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Banner made by @Michaelis972.
hi guys I would like some help with Air Burst as the China Rise servers are empty to make 3 ribbon bomber , psn id dadav57
So last night I my friend gave me his ps4 so we could play BF:2042 while we wait for dinner but we couldn't add eachother. He has an xbox one so i know the two are cross play with eachother and we also have all our cross play settings on (even in my ps4 privacy profile setting) and nothing was working. He could find my name when he searched it and tried to add me but i never got any invites or any notifications. But when i search for him he never popped up even once. I just need some help or advice to figure this out cause it doesn't make any sense how it's not working properly. It would be much appreciated thanks.
Hello everybody. I have only just recently became interested in Battlefield franchise and I really want to play some of its games. I wanted to start with newest Battlefield 2042 but unfortunatelly my pc doesn't really run it well, so now I'm stuck in between Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 1. Could you please help me choose? In particular I'm interseted about how active bf4's servers are and how fun will it be for absolutely new player? Also which one is more fun from your personal experience?
first reported 2 years ago by someone still going on today...
Any good European servers on battlefield 4?
just got a game pass subscription, which also includes EA play. so i was wondering, what battlefield campaigns are actually worth playing, since im not interested in the multiplayer aspect at all
As the title says, id like to know how active the servers are. I've played for thousands of hours throughout the years starting all the way back on 360, and finally made my way to PC. During the sale, I figured I'd pick BF4 up to give it try on PC but I've been unable to download it as I am currently in the process of switching wifi providers so I can't see server pops. Are they good, bad, or meh?
Extreme lag on PC.
For some reason, while still on the main menu, the game lags horribly, going down to 2/3 fps. I have a medium to high-end PC (Ryzen 5 5600x, 6800xt, 16gb ddr4 RAM) so I believe I should’t be experiencing this, especially in the main menu.
My current guess is that this is due to my display. I have two monitors, the main one, which I use to play games on, is 1440p while the second one is 1080p. Whenever I start the game, it glitches out my wallpaper on the secondary monitor, and when I tab out of the game on my main monitor, the border of the screen changes. For some reason I am only able to access a part of the screen, an invisible border appears.
Do you guys have any ideas?
Thanks, all help is appreciated.
AMD Ryzen 5 5625U with Radeon Graphics 2.30 GHz 8 ram
both games but more Focus in bf1 of course in low graphics on a notbook (idk if this is neccesary )
Tag don’t matter
A few days ago, I wanted to play bf2042 after months, but no matter what I did, I couldn't solve this problem. I uninstalled the drivers with ddu and did everything written on the internet, but it didn't work and I couldn't find a solution almost anywhere, please help.
So I bought battlefield 3 and 4 for my PC and whenever I boot the game up it doesn't recognize my controller which is a wired Xbox controller. Is there any way to fix this? I've seen someone say that it needs to be plugged in before you launch the game and I did but I'm still not finding any solution.
Anyone know how to find more servers with people for BF1 on pc?
I just renewed my ps plus subscription on my ps4 after a few years and I was wondering if the game is still very active and if it’s easy to access full servers in europe
Getting a payback medal felt so sweet with this shot
I saw that the Battlefield franchise is having a big sale on Steam right now. The games seem interesting, but I've heard a lot of mixed things about them. Which game would be the best for my money? (Active, good gameplay.)
Anyone know any currently active B2B servers (not sure about the name, I think it's the one with standard rifles only) and casual newbie-friendly servers?
I understand spread is good to prevent people getting beamed across the map and semifire is proved method, but its like im not even getting killshots and some cases hitmarkers from 10 FEET OR FURTHER while it looks like they’re spraying me from 20-30 feet out.
which battlefield is worth buying to play multiplayer on PC ?