Do you still cringingly remember "Fuck drugs and government", the hardcore hit of your 15 year self?
Have you just found your old myspace picture, xXxLadyDarkness85xXx?
Come and share your dusty treasure for the world - and you - to laugh and regret - Together. So come and tell us what the old you was up to!
1 - True blunders only
Simply being nerdy just isn’t going to cut it. If you wore your “nerd glasses because you thought you were so hipster,” that’s not enough of a blunder.
Halloween costumes do not count!
2 - You must have a creative title.
No "Puberty has been good to me." or "LOL I was random!" type titles. This is rule is entirely decided by the mods' discretion.
3 - Your blunder must have been at least 3 years ago
No "still blundering"
4 - Childhood photos are great, as long as they actually depict a blunder.
Don't post a picture of yourself as a child just because you're dressed as a child, playing with your Furby, in a sandbox, etc. This isn't #ThrowbackThursday. If it's an actually embarrassing childhood photo though, then fantastic!
5 - It’s suggested that you provide a “now” picture, but you don't HAVE to.
Please post your updated picture as a comment on the original post. Separate posts that share an updated picture will be removed.
If the OP hasn't provided a "now" picture, it’s okay to request one, but don't push it: not everyone wants their current photo on Reddit. Do not go through the OPs post history and post one for them either.
6 - Ask permission if there are other people in the photo
Especially if someone else is the subject of the photo. This isn’t the place to get your blackmail on.
7 - Be thoughtful when replying
We have absolutely zero tolerance for:
Blatant insults, racism, homo/transphobia, trolling, threats, or “you’re still blundering”-type comments.
"10/10- would bang", "15 year old me would have wanted to be all over you" or "damn, you certainly developed nicely" -type comments
Creepy compliments
Certain subreddits are prohibited to linking to. Please see the banned words list.
Comments containing some specific words are automatically banned. Here is a full list.
Please report comments that violate this rule. Violations of this rule can and will result in an immediate ban!
8 - No posting personal information
This includes for yourself or other people, and refers to, but is not limited to, names, phone numbers, email addresses, facebook or other social media accounts.
9 - Report content that breaks the rules
We can't keep an eye on every single post and comment in the subreddit 24/7. Don't hesitate to contact the moderators for any reason.
10 - All posts are subject to removal without notice at the mods' discretion if the post does not catch on.
We strive to keep the quality of the posts at a high level and if your post does not catch on then it probably does not belong here in the first place.
11 - No gatekeeping comments
Please do not make comments regarding gatekeeping of any kind. Examples include but are not limited to: "No blunder here", "Read the rules this is not a blunder". The first offense will result in a one day ban as a warning and a second offense will result in a permanent ban.
That’s it! Have fun and laugh at each other, and yourself!
Logo credit: /u/cccoral
I also didn’t have the self-control to not eat my fangs every few minutes. Thankfully I brought a whole box.
I remember helping my mom cut the felt. I won first place at the costume contest at the school. Got $10 and a sack of candy!
my brother wanted to be an ipod and my mom made a bonus ipod mini costume for me. i wore it over my hello kitty costume from the year before because i did not want to go as an ipod.
I think the face paint really pulls the look together.
Before anyone comes for me I am a poser but I am a real fan of Iron Maiden, they were the first metal band my dad introduced me too and I can name more than 3 songs lol.
[2013 iirc] - All of my friends dressed up as Harry Potter characters that year. Guess I may have missed the memo.
And before you ask, yes, I went to school looking like this.