
Photograph via snooOG

Awakening is the realization that far more can be found in direct experience than any concept, belief system, or narrative. The process of awakening is an ever-unfolding one, a deepening of that which is beyond all words and thoughts. We are in service of discovering that for ourselves.

What is Awakening?

Awakening is the realization that far more can be found in direct experience than any concept, belief system, or narrative. The process of awakening is an ever-unfolding one, a deepening of that which is beyond all words and thoughts. We are in service of discovering that for ourselves.

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  • Please stay on topic.
  • Videos, images or otherwise memetic content should include an anecdote (your thoughts on why you find it relevant, a particular quote you like, etc.) -Title posts with no content may be removed at the discretion of the mods.
  • Videos with no anecdotes should be posted in our sister sub, r/AwakenedTV
  • If you infrequently link to a specific personal video, blog post, or audio that is exploring your own process rather than promoting a brand or platform, these may be permitted at the moderators' discretion.

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When posting, please try to keep these things in mind:

  • Posts should be about spiritual awakening: the direct experience of what we really are
  • Self-honesty is critical on the path. As such, take care to (i) only provide insights or guidance from your direct experience of awakening, and (ii) not to speak in such a way that indicates a level of spiritual maturity that is not reflective of your actual direct experience (this can significantly impede your own development and maybe that of others).
  • When giving advice, look to meet people where they are, consider: what is the very next thing this person needs to hear (based on their current development), rather than a one-size fits all answer.
  • You will benefit far more from asking sincere questions than providing insights or guidance that is not reflective of your actual direct experience. As such, questions are encouraged: be sincere and ask what is most relevant to you right now.
  • Please follow the rules.

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Surrender to No Surrender

Ironically, the path of no surrender to lower negative toxic vibes is also the path of surrender to the highest. Paradoxically, the highest version of you is still you, so enlightenment is not about surrender because how can you surrender to yourself ?


Can you see how it limits you if you assume it isn't possible to arrive at a place where you don't wax and wane like the moon but instead perpetually shine like the Sun ?

Reality is a two sided coin only for those who identify as having two sides. However, two sides is sandboxed into the world of duality. That's why duality means two and non-duality means one.

To the Sun there is no darkness and no night.

The word solution and solve both start with the same three letters. Sol.

01:21 UTC


Your Personal Enemy ‼️

Most of the enlightened books hid this in allegory. They couldn’t quite come out and say it because they were in societies that weren’t ready to hear this.

But I think in this sub; we are realized enough that we can speak openly 🗣️ about such subject matters without worry of stoning, crucifixion, or any other seeming troubles.

You all have a personal enemy. Very near and dear to you. A majority of folks have even mistaken this enemy as themselves…that’s how slick it is. It pretends to be you. Now I don’t call it an “enemy” for you to be scared of it. Nah, don’t give it anymore power over you. It is like the Wizard of Oz; your belief in its power is what it banks upon to look mighty. It uses beliefs to keep itself going.

Now who is this enemy that must be overcome? It is the lower mind. You know that thing that starts whispering a whole load of bs to keep you unhappy; to keep you vibrating in a state of lower consciousness. Yes, that thing that keeps on spreading falsities such as:

  • You are unworthy

  • There’s something wrong with you

  • You are an unlovable PoS who deserves a life of pain and misery.

That is all the lower mind. Have you seen the Matrix Movies🍿? Of course you have. Agent Smith is the allegory for the lower mind. That is the sentry that patrols the world of the Matrix to make sure noone wakes up. Yes, your very own lower mind (well not your own as you don’t really own it; it just pretends to be you) is Agent Smith. As soon as Neo begins to wake up to reality beyond the Matrix; all Agent Smiths arose on high alert 🚨.

As soon as you start making strides towards freedom; your lower mind perks up. And guess what; it knows the little tricks to get you to fall back into a state of lower consciousness:

  • It can use depression

  • It can use anxiety

  • It can start pointing out how difficult the awakening journey is

  • It can even convince you…”hey you are awake. As a matter of fact, you need not do anything to awaken. You don’t need meditation; the Buddha lived thousands of years ago, that shit is irrelevant in 2024. Why don’t you just head over to Cornhub🌽 and enjoy yourself. YOLO”….this is its most insidious trick. Convincing you that discipline is for suckers and that you can indulge in anything you want and still reach freedom.

It tried the same BS with Jesus in the wilderness. It came after Siddhartha under the Bodhi Tree 🌳. Agent Smith doesn’t rest until it is properly understood. Until it is seen clearly (like Buddha said “I see you Mara”) and its little tricks are uncovered.

It has come after you so many times and will often come after you when you are headed down the right path. This is why I always suggest a discipline because unless you are mindful; the little trickster will sucker you back into believing that you are it.

