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Travel Guide: Baku, Azerbaijan
How to get your visa within 3 days sent to your email without leaving your home
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Occupied territories | Date of Occupation | Population |
Xankəndi | 26 dekabr 1991 | 53 min nəfər |
Xocalı | 26 fevral 1992 | 24,2 min nəfər |
Şuşa | 8 may 1992 | 20.6 min nəfər |
Laçın | 18 may 1992 | 74,1 min nəfər |
Xocavənd | 2 oktyabr 1992 | 40,2 min nəfər |
Kəlbəcər | 2 aprel 1993 | 88,3 min nəfər |
Ağdərə | 7 iyul 1993 | 44,4 min nəfər |
Ağdam | 23 iyul 1993 | 191,7 min nəfər |
Cəbrayıl | 23 avqust 1993 | 76,6 min nəfər |
Füzuli | 23 avqust 1993 | 125,4 min nəfər |
Qubadlı | 31 avqust 1993 | 38,9 min nəfər |
Zəngilan | 29 oktyabr 1993 | 42,7 min nəfər |
Want to know how safe is baku for a solo traveler? Like phone snatching from tourists, is it safe to take pictures from a tripod stand? I’m my first tour to Baku. Just worried about phone snatching, if that’s common there or not.
To make it short: It is absurd.
I've been working as a teacher for over a year now and tried to find a "normal" language course that I could settle in numerous times without any luck. They offer you weird numbers, additionally "training" period where they do not even want to give you a dime.
Most of these language courses do not have proper system or they do not know what they are doing. But they can blame you for almost everything. I've given up on finding one and trying to get some students via connections and this has been getting me such a spectacular peace of mind.
I wouldn't say I'm the best teacher in the world or I do my "job" well; however, I have 8.0 IELTS, on top of that bachelor diploma and they would rather hire somebody that lived in a foreign country with photos next to the fucking Eiffel tower for advertising purposes: XARICDE YASAYAN MUELLIM ELA DERS KECMEK👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
They always try to find a way to disparage you, rather it be demo lessons or any small mistake they could find. I remember I made a minor mistake because I was nervous in a demo lesson which went well in my opinion and I'm pretty sure they rejected me over that mistake. (it was a small grammar mistake which cannot even tamper your lesson structure because a good teacher always has his plan in front of him, he knows what he is going to teach etc.)
Don't even let me talk about the age problem.
Hey guys,
Anyone know the best and cheapest way like in paying fees to send money to America? PayPal has insane charges and WU is as bad.
Any suggestions are welcome! TIA!
Does anyone know how / where to get large prints of works by Azerbaijani artists, particularly Maral Rahman-zadeh? https://prabook.com/web/maral.rahmanzadeh/3757273#works
All major museums have gift shops online where anyone could buy art books and prints. I wonder if Azerbaijan's National Museum of Art would be inclined to do that. It would bring revenue and visibility to our art and culture. Win/win.
British Museum example
Salam everyone! I want to show my English speaking friends our wonderful movies, but it seems like all my favourites are not available with subtitles.
I was checking Azerbaycanfilm’s Youtube channel but they only occasionally include Turkish subtitles and auto translated ones are really bad. Specifically I was hoping to find movies starring Faxraddin Manafov - “Təhminə və Zaur”, “Otel Otağı”, “Ölsəm Bağışla”, etc.
Would really appreciate some advice on this! Thank you
Bir neçə aydan sonra Bakıya köçəcəyəm. Türkiyədən gəlirəm. Türk olduğum və Ərzurumlu olduğum üçün dil problemim olmayacaq.
Mən orta gəlirdən yüksək gəlirliyəm. 3000USD. Bakıda harada yaşaya bilərəm? Mən əvvəllər bir dəfə Azərbaycana gəlmişəm. Və pis bir təcrübəm oldu. Taksi sürücüsü məni aldatmaq istəyəndə orada tanış olduğum bir əsgər mənə kömək etdi.
Açığı, mən belə insanlarla rastlaşmaq istəmirəm. Hansı məhəllələr mənim üçün uyğundur?
Və bu hörmət deyilən şey realdırmı?
Forgot to post it in time XD. That’s how anniversary went
where do they get these ideas from🤣🤣🤣
Going to your beautiful country for a short trip in june. Do I need to know anything? How is the food/water quality in restaurants? Thanks in advance!
Bu haqda kiçik bir araşdırma etdim. Aydın oldu ki, Mustafa Kamalın dil islahatlarının nəticəsi olaraq bu iddia ilə çıxış etmək tamamilə yanlışdır. Belə ki, leksik olaraq Türkiyə türkcəsi daha az alınma sözlərə malikdir. Azərbaycan isə bu mənada fars, ərəb, rus dillərinin intensiv təsiri nəticəsində leksik tərkibi arxaik türk sözləri cəhətdən kasıblaşmış bir türkcədir. Lakin, fonetik və qrammatik cəhətdən Azərbaycan türkcəsi daha təmiz hesab oluna bilər. Bəs siz bu haqda nə düşünürsüz?
Guys, I need a good barber in order to grow beautiful hair. I am a male, please advise some good barbers and those who take not much money :)
What does the current market look like for new data scientists, analysts, etc.? What is the average starting salary and how much does it increase? (Especially in the big banks like Kapital, Pasha, Abb and so on) Also, how is the work schedule in terms of being hybrid, remote or on-site?
Salam, what do you feel is a normal/fair price for regular teeth cleaning at the dentist in Azerbaijan?
I see prices ranging from 100 manat to 200 manat including fluoride treatment.
Bu gün görkəmli ictimai-siyasi xadim, Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyətinin banilərindən biri, Azərbaycan Milli Şurasının sədri Məhəmməd Əmin Rəsulzadənin anadan olmasından 141 il ötür.
Hello y'all!
I'm traveling to Azerbaijan fairly soon after I get my second passport. So I wanted to ask y'all whats the best course of action on seeing the "real" Azerbaijan. I would love any and all recommendations you can give me!
I stayed with an Azerbaijani family in Georgia and that was amazing honestly. I would love to learn more about the people, food and culture. Keeping an open mind so feel free to get as crafty with your suggestions as you wish!
Thank you so much!
I am 27 and I was born in the US my parents immigrated there from Poland and they told me because of the political system in Poland - my dad was forced to wait 15 years to own an apartment so thats why he left for the US. And I heard stories during the Peoples Republic of Poland of my mom waiting hours in line just to get food for the family and also you apparently couldn't own a passport from what I have been told. I have Polish-American citizenship, but I went to school in the US. I never went to school in Poland. Despite the rough history between Poland and the USSR, how was life like for Azeri people during the Soviet times? Was it easier or harder in terms of owning property or apartments? How was it like?
Salam. Azerbaycanda Electronic data processing sistemi var umumi vetendaslar ucun? Sexsen instada mene yazan murdar pedofilleri, mene durduq yerde hede qorxu gelenleri, exlaqsizlari harasa xeber etmek ucun xususi sistem varmi? Adeten mene gelen mesajlari dtx instagram sehifesine atiram. Oxuyurlar, cavab yazmirlar. Meni ciddiye alacaq bir qurum filan movcuddurmu?