Welcome to Black Hentai. A place that is dedicated to showing that black is beautiful!
These are the rules for our community, they are not set in stone, and are subject to change. Click here for a more detailed explanation of each rule. Fair warning, it's a wiki page for now, i'll try to find a solution that's old reddit friendly later.
Rule 1: No Underaged Participants.
Rule 2: No Race Swapping.
Rule 3: Credit The Artist.
Rule 4: Use Gender Tags.
Rule 5: Wildly Unrealistic Proportions
Rule 6: No "Shock" Content.
Rule 7: No Negative Comments.
Rule 8: No Reposted Material.
Rule 9: No Low Effort Content.
Rule 10: No AI Generated Material.
Rule 11: No "Assortment" Albums.