Now here’s the most important part; the lower mind is like the Wizard of Oz. It has no power other than the power of getting you to believe it has power. It must consistently bombard you with lies and programming otherwise you’d easily see through it and realize that you are infinitely more powerful 💥than it can ever be. Matter of fact, it knows how powerful you are. You don’t know how powerful you are but it does. And remember in the Wizard of Oz; once they finally peeled back the curtains, they saw that the Wizard was just a tiny dude from South Dakota playing with technology to make itself look much stronger.

That is another appropriate analogy of the lower mind. Once you truly awaken to its nature, you realize that the “Emperor” has no clothes. The Wiz isn’t some big time all powerful entity; it’s just a 4’10 dude from South Dakota moving a bunch of shit around to hypnotize his audience.

Awakening is transcending the lower mind to reveal what you truly are. It is defeating Agent Smith. Go watch the Neo Clip when he realized he was the one on YouTube. The moment he does; he realized that the bullets the Agent Smiths were firing at him held no power. It was his fear that the bullets would kill him that kept him running from the Agents. Once he realized; “wait a goddamn minute, are these bullets even real?”, the Agent Smiths became terrified 😳…I’m serious, go rewatch that clip on YouTube.

Anyways, you can spot the lower mind when it begins bombarding you with its bs. You can do like Siddhartha and say “I see you Mara” and quiet it down. You can do like Jesus and say “get thee behind me”…or you can just come up with your own catch phrase. Ultimately, it is the realization of who or what you are that melts it to the core.

I don’t know if you guys catch this but whenever I respond to people on here, I always say “find out who or what you are” because truly that is the way out of the Matrix. If you believe you are the lower mind, well the Wiz can muck about with your consciousness. However, as soon as the Self is realized; trust me the Wiz would sprint away from you faster than Usain Bolt breaking the 100-meter dash record. Oh the weak one is fast 💨…He don’t want no smoke.

Anyway, like the broken record that I am; if you care about enlightenment/awakening/Self Realization whatever you wanna call it….It’s all the same shit. Find out who or what you are by realizing what you are not. Namaste 🔥.

00:38 UTC


A New Community For People Pursuing Truth

A New Community for Truth Seekers And Spiritual Explorers

Are you someone who believes there’s more to reality than what we see on the surface? If you find yourself questioning mainstream narratives, exploring spiritual awakenings, or diving into ancient mysteries, we’d love for you to join rHiddenRealms.

I Promise You, The Things That Are Going To Be Posted On The Community Are Going To Be Things You Never Heard Before

This community is a gathering space for open minds ready to discuss everything from hidden truths and conspiracy theories to spirituality, the paranormal, and everything in between. We explore topics like:

•	Escaping the Matrix: Understanding and challenging the constructs around us.
•	Ancient Knowledge & Lost Histories: Examining wisdom from forgotten civilizations and hidden texts.
•	Higher Consciousness & Spiritual Growth: Sharing insights on energy, meditation, and self-discovery.
•	Alternative Theories & Conspiracies: Analyzing alternative perspectives on history and current events.

If you’re ready to dive deep and connect with like-minded seekers, join us in r/HiddenRealms and help shape our journey to uncover the unseen!

21:30 UTC


The Most Direct Path to Enlightenment/Awakening..

It lies BEYOND philosophy, religion, style, concept, etc.

A consciousness ONLY uses these as tools to "INTEGRATE".. after integration comes at-one-ment.. enlightenment and awakening is a result of that EXPANSION..

This is "the point".. a state of being known as .. "enlightenment" will follow as a result of the EXPANSION as it has integrated into the at-one-ment which requires a GREATER awareness to suit that expansion. So will the "awakening" .. what are you awakening to? The EXPANSION in consciousness.. that comes with the at-one-ment.. this amounts to more awareness in "LIFE".. and is relative to the becoming more aware of dimensions beyond this material realm.

The best direct angle any human can follow

"for it is in thine own self, in thine own hands, to build upon that to bring those influences for the proper development, the proper building in self, to attain to the at-oneness with the whole." Cayce

Do whatever it takes to build at-one-ment.. it requires no specific style or religion or philosophy or concept.. although they can be tools to get there.

If humans got over themselves enough to simply pursue at-one-ment.. they would see how little philosophies or religions or concepts matter.

At-one-ment does not care! It will not deny any human who finds it based on how they arrived to it. As there is only one way to arrive to it.. integration!

The Trickster

The ego will often claim at-one-ment in its separation.. in ignorance.. it will reflect the energy... "I am God in and of my self" it will believe it has found its own sense of "power" they believe lies within themselves. It will therefore mistake separation for its integration into at-one-ment with the all to point the source or power back to themselves..

And you can blame a lot of distortions in Buddhism and New Age movement for this error.. as many attempt to either be the TOTALITY in ignorance with the "I am God" movement.. or pursue concepts of "no separation" they believe makes them this TOTALITY..

