/r/botrequests is a subreddit in which you can require a bot to be created for your subreddit!
Welcome to /r/botrequests. If you are a bored programmer, or a person with an idea for a bot, you can waste some of your time here. Just post a self. post explaining the idea for the bot, and someone might code it, for you. The subreddit is too small to define rules, just use common sense, and follow the reddiquette
Gonna keep it short and simple. Due to /r/RequestABot being bigger and there being no point in this subreddit, we are officially merged with them. This subreddit will stay as it is for archiving purposes.
I hope this is for the best!
I've mentioned this subreddit before so I'll just quote an explanation of it.
The idea of the subreddit is that users are able to request favours in return for X amount of score on the subreddit.
With this score the user could exchange it for a favour of their own.
Think of score as a subreddit currency for favours that you earn for fulfilling a favour
The score would be saved under the flair of each user. When a transaction is made the bot would need to decrease the score of the buyer and increase the score of the seller.
Basic idea: I have an account that I want a few users to be able to use at the same time, but I don't want to hand out the password to the account.
I want the "bot" to log in and post a comment given a comment's permalink (from which the fullname can be extracted, right?), and two different fields for the text. These three fields can be populated by a small front-end with a form consisting of an input box for each.
I attempted to do this myself by using some rudimentary javascript (I'm not a JS or front-end programmer, nor do I have any real knowledge of the web technology stack), but according to my understanding of what is in this link, reddit's API doesn't work too well with JS. After this, I'm at a loss about how to proceed.
So I gave in and here I am asking for assistance.
For example, if someone mentions "big red" I'd like to get a PM with the link.
Nuff Said.
So basically on /r/ultrahardcore match posts are posted, and most of these match posts have a long post of information, the goal of this bot is to pick out the important info and post a comment for players to read and also the bot would auto delete a comment if it's threshold went under 0 points.
The bot would pick up this following information.
IP, which would look something like "Server IP:" or "IP:"
Opening time, which would look something like. "Whitelist off:" or "Server Opens:"
Server Slots: '''''''' "Server Slots:" "Slots:"
Server location. ''''''''''' "Location: "Server Location:"
Here is what I would like a comment to look like.
**Important Match Info For Players**
* **IP:** *ottsboy.uhcservers.com*
* **Server Opens:** *30 Minutes Before*
* **Slots:** *40*
* **Location:** *US*
*Will delete if comment threshold is under 0.*
[Creator](/u/EuropesNinja) | [Developer](/u/YourUser]
Would this be possible? Thanks.
it is a pretty simple request. I just need a bot that will find a single word anytime it is commented in a specific subbreddit and respond with the same word
Something summonable that would look up whatever someone asks on YouTube and retrieve the link along with someone basic information (length, views, rating, etc.) to post in a comment.
I've subscribed to /r/dadjokes, and the comments section of every post are a mess of classic dad-joke-responses to every day statements.
For example, someone might post a dad joke:
Kid: Ugh, I think there's something in my shoe.
Dad: I'm pretty sure it's a foot!
The first comment will invariably be:
Hi pretty sure it's a foot, I'm Dad!
In this way, a commenter makes a dad joke on the OP.
What I'd love is a bot that recognises the word "I'm" in the comments to a post, and then posts the suitable response (i.e. 'Hi "__", I'm Dad!'. Not in /r/dadjokes, but in other major threads.
I need a bot that posts videos from Jerma985's Youtube Account. I have no experience whatsoever in CSS and I have little experience in Python. It would really improve the quality of our subreddit (/r/jerma985 ) if we had a bot. Thanks.
Any help is appreciated!
The reply should say "Shut up broom"
I just need a bot to make regular submissions to a subreddit. The submissions will be in link form.
It's just a tad inconvenient to have to open a tab and google the grade ages. An example would be: 'she's in 6th grade' and the bot could reply '6th grade is 11-12 yr olds'
I have been thinking, and it would be nice if somebody made a bot that answered questions and gave facts based on wolframalpha. I have absolutely no idea if this is possible, but I am thinking of something like when you do WolframAlpha[1+1] it comments 2.
For example when someone says "flying cat". The comment's permalink is posted to a specific subreddit /r/flyingcat.
Im sure there is this bot somewhere, i just dont know how to find it :/
Title says it all. Any help?
Alright so over at /r/whowouldwin, we're currently looking for more ways to add flair. /r/comicbooks has a great system in which you go to this website, select a flair, and then send it to a bot. The bot will then automatically assign you a flair. We want something similar, so could someone please make us a bot that would do the same kind of thing? Much appreciated.
I'm interested in accumulating a data set of IDed insects to train a computer vision algorithm on and I thought crowdsourcing to reddit would be great because everyday people put up new pics of insects and hobbiers and experts ID them. The bot would scan /r/whatsthisbug, /r/insects, and /r/InsectPorn and download images and comments. Ideally we would be able to ignore common words and have the bot find the latin name for the insects. At the most basic level though just dling images and throwing comments into a text file would work. I'd want it to run once per day and only download the previous days bugs so there would be time for comments. Comment scores are important when there are more than one guesses for the ID so it'd be good to preserve that information. In case a bug blows up and ends up on the front page we could make it so the bot only gets the top 10 comments and their children down say 5 levels. I would also like to be able to go back and collect everything posted to those subreddits so far. If you feel like throwing this together great! If not does this resemble any open source bots that I could modify. I don't really know where to start. I guess I just realized while writing this that I may actually need a script not a bot. Any advice on where to go next is really appreciated.
Subreddit | Number of gilds |
/r/funny | 810 |
/r/pics | 160 |
/r/circlejerk | 30 |
I would like to have a bot that posts this "REEEEEEEEEED!", every time someone mentions House Reed in ASOIAF or Gameofthrones!
Desperately looking for someone to help me with a bot to purchase from a website - clothing. Please please please message me if you can help!!
/r/bitcoinbeer is a new subreddit intended to help display the generosity of redditors and spread the knowledge of reddit's "love button" for tipping.
However, it is just starting out and we don't have enough subscribers to establish our pay-it-forward model.
I would like to request a bot that can follow /u/changetip's threads and invite those who get beer (or similar) tips to post their prize on /r/bitcoinbeer. It would also be nice to invite those who are doing the tipping to stop on by.
Successful bot development and someone who can explain to me how to implement it (I'm very non-technical!) gets a beer tip of their own!
Whenever someone's comment contains only "/r/theydidthemath", it will respond with "/r/theydidthemonstermath".
I don't have much experience in Python, but I think that this would be amusing.
It never came with a settings file, and every formatting style I try just crashes the program. Multiple people have tried to help me, but I just can't get it.
Alternatively, can you direct me to a bot guide that works on Linux that I can use? I know Java and a bit of bash and python.
Basically, it's just a stupid bot commenting on anyone talking about "rocks" ( maybe just on /r/funny and /r/adviceanimals to avoid useless spamming ), the bot would comment "Jesus Christ [username] ! They're minerals !".
Can anyone help me with that ? :D
I dream of a bot that would locate posts marked giveaway and compare the amount of comments to the amount of upvotes and remind people to upvote the OP by posting a message early and giving a small amount of dogecoins to the OP.
Example: "Thanks for the giveaway! +/u/dogecoin (5, 10, 25?) doge verify
(P.S. As always, upvote OP, they're giving you their dogecoins!)"
I see so many giveaways where there are 100 participants but only 10 upvotes :/
Any help is appreciated, a guide on making one would be a good read! Thanks, /u/fliper7der.