
Photograph via snooOG

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Rule 3 Reminder: Participate in good faith

Heya y’all. I’m removing all posts asking for the assumed political association of (insert place, stuff, person and/or business) to avoid.

This qualifies as “witch-hunting” and it is not allowed here.

Carry on my peeps.

1 Comment
02:21 UTC


Voter Registration Purge in Maricopa County

Found out today that both my parents, card carrying Democrats, were declared deceased by Jeff Heap’s Recorder’s office. AZFamily reported on 1/23 that 242,000 voters were purged on 1/21.

Spread the word and check your voter registration status. I called the number and after hitting 0 about 3 times (worst contact center routing, ever) I chatted with a nice lady but she had no information to provide other than both my parents were considered “inactive”….which was determine by what exactly? She could not answer. They have been conscientious voters in AZ for 65y. I’ve been given an email complaint box at voterinfo@risc.maricopa.gov. What a gd joke!

Stay diligent friends

23:22 UTC


Arizona Protest -2/5/2025

Contrary to what artwork you may see floating around, the Arizona protest date is the same as all the others-2/5/2025 at the State Capitol. Any dates for the 8th is misinformation. Help spread the word!!

18:07 UTC


Does anyone know of Anti Fascist groups or organizations located in the Phoenix/Tempe area?

Looking for some Anti fascist groups within AZ to help out and join protests with. If anyone has any information that would be greatly appreciated

03:50 UTC

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