Yet the soul.. can ONLY be one with the all. It can never be the all.. the paradox is TOTALITY can only manifest through you. And this should be more than good enough for an individual in the midst of many entities who in higher realms make up we call God.

The awakened and enlightened one knows they are heirs. All is given to them in their at-one-ment.

20:46 UTC


We all talk shit. You know it, even if you don't know that you know it.

They say human beings have unique knowing. Which no other animal has. And that is the knowledge of the fact that you will one day die.

That's why it irritates me when awakened people say things like, nothing dies. True or false, that we as mortal human beings, will one day surely die, is about the only thing we have going for us.

Meaning, your problem and my problem and everyone elses problem, is rooted in the knowledge of the fact that your demise is eminent.

If you look at people, and society, through the lens of this simple fact, it has a way of making a butt load of sense about almost everything.

There is nothing really special about a human being. As far as I understand. Other than the fact that we speak. Most people don't know that of all the now extant human species, what set us apart from them, was the fact that we developed speech first. Reference from Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind.

When the human world is hyperventilating, due to privy knowledge about how inescapably fucked it is, what do you do?

Get into politics? Meditate? Apologize to all the people you harmed? Live like it's GTA? Wtf do you do?

I don't know, but what people seem to do, is all of the above.

What I do is keeping talking shit like everybody else. But at least I put some fucking effort into it.

20:23 UTC


Question on eating meat

Hey guys, I’ve got something I’m a bit confused about right now.

I’ve gotten to a point where I’ve began questioning whether it’s more in line with gods will to eat meat or not eat meat.

I know many religious traditions go against eating meat, but then I’ll find lines in the Bible like this:

Romans 14:2: "One person's faith allows them to eat anything, but another, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables"

I believe there also many parts of the Bible where Jesus eats fish. Which confuses me because I’ve heard Buddhism and Hinduism are against eating meat

I don’t want to rely too heavily on scripture, but I’m completely willing to do whatever is in line with gods will.

I’m just confused, I’d appreciate your perspective on the matter. Thank you

20:21 UTC


"it is not about starting anything at all. It is about STOPPING things." - Mickey Mouse

Please read title in "Mickey Mouse" voice.

Perspective Shenanigans of the cartoon world. Also something Bugs Bunny would say coming out of his rabbit hole chumping on a carrot.

Perspective has NOTHING to do with awakening. Whether you start something or stop something.. IT DOES NOT MATTER.

If a murderer were to start "not murdering someone" it is equivalent to a murderer "not murdering someone".

What is going on with humans using these cartoon world statements believing they have anything to do with awakening?

There is ONLY consciousness and individuals ability to be in at-one-ment.. Starting and stopping are only relevant to the alignment.

Does at-one-ment say.. you must follow this condition to be in at-one-ment so it is invalid? Does state-of-being require a certain religion to be valid?

An easy way to know this is true is to see consciousness at the forefront of reality.. relativity and objects and perspective is subject to it.. not the other way around.

You can walk backwards and go to the finish line or not. It does not change the fact you go to the finish line.

ALWAYS PUT AT-ONE-MENT before philosophy so you do not end up in cartoon land

20:10 UTC


Does Real Change Start from Within or Through Action?

In our community Discord event, we did some guided practice, followed by a reflection on a Rumi quote, which sparked a great discussion about change: does true transformation happen from the inside out (the "bottom-up" approach), where self-reflection and alignment lead the way, or by taking action first and letting that reshape our mindset (the "top-down" approach)?

Some of us felt deep inner work and clarity are essential before real change can happen, while others leaned into the idea that by acting purposefully, we gradually build a more self-aware mindset through lived experiences. What do you all think?

Does change work best when it starts internally, or by jumping into action and learning as you go?

19:33 UTC


The Wealth Within

Regardless of how much material things one can accumulate, nothing can ever compare to the wealth that dwells within.

The wealth of being satisfied with what exists, just the way it is in the present moment, can never be matched by anything external.

In order for life to be sufficient to its own contentment, layers of expectations, illusions of what happiness “should be,” and mental burdens of all sorts must be peeled and let go of.

Resolving fears and internal conflicts leads to a state of internal wealth founded on an unshakable equanimity, which does not rely on any external circumstances to be maintained.

The most precious treasures of existence aren’t meant to be owned; they are meant to be realized and appreciated for what they are, without the need to covet them.

I invite everyone, as well as remind myself, to face our fears head-on, to solve the internal conflicts that ail us, as these barriers obstruct the blooming of our inner fulfillment.

Take the time to look inside with eyes unclouded by hate and deceit, contemplate the unique and irreversible nature of the present moment as it unravels before our eyes.

To stop chasing after what is not here and now does not mean to stop having aspirations and goals. It means to not wait for anything in order to discover the extraordinary wealth that dwells within all of us.

