 2 - Jacques Héroux (available Feb). Both on Amazon. This is going to be just awesome.