
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit dedicated to the ancient art of blacksmithing. Show off your latest creations or get advice on a problem. This subreddit is temporarily private as part of a joint protest to Reddit's recent API changes, which breaks third-party apps and moderation tools, effectively forcing users to use the official Reddit app.

In the mean time, please join the community on Discord at https://discord.gg/dms

A subreddit devoted to all things blacksmith. Feel free to show off your latest creations or get advice on a problem, or anything else related to blacksmithing!

Previous winners of our monthly contest!

January: /u/ArtistCeleste

February: /u/Karn3

March: /u/docroberts

April: /u/forge_lizard

May/June: /u/The_Brass_Dog

Please remember that any information/tips/tricks you get from this subreddit are not the end-all-be-all of blacksmithing. This is a multi-thousand year old trade and much of the information garnered from those times were lost during the industrial revolution. Do your own research to double check if you agree with the opinions stated here before following them.

This Sub now has a Discord Channel. Join it here.

Beginner? Read our FAQ and FAQ Discussion, And be sure to check out below.

WARNING!!! Read this before attempting any kind of forging.

Rules and guidelines for posting:

  • Please be considerate to others when posting/commenting. Blatant troll posts/comments will be removed.

  • Posts of YouTube videos, gifs, or images must include the beginnings of a discussion or a write up in the comments with a minimum of three sentences. Posts without a submission comment from the OP will be removed within 24 hours.

  • Obviously this sub is for blacksmithing related topics, so keep posts related to blacksmithing.

  • Blatant advertising and for sale posts are not allowed.

  • When reporting content, you MUST state WHY you reported it.

  • Any NSFW posts will be reviewed by the mods and may be removed based on our judgement of the value of the content.

Further resources:

  • Iforgeiron

  • Have an englishweight anvil? Try this nifty little tool from anvilfire to find out how much it weighs in lbs.

  • Dictionary from anvilfire for those hard to google terms.

  • ABANAs list of schools in North America

  • Appalachian Blacksmiths Association list of schools in the US

  • Books:

  • Basic Blacksmithing

  • Metallurgy for bladesmiths and others who heat treat and forge steel

  • The Blacksmith's Craft

  • Engineering Handbook (Lots of info about Metallurgy)

  • Projects

    Our friends:

    Skilled Trade Network: Metalwork


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    question for blacksmith

    I was wondering what a particular sword was called, I cannot find it after multiple searches. It looks to be a short sword that is “tongued”/ “forked”. It has two short points at the end of the blade. I believe it could be Egyptian or biblical but I think it looks beautiful just wondering if anyone knows what this could be

    02:46 UTC


    New to Blacksmithing - found an anvil!!

    Hey yall! New to blacksmithing apart from watching shows and videos, learning, and a blacksmith experience in Mackinaw, MI.

    Anyways, picked up this Trenton 150lb anvil for $80 at a yard sale. I believe it to be 1890-1900, the SN is hard to read. But just looking to get an idea of actual value, is it worth cleaning up with a wire wheel or something, and characteristics of the trenton anvil in regards to smithing. I have no intention of selling it, just want to know what i have.

    I have done some research on Trenton anvil and all pictures or illustrations I found only show one hardie hole and one pritchel hole. But mine seems to have two pritchel holes. Is there a reason for that? Was there a particular year they had these?


    00:25 UTC


    Aight let's go.

    First thing first, gonna make some big staples for this anvil, may or may not work let's find out!

    Future site of a bricked in forge.

    00:16 UTC


    What advice do you have for beginners?

    Hi, I am a beginner that is trying to get into forging/ blacksmithing and I need advice on what sort of safety products/ rule along with guide on metal and tip of metals ?

    If anyone has advice it would be gladly appreciated.