18:07 UTC


Ask, don't assume.

When you see someone expressing a view different from your own, do you think to yourself,

"I know of enlightenment, and this does not accurately portray what I know,"

Or do you ask that person what they believe so you can further your understanding?

The next time you see "cyberfury" or "Pewisms" in the comments and you pass judgement on them as many do, test yourself.

Ask them a question that challenges your world view no matter how absurd they may sound. Because when you ask you will know from the horse's mouth what they believe. And you may be shocked to discover what was once absurdity was actually clarity all along.

As a Christian I have an obligation to spread the truth of Christ and how he died for our sins so we could be delivered unto heaven from darkness and impurity. Christ was the best example of someone who asks and doesn't assume.

17:36 UTC


Angry Beavers

There is an episode where Dag want's to be brave but he keeps running away when sensing danger. He's really torn up about this.

Does this sound familiar to you? How can Dag resolve his issue?

17:14 UTC


No right or wrong perspectives

Perspectives are all equal. None have more right over the next. There is no superior or more valuable perspective. Though the perspectives of something being more valuable or more spiritual can arise.

Life is just shifting from perspective to perspective. “Hey have a look at this perspective”, “oooh look at this perspective”.

On the path we look for the “True Perspective”. The more “spiritual” perspective.

We can kid ourselves into believing some perspective is superior to another or even less superior. We end up looking up to teachers and putting them on a pedestal. “I wish I could only have their perspective, it’s much better than mine”.

All these perspectives are just thought frames which overlay raw experience. Even all this I’m writing now is another perspective being created.

Having the flexibility to jump through perspectives without clinging to one or rejecting another. Seeing them as changing “points of view” different scenes, different stories.

Nothing wrong or right about any. Just different views to see. Like a cosmic snow globe that when you shake it, a different scene presents itself each time.

Even when something is described as wrong, right, egotistical, spiritual, enlightened, rude. They are all just different configurations of wholeness. Nothing wrong or right with any of them.

There’s nothing that needs to change but change happens. Everything happens. Judging happens. Accepting it happens. Rejecting it happens.

Writing posts happens. Judging posts happens. Arguments happens. Dancing happens. Eating dinner happens. Going toilet happens. The clouds moving happens. Fish swimming happens. Thumbs dancing on a phone screen keyboard happens.

It’s all happening.

So which perspective would you like to hold on to? 😂

15:56 UTC


Who are you talking to with that internal monologue?

15:42 UTC


Supernatural Aid

I recently visited a house that I briefly lived in nearly 40 years ago, right after graduating from college in my late 20s, and only a few months after my life had blown up with a sudden mythic awakening that seemed to come out of nowhere. I’d been living with my girlfriend for two years, and even though we were both graduating, we hadn’t made any plans for the future. You never know where you’ll end up having to go for a job, and I’d already been through break-ups due to one of us having to move a couple of times before.

If the awakening experience kind of freaked me out, it really freaked out my girlfriend, and our relationship went off the rails. Other than a philosophy professor at school, the only other person I could talk to about this New World was a friend from my days back in the navy. He and some friends were renting a house in the city I currently live in, and they let me crash on the floor for a few months until I got on my feet.

So that’s the house I recently went to check out, to see if it would bring back any memories, and to email a picture of it to my old friend, along with my thanks for letting me crash there. The house itself didn’t really bring back much at first. It was only after I got my friend’s response to my email that something deeper sunk in – the precariousness of the situation I had been in. My most long-term relationship had just ended, I was graduating with no plans, nowhere to go, driving a 20-year-old car I’d bought for $200, and having almost no money.

Only 40 years later has it sunk in what a razor’s edge I was walking. I have no idea what I would have done if my friend hadn’t come through for me. I have no memory of even worrying about it.

Things took care of themselves.

Looking back, I see the unfolding of those events as the Supernatural Aid that Joseph Campbell talks about in The Hero With A Thousand Faces, a book that reveals its excellence as you see more deeply into it with repeated readings over the years. Unfortunately, it was only a few years later that I finally discovered Campbell’s book and treasured it as an invaluable guide, a kind of atlas of the world, on my own journey.

Like some of you here, I experienced my awakening as a plunge into the strange and powerful realm of myth, where the magical mingles with the mundane (and sometimes threatens to overcome it). A lengthy and amazing Night Sea Journey ensued, full of marvels and perils, joys and heartbreaks. Welcome to the mythic life – ours to live whether we want it or not. Looking back all these years later, after enduring trials, winning boons, and finding the freedom to live, I wouldn't have had it any other way. It continues to be an awesome journey, and the mythic life will keep unfolding right up to the end of it all. And then, who knows....


1 Comment
15:35 UTC


Dont say what i think youre gonna say but:

What is love?

14:34 UTC


Have you ever mistaken a reflection in a mirror for the actual object being reflected?

