This subreddit is for those interested in learning ASL. Please check the first post that's pinned "The Free ASL Resources and FAQ Thread" for answers to many questions. Also, this isn't a place to get people to do your homework for you. We're happy to help as long as you put in some effort.
There are many distinct signing communities around the world, which communicate using different sign languages and exhibit different cultural norms. Sign languages also intersect with nationality, education, race, ethnicity, gender, class, sexual orientation, other languages and other identity markers, leading to sign languages that is at once quite small and also tremendously diverse.
Wikipedia: Sign Languages
We reserve the right to remove any requests for research participants. Please check in with the mods before posting. This includes people working on their homework, and here's why.
Have an idea about a haptic/tactile/speech/signing device/app/product for signers? Please read this comment first!
Before posting a question, please use the search engine to make sure that it hasn't already been asked. For example, questions about what forms deaf people's thought take in are rather common.
If you're asking for help with homework, you MUST show your own work first. If you're answering someone's homework question, do NOT just give them the answers - help them figure it out for themselves by asking leading questions. Failure to follow this rule will result in posts or comments being removed; repeated violations will result in temporary bans that may be made permanent.
Please report any posts that fail to match these guidelines.
Please try not to post homework requests here. /r/ASLHelp is the best place for those.
Hi! I'm a hearing person taking a second semester of ASL. I have to make a demo and in the demo I'm trying to sign about my old cat - the cat that I had before I got the current one. Would I just sign "CAT OLD," or would that be interpreted as a cat that is old? Would I sign "CAT BEFORE" or "BEFORE CAT?" does that even make sense?
Sorry if this comes off as insensitive but would it be possible to learn enough in 3 months to get a Seal of Biliteracy?
Hi everyone! I don't really know if this is a good place for asking this, or even if my question is appropriate, but I don't know who or where else to ask.
I am currently writing a fantasy novel in which character 1 decides to learn sign language because character 2 uses only sign language (and communicating by writing is out of the question since character 1 is heavily dyslexic). In the city they're in sign language is known by almost everyone, at least to some extent. While I imagine learning a made up sign language would be much like learning real sign language like ASL, I don't know what that realistically looks like. Apart from the alphabet, numbers, manner signs and basic questions, what are the first things someone will learn? Assuming that someone is practicing every day in a house full of people who speak sign language fluently and almost constantly, though not exclusively, how long would it take a regular person to be able to have a basic conversation? What were some of the difficulties you had when learning sign language, or when teaching it to someone if you did?
I would like to do the very obvious thing and learn sign language myself, to see what that's like, but I don't really know which sign language would make more sense for me to learn. My mother tongue is italian and most of social circle is there, I currently live in France and speak french for work, but might leave any day and go in another random european country where the main language changes, and I speak english most of my day, with most of my friends. It's a bit of a mess. If you have an advice on which sign language I should try learning, let me know.
I hope my questions aren't inappropriate! If you have any further advice advice, comments, tips on the topic, or even examples of good representation of deaf characters using sign language in books, let me know!
hi everyone! i have a question. when signing a story, does every gesture need to be an actual sign? or can a good bit of it be actions that correlate to what is being said, if you’re trying to show the overall picture and not reading the story word for word? for example, instead of signing fight, making a different punching gesture. i’ve seen some asl speakers on youtube kinda use a mix of both, but i wanted to double check here! (sorry if this is obvious, i’m still new to asl haha)
I'm a taking ASl 4 and I have a classmate who wants to get together and play voice-off table games.
Any ideas about any two player table games that would be fun and give us good signing and fingerspelling practice?
Thanks, Jeff
i like plants, animals/bugs, making food, and sewing mostly, but honestly any craft. tile making, woodworking, anything. most of the Deaf youtube accounts i've found talk about Deaf experiences and learning ASL, which is good, but where are the accounts talking about cool hobby stuff? what about accounts that talk about media like books, movies, tv shows and such? what about history, religion, all that?
did i choose the right flair, also? thank you!
how would you sign "how do you get to school and how long does it take?"
What's the best way to express something like:
"Maybe there's something he forgot in the previous room"
I want to go back to self learning ASL as I have narcolepsy and it's been real hard to get myself into my physical classes.
I started learning ASL thru Lingvano and I really enjoyed it. My husband wants to start learning more too so I figured between his work schedule and my medical stuff it would be easier to switch back to online/apps.
Other than Lingvano what are people's recommendations?
I just want to make sure I'm not missing out on anything as it's been about 2 years now since I last used online/app based learning.
