
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for everything related to the Saint Louis University community.


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Alexa in the dorm

I can't get my alexa to connect to the wifi, no matter what I do. I understand that it just may not be possible, but slu has a program where they're supposed to have alexas in every dorm room. I didn't get one, in fact no one I know did.

Who should I contact about getting one? They have a subsection of their website dedicated to the program and it doesn't say anything about it being discontinued.

I just wanna be able to have that convenience, especially since you can ask it SLU related questions.

01:33 UTC


Resume & Interview Survey

Hi everyone!

I am an HR professional in The US (Midwest) and I am hoping to connect with recent college grads (1-2 years out of college) or soon-to-be grads on the topic of resume writing and interview preparation.

I have a survey below of some questions and would appreciate feedback if anyone wants to share answers to some or all questions below. Feel free to reply on the thread or answer in a DM if you prefer.

Thanks for your time!

Resume Writing and Review:

1.      What resources did your college provide for resume writing assistance?

2.      Did you use these resources? Why or why not?

3.      What was most challenging for you when creating your resume the first time?

4.      Did you create your resume on your own or was there a class assignment that required you to complete one?

5.      If it was a class assignment, what feedback or guidance was given about your resume?

6.      How confident did you feel about your first version of your resume?

7.      Did you use AI to create your resume and/or cover letter?


Interview Preparation:

8.      How does your college help students prepare for job interviews?

9.      Have you participated in any mock interviews through your college? If so, how helpful were they? What kind of feedback did you receive through this process that was helpful? Was there any feedback that was not helpful or that you did not understand?

10.  What additional interview preparation support would you find valuable through your college?

11.  Think about the first few interviews that you completed. What were you not prepared to answer? Where did you feel the least confident? Where did you feel the most confident?

12.  How do you typically prepare for an interview?


Job Fairs:

13.  Have you attended any job fairs? Why or why not?

14.  What was your experience like at these job fairs?

15.  What improvements would you suggest for college job fairs?


General Career Services:

16.  Overall, how satisfied are you with your college's career services?

17.  What career preparation services do you wish your college offered?

18.  Have you used any online or third-party career services? If so, which ones?

19.  How much would you be willing to pay for professional resume writing (resume creation and formatting services) or mock interview prep services?

20.  What factors would influence your decision to use a paid career preparation service?


Job Search Process:

21.  How do you typically search for job opportunities?

22.  What has been your biggest challenge in finding relevant job openings?

23.  Did you come into contact with any scam opening? If so, how were they advertised and how did you know it was a scam?


Current Job:

24.  What was the biggest surprise or shock you experienced when starting your first job?

25.  Looking back, what skills do you wish you had developed more during college?

26.  How well did your college education prepare you for the realities of your current job?

27.  What aspects of workplace culture were you least prepared for?

28.  How does the work-life balance in your current job compare to your expectations?

29.  What challenges did you face in transitioning from academic life to professional life?

30.  What resources or support do you wish you had access to during your job search and first months of employment?


Historical Information:

31.  What year did you graduate?

32.  What was/is your major?

1 Comment
21:46 UTC


Sickness around campus

Has anyone been feeling really sick since the fall semester started? I hear a lot of people have been getting sick in classes, and have even tested positive for covid. A lot of students and even some professors in my class sneeze and cough a lot as well. Have you guys been noticing any of this?

02:29 UTC


Looking for a specific Billikens Fan

Back in high school, my friends and I were watching a Billikens game during March Madness and saw someone that we will never forget. He had a big white basketball covering his head, and we thought it was the funniest thing in the world:

Here he is

He quickly became known as "the guy" within my friend group. It was so funny. Then, we googled "the guy saint louis university" and an article came up with a photo of him! It said his first name was Terry (Tarry?).

Around ten years later, this photo (above) came up in my snapchat memories and I'm trying to find him again. Does anyone have any idea who this is?? He is such a great memory to my friends and I and would love to find a great clear image of him again. I tried for about 30 minutes on google and cannot find him anywhere.