14:34 UTC


When you plant well, a lotus will bloom inside you, if you plant bad you must deal with the worms in the soil

Everyday people from all walks of life plants their seeds. These seeds are various, come in variety, and span across everything that we do and think in this garden that we call life .

The soil is life and our inner and outerselves. Call it the big 3. For we all of our lives have planted since we could remember being a toddler. We probably planted so many good seeds when we were at the stage of a toddler.

We started to grow and became kids, then teenagers, to young adults, then to full grown adults.

Many of us in life have planted bad seeds and in return we received flowers that were hideous and full of poisonous thorns that could prick and sting Teflon if it were a hand.

Others were planting seeds that were so good, all these were harvesting were a garden full of lotuses. Their tiger lilies, passion flowers, sunflowers, and any other flower in the English lexicon were spreading so beautiful and full of genuine purity and goodness.

However, even the most good sometimes plant bad seeds. And what that entails and means is that, they are human and sometimes we may plant bad seeds. But the the difference between a good and bad person is the good person isn't addicted or strung out on doing bad. The bad person loves bad and has a genuine love for doing bad and it shows everyday in their lives and in their eyes, that stretches to the windows of their soul and it's clear as day when you see their soil . Now this isn't about judgement or kicking a flower when it's down but moreso laying out discernment and the groundwork.

If you learn how to plant good seeds then all the good flowers will bloom inside your soul and even the most elite gardeners still start to see it . It's actually fun planting good seeds in your garden. Before you didn't care but you will get excited just by pouring water on you're soil. Every drip of water that taps the soil will have you ecstatic. And the great thing is in you don't need a college degree, or need to be anytyle of way to start planting good seeds. It's not about perfection.

You can learn through minimal effort that will be gargantuan. You plant good seeds based upon you're comfort level and you dont have to plant seeds all day everyday. You can plant a seed for 2 minutes per week of you like.

Even if you have mental health conditions, nothing is in the rule of gardening that permits you from watering your garden and planting good flowers in you're garden. And if you want to plant vegetables, and anything else that is good that I never even would've thought of, as long as it's good by all means garden and plant it .

And if you are the one that are planting bad seeds right now, when you bring on the rain, remember you must deal with its mud as well, but if you are still planting then you must deal with the worms in you're soil.

So plant good seeds and enjoy you're garden and even enjoy every botanical garden that life, your friends, and families have as well, and when you have a lotus, take a step back and enjoy its petals .

13:36 UTC


Just a spark to ignite, from dark to delight.

Another big day for the one who is writing this. On a tightrope I walk the path of heaven with the void and hell on either side of me. I am not truly the god I pretend to be, I fall off the tightrope into the void and hell occasionally. Sometimes I intentionally go into hell or the void due to the recognition of the logic that states how if I go intentionally and on my terms, then it will be shorter. This is a message I want people to understand so I will write it again in a different way. If one takes on pain intentionally, then it will be less intense, frequency, and durative than if one unintentionally stumbles into it.

For this reason I have turned my fear and anxiety from a paralyzing fortune teller to an eye of anticipation. One must hone their eye of anticipation. One must look years into the future and have a plan they like. Then, one must look towards the next 24 hours. The vision of the next year is the macro, the vision of the next 24 hours is the micro.

Next is the necessity of looking at the world through the dichotomous lenses of micro verses macro. The mechanics at the micro and macro level are often the same. What one has to do to control their emotions on a micro and macro level is often the same. If you understand one side, it grandfathers you to understand the other. This dichotomous learning is like a hack to get information. Example, if you learn something about controlling emotions on the macro, then you can extrapolate and apply that information on the micro.

Extrapolation and application are critical tools to hack into learning the secrets of the universe.

I need to write like this. This is one of the many sparks that ignites my ability. I love all the people who I have been blessed with communicating with. I have learned so much from all of you in your unique ways. As always, it is an honor and a privilege to have these words. I look forward to the responses. I really want to talk about the micro v macro extrapolation concept, the tightrope concept, or the eye of anticipation. Please, ask me questions. Thank you.

11:43 UTC


The internet is just american brainwashing

More than half the apps on your phone are american. Almost your entire taskbar is filled with american apps. To use an android phone you need a google accont and for using whatsapp a meta one. Youtube favours american content because duh, they are from there. When the internet is basically 5 mega corporations all in the same country is dangerous for the rest of the world. The internet will be always biased towards americans to attract inmigrants and boost gdp. Even reddit is american. Cold war still going strong.

11:33 UTC


Beginner Steps to Transmuting Sexual Energy?

I've been in this dark rabbit hole for over a year trying to heal my sexual energy after a really long period of struggling with guilt and neglect from a partner who had weaponized it against me. And I'm just wondering if you guys might be able to direct me to the right place for what I'm trying to learn more about.

