who needs a description!
Hello and welcome to the bringbackrobotwars subreddit
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Posts must be robot related- either to do with robotics or robot wars itself robot wars or other robot stuff
Reviews are allowed on here
Anyone is allowed to join
You can post videos of fights
Have fun
-If you have any news about robots, tournaments or general suggestions for this thread please message me.
-On a side note if you spot a spelling mistake don't hate me for it just tell me about it and I will try and remove and improve it...
robowars: http://www.reddit.com/r/RoboWars/
battlebots: http://www.reddit.com/r/battlebots/
minor battlebots http://www.reddit.com/r/minorbattlebots
battlebotsraw https://www.reddit.com/r/battlebotsraw
robotcombat art: http://www.reddit.com/r/robotcombatart/
model bots deviant art: http://modelbots.deviantart.com/
robot combat world: http://patrickrowberry17.wix.com/worldofrobotcombat#!home/c129a
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Robot Wars Series 1 Heat A:
Robot Wars Series 1 Heat B:
Robot Wars Series 1 Heat C
I decided to do three episodes at once because I can think we all can agree that the primitive nature of the competitors makes these episodes far less exciting than episodes to come in the future, particularly after series 2.
So post your thoughts on the episodes below and also if you have any suggestions for how these discussions should be conducted tell me.
Been a long time since I've watched Robot Wars, hell it's probably been about 5 years since I've even THOUGHT about Robot Wars!
Just watched episode 1 and 2 of the Battlebots show. So far there have been two robots who look like Razor, one that looks like hypnodisc (which I think was driven by the old Razor team?) and one that looked like panic attack. Honestly so unimpressed. Been probably 10-15 years to advance this technology and every single robot on the show so far looks like it could be beaten by Chaos2, Stinger, Hypnodisk or Razor...hell even Diotoir could beat half of these battlebots!
You can rank them or just name your favorite, but please give a reason or a bit of an explanation.
Still mad about Season 6 here.