Welcome to the German version of /r/buildapcsales. Post any significant sales for a PC build from any local or shipping websites selling PC hardware to Germany.
This community is for links to products that are on sale at various websites. Monitors, cables, processors, video cards, fans, cooling, cases, accessories, anything for a PC build.
Please have the product type (GPU, Case, etc...), sale price + Delivery Charges, original price if it's a huge deal, yes/no rebate, free shipping with sale (if applicable).
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originally from bapcsalesuk
Hey guys,
everything on my PC is quite old and I decided to upgrade everything expect my GPU (RTX 4070), AIO and in some cases the DDR4 RAM.
For context, my CPU is a Ryzen 5 2600.
My dilemma is now, that I dont know which route I should take. I roughly want to spend 700€.
Should I go for the new i5 14600KF but take the hit that its the last CPU for the 1700 Socket and if I want to upgrade in the future again I need to buy everything new again,
or should I go for a Ryzen 7 from the new Generation, which is weaker then the i5 but just to have a new AM5 Board with DDR5 RAM already and a good upgradeability for the future.
Currently the RX 6800 is sold for around €680 but am wondering if price could go down to around €600 in 2 weeks time.
If anything the 6700xt can be bought for just €470 at mindfactory and even at that wished price, the difference between 6800 and 6700xt is more than €100. Do you think this is worth it?
edit: forgot that ''worth it'' is subjective, but for more insight, I will be playing at 1440p 144Hz
Hello all, Im in the Augsburg/Munich area for a couple of days and looking to buy PC parts and looking for some recommendations. I know of 3 stores currently, ARLT, MediaMrkt, and Saturn and would like to know the pros and cons of each one as I dont have enough time to visit each store or compare their online prices.
I visited ARLT and found the price of GPUs are still a bit too high, though the price of at least one motherboard was cheaper than that I saw on Saturns website. Is there a general price difference between the stores or does it depend on the product? Are GPU prices still inflated here in Germany? Any info that would help me take a decision on which parts to buy from which store will be greatly appreciated? Thanks in advance!
Update: Thanks to everyone for their replies, I had to make a quick choice due to the upcoming holiday and that most of the online stuff would deliver after my flight date, so I went with ARLT. Their prices were better than Amazon, and their selection was better than Saturn, at least with the in-shop stuff. The guys there are cool and helpful too so that inspired me to buy. Thanks again!
Hi auf meiner beiläufigen Suche nach nvme SSDs bin ich zwischen den üblichen Herstellern (Samsung, Crucial etc.) auf eine von Innovation IT gestoßen, einer Firma mit Sitz in Braunschweig.
So auf dem Papier sieht sie richtig gut aus hat aber quasi keine Reviews und ich hab noch nie von der Firma gehört. Hat da jemand von euch Erfahrung?
Hier die SSD die ich gefunden habe
Zum Vergleich:
Crucial: https://geizhals.de/crucial-p1-ssd-2tb-ct2000p1ssd8-a1907691.html?hloc=de
Samsung: https://geizhals.de/samsung-ssd-970-evo-plus-2tb-mz-v7s2t0bw-a1972736.html?hloc=de
(recreated post, added price to subject)
Been as low as 90€ during the past year, just a week ago, this is still lower.
Schreiben max.: 2800 MB/s, Lesen max.: 3350 MB/s
Hey Leute,
ich habe mir einen PC zusammengebaut. Mit meinem Umzug nach Berlin dürfte hier eventuell der PC doch einwenig irgendwo angestoßen sein. Wenn ich ihn anschließe geht der PC an und nach ca. 30 Sekunden bis 1 Minute schaltet er sich wieder aus.
Zuerst wurde mir nicht einmal ein Bild angezeigt, aber nach dem 6. Versuch kam ne Error Meldung von Windows, dass eine spezifische Datei nicht eingelesen wurde und dann wieder aus.
Hättet ihr ne Idee was hier kaputt gegangen ist?
Ihr seid meine einzige Hilfe :D
Beste Grüße!!
Haven't been below 200€ during the past year.
Also which online stores are best for buying laptops
Also if there's a website to buy refurbished or old laptops from ?