I've been reading about transmuting sexual energy (I am a woman) into healing energy, and energy that gets channeled into creativity and vitality in general. I read the chapter in Think and Grow Rich about it but it was really vague and Hill didn't outline any steps on how to achieve it. I've been doing some meditations to try and find a path to this, but I'm sort of stumped.

Any advice?

06:49 UTC


Where are the unawakened?

I’ve seen plenty of people talk about how others aren’t awake. I’ve brought up some ideas of my own on that subject sometimes.

But where are the people who know they aren’t awake yet? Because I know I’m not.

Maybe if we can discuss the things we’ve found about how to awaken, we could come up with something useful.

Calling all sleeping brothers and sisters. Where you at? And how are you trying to awaken?

03:32 UTC


Do adopted children choose their adoptive parents or their birth parents?

Hello i am adopted, I have heard a lot about how we choose our parents and family line. But as an adoptee i'm trying to figure out how that works. I have nothing in common with my birth parents and tbh they're both horrible people. My adoptive mom passed away from longterm illness when i was 13, its just been me and my adoptive dad for 11 years now, and i have always felt like i was supposed to be with my adoptive dad specifically in this life time.

02:28 UTC


Love and Humility 🧎🏽‍♂️🕊️

You cannot love one another without humility:

  • If you see someone else as someone you’re better than, you cannot love that person.

  • If you cannot see everyone as equals; you cannot embody Agape Love. The highest quality of love.

Because love is always one. God is always one.

Realizing this was one of the hardest lessons that I had to learn. That I truly am not better than anyone in this world. I am not better than the homeless man pushing his cart 🛒 full of valuables…

I am not better than the drug addict struggling to look at himself in the mirror.

I am not better than the young man addicted to porn trying to overcome it but succumbing over and over….

I am no better than you. I am equal to you because behind these minor disguises, I am you.

A lot of people look to become enlightened to be considered wise; to lord their gnosis over others and be a big fish in a small pond…but that can never be enlightenment.

I will never be enlightened until I see myself as equal to everything and everyone that I secretly condemn. Humility is the most underrated keys 🔑 to opening the door to the infinite…God has taught me this lesson so many times and I refused to listen. I will no longer refuse.

For one can memorize the Sutras, the Gitas, and the Bible…have the most wise responses to questions. But unless one can truly look at his brothers and sisters struggling and know that he is no better than them, he will never reach true enlightenment. You might reach intellectual enlightenment but never the opening of the heart.

I don’t care if a man is a billionaire or has no penny to his name; we are all equals. So be honest with yourself, if you’re seeking enlightenment as a way to be better than another…then enlightenment will become another attachment 🪤.

Because God truly blesses you so that you can bless another. I write posts on here and more and more keep coming because the Father gives me these insights not for me to glory in myself but so I can help other aspects of myself.

So anyone who is feeling anxious, depressed, sad, downcast, and frustrated….I am there with you. I will bear this burden with you because I am no better than you. And in this sharing of equality, love can flow again. The light will shine again ✨

I don’t care how bad you’ve been hurt, how difficult life has been, how much you have been beat down or judged…you can always come to me. You can always come and chat with me. And in me, you won’t find judgement. In me, you will not find any superiority. All you will find is someone willing to bear the pain with you. So never feel embarrassed for having questions or concerns; in my world, noone is better than another. And if I give you a response, know that it is the same response that I will give myself. I am no better than you; I am you just in a different form. Namaste 🕊️.

01:32 UTC


This Fixes Everything

When the individual feels sufficiently loved and inspired, the individual naturally wants to contribute to society and make the world a better place to live. The selfish motives come from a feeling of lack/scarcity which feeds external desires like greed, envy, hate, and other vices.

Fix the root of the problem, and everything else will naturally fix themselves .

There is something called Ananda/Bliss/inspiration, and when you experience this all the time, uninterruptibly, you tend to get inspired with universal truths. There is no question or doubt about this, because your lived internal experience overpowers your environment.

How to be so illumined ? The first step is to be receptive to the idea that it can happen to you.

Light reveals. Darkness conceals.

Catch the Vibe.

01:06 UTC


What over a decade of meditation taught me.

The text I'm about to share with you is the product of many hours of meditation, mindfulness, observation, conversation, and contemplation. I know these truths for myself and have no desire to convince anyone of anything. My aim in writing this is not to implant ideas in your mind that may lead to a belief but rather to foster a sense of knowing. Truth starts with doubt. Everything I'm sharing with you is not to bring your mind to a conclusion but rather to encourage you to question any conclusion or separation that your mind has created.

The process is not about reaching a conclusion but rather about understanding who and what you are beyond just the mind and body, so you can recreate yourself from a new perspective rooted in knowing rather than believing. Some people consider it the soul, others may describe it as pure awareness, and some as total silence. These are all words that are the mind's best attempt at representing the "experience."