Please help us out if you can, & thank you!!

16:33 UTC


Vice Presidents Scholarship

Just wondering, does anyone know how high the Vice Presidents Scholarship for new undergraduate freshmen goes up to? The website says $12,500 and up. So I'm just wondering if anyone has seen larger awards. My DD is applying for Fall 2025. Also, are those merit awards and the competitive awards listed on their website the only ones they offer? Just trying to think of how SLU could be affordable for us.

18:59 UTC


Park Pacific?

Hey, I'm heading to law school in the area and was wondering if anyone has any opinions on the Park Pacific Apartments? The building looks really nice and is close to my school but I was wondering if the locals know anything that may not be online. Any information is greatly appreciated, thank you!

04:24 UTC



Hey. As I got admits to SLU they recommended me excelerate for internships that lead to scholarships. Do they really give out these scholarships?

06:20 UTC


considering SLU

I’m a senior in high school this year and i’m considering attending SLU. i’m planning on majoring in nursing with a minor in spanish and rotc. is there anything i should know before applying? is it boring attending SLU? :)

00:05 UTC


Jobs hiring by SLU

I was wondering if anyone has any jobs by SLU or at SLU that are hiring. I'm looking for a job, anything works.

21:07 UTC


Computational Biology and Bioinformatics MS information

Has anyone done this masters program? If you have I want to know your thoughts and whether if it was worth it or not. My goal is to get a job in the industry.

Some background about me: My undergraduate degree is in molecular and cellular biology. I’ve been working in QC labs and clinical labs for the past 6 years. I have programming experience in python.

20:27 UTC


I’m looking roommates or a place to stay near SLU south campus

Hey! I’m an incoming international grad student, I’m looking for roommates or a room near SLU south campus for this Fall.

Please DM me if interested.

20:17 UTC


Looking for roommates and places to stay near SLU

I'm looking for roommates as I'll be attending SLU for 2 semesters for a masters degree in human anatomy and physiology. If anyone is interested please don't hesitate ro reach out.

1 Comment
04:10 UTC


comp sci curriculum?

I'm gonna be a freshman cs major next year and i wanted to know what languages / technologies are taught in the first few programming classes (1010-1090 + OOP + data structures) so i can get familiar with them over the summer. also gonna be in the engineering LC, wanted to know what kind of courses i would take for that?

1 Comment
00:37 UTC


Need to find a roommate

Hi! I’ll be attending slu law in the fall and have no idea how to go about finding a roommate. I’ve tried a few FB pages and haven’t had much luck

1 Comment
18:53 UTC


Accommodation Near SLU

Hey, could anyone please suggest good accommodation near the CS department, I am looking for studio.

1 Comment
11:03 UTC


Urgent: Safety

Hi, I recently received an admit from SLU. Could you please tell about the safety as I see in internet, it is top in dangerous cities in the USA.

08:11 UTC


SLU ID card name

Hey guys,

I am going to be a freshman at SLU this fall and I am super excited to move to St. Louis. I do have some questions about being transgender at SLU. I am a trans male and my family does not know I am trans. At SLU 101, will they refer to me as my preferred name or my legal name? Also, will my SLU ID card have my preferred name or my legal name?

Thanks guys! Roll Bills!

17:26 UTC


affordability at slu

Does anyone have advice for affording SLU? Tuition's pretty expensive even with my 39k/year merit scholarship and I have a unique financial situation due to my dad's unemployment (which started in early 2023, so doesn't show up on tax forms for fafsa meaning we had to appeal for more aid) so it's looking pretty messy. I'm not really sure what I'm asking for besides emotional support unless someone knows a magic word to make the financial aid office give me more money.

00:54 UTC


SLU Women's Basketball Team Plays for NIT Championship today!

18:31 UTC

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