Batty for bats!
/r/batty is a place for appreciation and discussion of bats. If you have a health concern stemming from an encounter with wildlife, please contact a qualified medical professional.
What to do if you've found a bat.
UK visitors can also check out this page and hotline for bat issues in the UK.
Australians can report wildlife in distress to WIRES.
Also, check out /r/batfacts to subscribe to bat facts!
Live stream from Woodland Park Zoo
Live Stream from Bat World Sanctuary
Live Stream from Essex Wildlife Trust
Live Stream from Lubee Bat Conservancy
Live Stream from Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
More information on bats is available!
Information on White Nose Syndrome
Bat Conservation International
Merlin Tuttle's Bat Conservation
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I found this picture online and I'm just curious if holding the bat by its neck (like one would hold a kitten by its scruff) is painful for it? I'm struggling to find anything online and most in pictures I see of small bats being handled the person has their fingers wrapped gently around the bat. So besides the lack of gloves, is this painful for the bat or just poor technique?
Does anyone know of any really good bat houses to buy or to make? Ideally, less than a few hundred dollars. Specifically, I live in Connecticut, so I don't know how that will affect the type, shape, vent sizes, etc. We have a decent sized yard that's pretty open (only a few/couple large trees peppered along the perimeter, and within the yard is a 10ft bush and 14ft red Chinese maple tree.
a) trees
b) the house
c) the street (we are a corner property, but we are on dead end streets)
d) from large bushes
e) from other bat houses (not sure how territorial they are, nor how large of an area from the bat house they can cover for removing unwanted bugs)
I have a dog, an outdoor cat, a toddler, and some chickens. The bath house would be south facing, mostly away from everything. But it's in a walking path that humans and animals typically pass.
These cuties were in a relatively easy-to-reach cave on an island rarely visited by non-residents.
It's slowed down to 1/4 time at halfway mark.
Michigan, last week it was below freezing pretty much for awhile, but this week it did go above freezing for about 5 to 7 days now. . .
Is right now the time of year where you're not allowed to deal with them? Does anyone know?
I wonder how state laws and exclusion/pest controllers even keeping up with that policy considering the weather is probably throwing them off.
So I had 3 bats in my house last year. I've known about them for several years and apparently they're getting up underneath the barge board similar to a fascia board on the back of my house. I bought and put up a bat house in that location near where they're getting in, but they don't seem to have gone into it. I was told that they leave residences and go into caves for the winter so I was going to fix the board and seal everything up, but now I think there are bats still in the attic due to some droppings getting down the wall cavity and the presence of large house flies that have been showing up with no other source available to them for food. I think the bats are using my attic as a cave. I can't afford to get an exterminator out here so I think my only option is to just go ahead and replace the board and seal up the attic. Is there any inexpensive way to get any remaining bats out of the attic/wall cavity if I wait until spring when they're flying around?
Hello! This is my first time posting here but I don’t know where else to post and I was hoping you could help me. I don’t know if this is the correct subreddit to post in but I’m desperate.
A little bit of info, I am currently living in a rental apartment in Japan. Ever since December, a bat has been entering to my apartment through the heater-A/C unit (Outside there is a ventilation fan connected to the heater through a tube and my guess is that it entered through there). I’m guessing that it chose my place to hibernate. The first two times I just opened the window and wait it out to leave but the bat returned. The third time I did the same but it did not work since the bat hid in the heater unit. (Or it left and came back? Idk) but what I did was to seal the heater unit so it didn’t enter again. However, I had to take the blocking off because they came to check about the bat, and by doing so it allowed entrance again to the bat. I called a pest control company to help me get rid off the bat this time, and they did that by catching it and releasing it outside but I’m nervous that it will come back again…
Is there anything I could do to prevent him from coming back? I already sealed off the ventilation fan from outside but are there any other steps I could take?
Thank you for your help in advance
So yeah the ear has a little twirly bit that comes down kinda like an ear lobe. It looked really cute
Jackie (as I've named him) is supposed to be a Honduran white bat dressed as dracula. I love him so much 😍
Well it's a balming 14 deg here. Lol! Good time to introduce my first complete drawing of 2025. I was going for a bit of a vintage botanical illustration. Honduran white bat, south american figs, and Quartz Crystals done in prismacolor and fabercastell colored pencils.
We have bat(s) in the attic of our rental home. Pest control came by and quoted our landlord several thousand for removal. He recently redid the roof, so that’s likely the source. Everything looks sealed up between the attic and downstairs, but he has some weird vents covering up 2 holes through the drywall. One hole is placed so one could get to the plumbing of one of the bath tubs. Another had to do with a mobile chair lift on the stairs that a prior tenant used for their elderly parent and it had something to do with the electrical of the chair lift. The vents are a standard hvac vent cover that’s screwed into the wall. Could a bat slip in through that?
Also is there anything we could do to help vacate them? I was wondering if turning on all the ceiling fans and bathroom fans might cause enough of an annoyance to get them to leave. I read somewhere about buying a bright light. Is there any recommended lumens that is needed. I thought about a noise machine, but I think that would annoy our dog.
I’ve been on my landlord to get them removed but I think the sticker shock is slowing him down.
Last night I brought in some boots I had left outside for 3 days I brought them inside around 11:45pm it’s January 13 and I live in USA Georgia what are the chances there was a bat inside the boot and I brought it inside unknowingly
I live in the north east Kingdom in Vermont. Today I was outside cleaning my storage area it is 6 degrees where I am. And as I was cleaning a bar flew erratically around my porch area, eventually resting on my neighbors steps in a ‘fetal’ position. I called the state wildlife agency. They informed me that I should trap the bat in a cardboard box and bring them inside so that is what I have currently done. However, I have two cats and simply do not have the facilities to take care of this. I want him to live and survive, but I have work soon. And my apartment is small and I’m honestly worried about rabies. I’ve called all the bat sanctuaries and rehabs in my states which are all over an hour and a half away and no one has gotten back to me. I’m just really concerned and kind of freaked out. Any advice would be appreciated.