It's much like road signs that lead up a mountain. The words and directions are representations pointing you toward the experience at the top of the mountain. People may pass you on the way down and tell you about the experience, but their words will mean nothing until you get to the top. The only difference here is that there is no mountain to climb. There is no road sign that will guide you to a final experience or conclusion because there isn't one. There is only the eternal now, which is the mind's best attempt at describing something that does not have a beginning or an end. No edge. No conclusion.


What is time?

There is no time but now. The past exists only as an idea in your mind—a mental re-creation happening now of your interpretation of a so-called past event. It only exists when you think about it, and all thought happens now. The future, too, is a mental creation happening now, based on your interpretation of what will happen based on your experience of the past. All of these are happening right now.

The very word "now" could not exist without your mental constructions of the past and future, making even the word and idea "now" fall short of what it actually is. No words can truly capture what it is because there is no ultimate reality as you imagine it. In this way, what you experience as time can be seen as an illusion.

Here, the concept of Divine Dichotomy comes into play, which is another word for paradox, coincidence, and even magic. You live in a paradoxical reality where two seemingly contradictory things simultaneously exist. Time both exists and does not exist. Similarly, space both exists but, by definition, is the lack of anything, so does it really "exist"?


What is space?

Space is what it is not. Space is what holds time and matter. To understand something for what it is, you must know what it is not. There must be a reference "outside" of what is for what is to move, deform, evolve, expand. Without space, you have what you call one dimension. What is considered the "big bang" in your experience was/is matter taking a form that can divide itself into individual parts to look back on. It can then experience, create, and know what it is through what it is not. The Divine Dichotomy of reality is everywhere.


What is matter?

Matter simply is. Any thought about what it is, is just that—a thought. You can label it, measure it, and see how it reacts with different parts of itself relative to the mind's perspective, but that will never truly define what it is. Anything said about it is a description of the mind's relative experience. Notice how at every level of matter that can be observed, it can also be seen through.

When you point a telescope at the sky, you see that all things are held within much bigger things no matter what direction you look, on and on for an unfathomable distance. When you point a microscope at the world around you, it breaks into more "stuff," showing everything is made of much smaller things no matter what direction you look, on and on to an unfathomable distance. There is nothing there to grasp. What you hold in the light of awareness will "disappear," break apart, fade away. The only reality is the one you create.


What is energy?

Energy is vibration. The whole, which has individual parts, must separate these physical parts in order to be individual. Because matter can't take any form other than itself, it vibrates these individual parts at different frequencies to produce the illusion of separate materials. At the core of all the individual parts is the same vibration.

Vibration is oscillation, from this to that. 1 to 0. On to off. The rate at which this happens is frequency. At the core of any witnessed oscillation, frequency, or vibration is the same. The witness is the key element that allows the vibration to flow from existence to nonexistence and be experienced as change.


What is ego?

Ego can best be understood in three parts. The whole (1), in an individual state (2), uses time/separation to create the illusion of persona (3) (ego) to navigate the relative world. Your mind understands concepts like up, down, left, and right. It has created these labels and overlaid them on experience to re-create them when "necessary." Your name was given to you, and it can and will change over time. Every idea about who and what you are can and will change.

A man once went bird watching with his father as a kid. One day his dad said to him, "You see that bird over there? There's a name for that bird in every language. At the end of the day, after learning all of them, you still know nothing about the bird." Your ego both exists and does not. It is entirely composed of "things" like time and space, which at their core are best described as no-thing.

By nature of Divine Dichotomy or "reality," this no-thing can also be seen as every-thing. When you observe it in the light of awareness, it is seen for what it is. A paradox, Divine Dichotomy, magic, a coincidence. Some describe this state as "no thoughts" or "complete silence." In truth, it's neither and both. It's seen through.


What is oneness?

Oneness is the closest word or thought you can conjure to the experience beyond ego. It is the ego that uses time, space, and matter to create the illusion of separation between this and that, between self and other. There is no such separation beyond the mental constructions you create.

You say the tree outside is not you, but you eat the fruit the tree produces, and it becomes what you call your body and mind. What you exhale, the tree inhales and vice versa. You say others are not you, yet without others, there is no you on every level you can imagine. When you see the world as not separate from yourself, you act that way. In its purest vibrational form, it is seen as love, empathy, sympathy, forgiveness, compassion.

To know yourself as these things, you must know and experience the opposite. Because you/matter/energy can't take a form outside yourself/itself, it/you did the next best thing and caused itself to forget the whole or separate from the whole through the illusion of what it is not, which is you/it in a form you think is not. This is the Divine Dichotomy of oneness.


What is awareness?

Awareness is best described as pure witnessing. Everything changes. The only constant is change. Everything from the clouds in the sky and beyond, to the environment and all its inhabitants, to the very thoughts that compose who and what you are, can and do change over time. However, you are aware of the change happening.

