Welcome to Bosnia
Welcome to /r/bosnia! This subreddit is for Bosnian redditors to hang out and discuss everyday life in Bosnia. Visiting redditors from elsewhere are highly welcomed. Feel free to discuss anything related to Bosnia and make sure to obey the rules of /r/bosnia and the reddiquette!.
I am asking for a colleague who is Filipino and wants to travel to Bosnia for vacation, 1- will it be safe for her and her husband to rent a car and drive around in tourist locations? 2- Can she cross the border over to Serbia with the car?
Čujem svakakvih priča: možda hoće možda neće. Ali glupo bi bilo odustati sada kad vidimo da smo naljutili ljude. Svakakvi portali prenose o bojkotu na svoj neki način, svaka noseći svoje neke agende, ciljaju da nam kažu da nije uspjelo i da su krive neke demografije specifične. Ovo je, drugovi, taktika kojom nas uvijek drže od ostvarivanja velikih promjena. Da sad ne citiram nikoga i ne krivim nikoga, u slučaju da il ja il neko ko mi odgovara ne bude upravu i nekoga uvrijedi— idemo opet. Bez priče. Petak 07.02. ?
No matter what I search for this delicious dip I cannot find a proper authentic recipe video on how local people make it at home. What name I should use for the recipe?
Idemo na dopust u Sarajevo u maju, pa ženu zanima jeli ima negdje za kupit fake Michael Kors torbice?
Kako vi gledate serije i da li imate problema u zadnje vrijeme, al ja koji god sajt otvorim da nesto pogledam ovo mi izbacuje. Pocelo je od skora i ludim znaci. Dal je moguce da me je telekom blokirao, jer ne moguce da nijedna serija ili film se ne može pustiti. Promijenim pleyer, server i nista. Privremeno sam u Njemackoj. Ako mislite komentarisat plati netflix ili neku drugu platformu zaboravite. Ja da hocu nesto platiti ne bi kukao ovoliko. Ne pomaze ni vpn ni brave browser a i ne usudim se koristiti aplikacije koje koriste torent
Hello, I ordered something from Germany, but I will be leaving soon. Im hoping my package can get here before I leave. I ordered on Monday, it was shipped Tuesday. Is there is a chance of it arriving tomorrow?(Friday)
Bosnian Muslims at Sarajevo train station, preparing for their journey to Mecca to perform Hajj 🕋
(Late 1800s or early 1900s)
Hi everyone, I'm currently around Bascarsija and will go to the bus station for a bus at 06.00 but I don't know if the trams work at that hour. Can someone help me?
Ljudi bojkotujte sutra sta god mozete,i ne samo sutra!!!!.To je mozda jedini nacin da bar malo pokazemo zube bagri🤬🤬🤬A mozda bude i efekta to jest bice sigurno ako budemo uporni!!!
hey - we are visiting sarajevo this week and were confused about the brewery. we saw that people were able to go to the brewery and have a beer but online it says that the place closes at 4 pm every day. does anyone know if this is really the case? we thought maybe this was a confusion with the museum hours but could not find a concrete answer. thank you!
Hi I’m planning to travel to Bosnia this summer. I wonder if holding a Schengen Visa would allow me to go to Bosnia? Or do I need to apply for any Bosnia’s Visa?
p/s: I googled it but there’s not many official information about this.
Thanks, guys.
Treba mi pomoc, planiram da kuopim neko auto i posaljem ocu u BIH. Pokusavam za izbjegnem duplo porezovanje i necu stavljati auto na svoje ime. Nisam ovo nikad radila i iskreno nemam pojma. Mogu li napraviti kupoprodajni ugovor ovdje na svoje ime, title da ostane na starom vlasniku( potpisan) i da tako posaljem za BiH a tamo da ja napravim drugi kupoprodajni sa ovem i onda da ide auto na njeg?
hi i remember seeing a really blingy and embellished fabric similar to this on instagram. Does anyone know a well known shop that ships loose fabric to denmark. I’m looking for heavy embellished stone work fabric (no sequins) that i can later stitch into a lehenga
For a bit of context, I left Bosnia at 18 months old and didn’t really have a Bosnian community around me. My parents spoke to me in Bosnian, but they were very focused on their own English mastery as well, to be able to progress their careers to really focus on teaching me. My comprehension and understanding is pretty good, but I want to just develop confidence in speaking it. I know I could ask my parents, but I want to surprise after a few months of practice. Also, if anybody has any tools, like apps, YouTube videos, tips or language books they can recommend, that would be great! Thanks!
I need help shipping some items from OLX.BA shipping from Bosnia to America if you can help DM me or type to me in the comments thanks