    22:22 UTC


    What gauge should I be using for armor

    I’ve been smithing for the last couple of months with like a 16 gauge stainless steel sheet but I’m running out of it and I was wondering for the next sheet should I go thinner? Like 18 or maybe even 20 ? From my online research I hear mixed reviews stainless has proven difficult to smith but not impossible at 16 gauge

    01:07 UTC


    First leaves

    Just started classes last week. Here's something from yesterday.

    22:19 UTC


    Lord custom knife / jewelry work / damascus blade

    18:12 UTC


    Odd question

    TLDR: I'm currently on disability from my career and really want to get into blacksmithing, but have no space to work in.

    Hello and thank you for reading my post. My name is Bo and I am looking for a workspace close to Red Deer that I can start seeing if blacksmithing is truly the wonderful career change that I feel it would be.

    There are a few classes around but I can't afford them, I thought about sending out messages to the various businesses, offering grunt work for experience, but quickly realized that it would be rude to even ask.

    If you know of a space in the area please let me know.


    18:05 UTC


    Alternate knife metals?

    Is there any reason, other than cosmetic, to make a knife of any kind out of metal that isn’t steel? Just curious.

    07:24 UTC


    Looking like a spinal column to me

    A free snake to whoever can guess what it'll be going on

    19:22 UTC


    Questions/Advice on setting my forge up

    I have this forge https://www.vevor.com/propane-gas-forge-c_11133/vevor-propane-forge-farrier-forge-single-burner-tool-knife-making-blacksmithing-p_010235184359 To start on but I don't really have anyone I know to ask about this stuff so I am asking you guys for some help/advice on stuff.

    I have 2 questions

    • what size propane tank do you guys recommend? A 40lb tank or future proof my setup by grabbing an 100lb tank now instead of later?
    • The ceramic fiber was shipped pre-installed. I'm assuming I take it out very carefully with PPE and follow my rigidizer's instructions, correct?

    All Advice is appreciated, I have plans to grab refractory cement after I've finished the rigidizer.

    1 Comment
    17:08 UTC


    Propane Forge Recommendations

    Hey, new and aspiring smith-to-be here. I'm trying to decide on a propane forge to buy. Priority is really just honest performance. I'd like one that can hit forge-welding temperature so I wont have to upgrade later on and can get some practice in. I've been looking into Mr. Volcano forges but heard they might be discontinued so that might be a bust. Majestic forges was a decent, albeit *ahem* pricier, option but had some negativity in some reviews so I wasn't quite sure. So I pose the question, what forge would you recommend based on performance? Im not very worried about price but also dont want it to be needlessly expensive and I dont particularly want to custom-build at the moment, but if it ends up being the best option I might forgoe the convenience of pre-built. I dont need anything huge or professional, but just something for smaller projects thats easy to work around, 1-2 burner type of size, maybe 3 if it was just particular stellar. I have played around with smithing using a single-burner melting furnace with limited success (mostly due to improper equipment, no anvil, etc.) and had a blast, looking to actually commit some time and get some results now though.
    TLDR; What forge(s) would you recommend based on performance? Keep it under $650

    13:43 UTC


    Prescription safety glasses

    Anybody have a recommendation for a good prescription safety glasses company? Safety glasses over my glasses just does not work.

    13:09 UTC


    New smith!

    Hey everyone! This is my first post in any group. I’m excited to start smithing, I just finished setting up my Mr.Volcano single port forge and I have some springs from an old cheap couch that I feel like would be good test metal to just start practicing hammer strikes. I was wondering if anyone knows if couch springs would be treated with anything that I definitely don’t want in my body? From what I’ve looked up sometimes they can be, does anyone know of any ways to test metals? Or should I just play it safe and get some rebar from the hardware store?

    12:58 UTC


    Who makes videos with in depth information on the etching process?

    Any information would be greatly appreciated.

    11:19 UTC


    Considering ge8into black smithing. Do i really need an anvil or just something flat, hard and heat resistant?

    Getting into*

    22:35 UTC


    How to temper a railroad track clip knife? (I did it in sand before but I forgot the time, temperature, etc)

    Help me out please

    22:03 UTC

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