From the time you are born, you are aware. You are born instilled with awareness. All the way to the time of you reading these words, that has not changed. Your ego, your body, and your environment have all changed, but the awareness of these things remains simply aware. Some people think I'm talking about memory here.

Memory is important if you want to remember something about an experience to later use. The experience itself, the awareness of the experience, is not memory. From your perspective, you didn't create the fact that you like or dislike a certain color or fruit, you discovered it. It was already there. Memory of the experience is useful when you want to relay that experience or recreate it, but experience and memory are not codependent in the way we imagine them.

Repetitively asking yourself what that is and who you are deep down in relation to that will put your ego itself in the light of awareness. It will have nowhere to go from there. This is the Divine Dichotomy of awareness.


What is death?

An idea. Death is the mind's way of understanding what it imagines will happen after the evolution of the soul no longer needs the body. Death only exists when you think about it. What then about the person who you see as no longer there? They are everywhere, and they are everything. There is no separation but your mind's creation of it. The same way that awareness is aware of life being created around it, it will be aware of the death and experience the death/change of the body, but it cannot be that. It is aware of it; therefore, it is not it. Even a void must have a witness to "exist."

This happens because, while alive, you live in the relative universe where the illusion of time exists as a tool to slow things down, expand them, and pull them apart. After you leave the body (or right now), your state of knowing includes eternity. The only thing that's required is to know.


What is meditation?

Everything we do from the time we open our eyes to the time we rest our heads again, we are doing stuff—being this person at this time for this particular thing. Meditation is best described as not doing. So, if you aren't doing, what are you doing? This is the paradox of meditation. This is why meditation is such a powerful tool for waking up/remembering.

When you sit still and allow all the change in your present awareness to just be as it is, you will also see who and what you are in relation to the change. You will see through the change unfolding, including your own identity. If it changes before your awareness, how can it be you? What isn't in a constant state of change?

After some time of stillness, when your identity is still you but also simultaneously, magically, coincidentally, divinely not all of you, you can use anything in your present awareness as meditation. Life itself will become a meditation—a play of music, vibration, song. If you do not go within, you go without. This is the Divine Dichotomy of meditation.

00:25 UTC


Stop asking why

Stop asking why. The why is only important to a "who". Every why follows a new why which moves who further into delusion and stories. This is something I often think about because I am a why person by nature.

All why questions end in an infinite regress. Stop, live, breathe and smile. And please don't ask me why, because I don't know who can answer on your behalf :)

23:17 UTC


Spiritual reason behind this?

Sorry if this is not appropriate question for this group but I wanted to ask. I know a person who developed a tumor on their chest/breast. Well she got it removed. After, she feels different feelings for people, feelings she never really felt. For example if she hated an individual, she now really likes them and wants to be around them. Why would this happen? If that person is her ex boyfriend. She use to hate him now after surgery she wants to be with him and she can’t stop thinking about him and her together. I don’t know this is so interesting to me and I know there has to be a reason for it.. let me know what your thoughts are?

22:33 UTC


For those who are facing Depersonalization.

Depersonalization could be triggered by psychedelics or shock or trauma.

The difference between depersonalization and truth realization is that in the former you haven't yet recognized the underlying ever present beingness/emptiness that's here. The latter would make you feel complete and content while the former would make you feel anxious or hollow because you have not yet recognized the underlying reality so the uncertainty of what has happened to you creates fear.

If you're facing depersonalization, try to see/recognize the underlying emptiness that's here. To see it, try to feel what was the feeling before you were born or when you were asleep and is here right now too. Don't put to much thought to it, just try to see/feel it.

21:44 UTC


Why You Chose This Path.


I want to be here as a reminder as to why you chose to walk this path. You knew you would become different to the norm. Knowing this, you decided that you were going to walk the spiritual path, and find out the truth. Nothing matters to you more than reaching your potential, and not even the closed minds of the rest of the world, stops you from working towards that goal. This is why you are here. You have a burning flame inside of you for truth, for healing, for power, for love and for the overall outcome of becoming “awakened”. You are here. You are awakened. Use it for good. Influence the world. We are your family. Don’t forget why your here. We can be taking over the world. Much love.

20:22 UTC


Opposite/Chaotic manifestations....What is going on???

Hello People, Just like the Title says...i am super confused and a teeny tiny bit terrified.

Let me elaborate,It is happening i think since my birth, first i did not give it much thought, but as I grow up I started to notice the patterns....whatever I desire or try to manifest or hope from the bottom of my heart exactly the opposite happens...same goes for negative/not so positive things too..i tried to find the answers online but came up with nothing like my case....So i am asking here,,,anyone have any idea about my situation??? I am currently on a critical carrier situation here..i don't want this thing to mess it up ( again)

19:49 UTC

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