Hi everyone!
Does anyone know how one can demonstrate competency or become certified in ASL without becoming an interpreter?
I'm a CODA, so I am conversationally fluent (I guess?), but I am looking to better my skills and basically learn the language as if I knew none of it lol! I plan to become a school counselor/LPC, and I would love the opportunity to work with Deaf/HoH children. Is there a test or some sort of certificate I’d need?
I would actually appreciate if any therapists or counselors who work with the Deaf community could tell me a bit about the process. Thanks to anyone who reads this! :)
I am not in this class, but I have a friend who is. She asked me to help her with this sign. The first part she signs when we finish ( this sign above) we will watch a movie. I have not seen a sign like this before. I was thinking dinner, snack, etc.. but I know none of those are correct. I know it is probably a simple word but for the life of me I can’t figure it out. My friend got the question wrong but it doesn’t tell what the correct sign is. What to make sure she is informed of the correct word moving forward! Thank you for your help!
I’m new to Reddit and this community so apologies if this is the wrong place to ask. I took ASL in college but it has been a long time, I am looking for a book of signs that I can use with the kids I work with. A lot of them come from trauma and are fully non verbal and thought ASL could help them express their needs. Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask but any help is greatly appreciated.
If one were discussing "church and state"-- does the sign STATE (s-handshape moving down upright flat palm) apply to the concept of The State? Or is that sign used only for states as geographic units? Would it be more appropriate to sign "government"?
Title. Everywhere I look it gives me results for track&field. I'm looking for something more in line with track like for cars or horses or things like that.
Hello, thank you for your help.
Below I have sentences I need checked for OSV.
[Not for homework, just curious]
What sign would I use for {any?}?
*A-hand move forward (thing itself)*
*Thumb-up PO in to out (ANY)*
*Y‐hand PO down (that)*
*Or no sign, just eyebrow to imply?*
*Or... something else : -)*
Thank you Jeff
I recently started seeing someone with about 20-30% hearing. Things are going great, only thing is because of our living situations we have to play music or be very quiet when we have sex. I know very basic ASL and was wondering if there were any resources out there for dirty/sex/kink talk? I know I could ask him how to sing these things, but I'm seeing him soon and would love to surprise him in bed. I did some research but couldn't find anything substantial, thanks in advance!
Hello! I am transcribing this video for class, and I've completed most of it up until the last bit. Below is what I have, and here is the video:
Kent has lived with family for 23 years. He is the only one that is Deaf, the rest of his family is hearing. His family doesn't know how to sign, except for his oldest brother who was the only family that learned to sign. Kent is the middle child out of 3 children, with his sister being the youngest. When out (in town?) and people don't know how to sign, Kent writes down on paper and they pass it back and forth. There are hearing people who never speak! Kent is a teacher at a lab for ASL. There are 10 students that come to the lab, and the tsacher(s) help them learn ASL.
??? What comes next? I recognize some signs like possibly HOUSE and maybe NEW? Thanks in advance, and since this is for class if you do not feel comfortable directly transcribing it I understand. I just want a bit of help transcribing it myself, as is the goal.
I'm wanting to go with my wife on a staycation. I'm looking for a b&b or spa resort or (???). Somewhere that is ASL friendly and is within a few hours drive of Portland / Salem Oregon. Any ideas?
Thanks Jeff
[If this isn't an appropriate post, let me know and I'll delete it. I didn't know where else to ask.]
So im getting quite good with my signing as far as dexterity and remembering but I'm still struggling with the order of the words in the sentence (does that make sense) so I rely on AI like chatgpt and stuff to ask like "if I want to say this in sign what is the structure" and I'm not entirely sure if using something like this is beneficial or is going to cause me to make more mistakes.
Hi! Is there an app or maybe a discord server for someone looking to converse more fluently in ASL? I just finished my first group session all on ASL and it was kind of overwhelming. 😅 I think I need more practice with someone rather than practicing on my own and I'm trying to find resources for that. I'm pretty much broke so classes are a no go for me at this time. Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi I want to learn asl when I was younger I thought myself the alphabet and I watched this show called “Switched at birth”. I’ve been trying to find apps and videos to become for efficient but I’m not sure who or what to go to. There isn’t any ASL courses at my college or communities around me.
hi!! i am a senior in high school and next year i will be starting sign language classes for my major. i’m really nervous i’m going to have a difficult time picking it up so i am wanting to attempt to get a head start if possible. i have heard that some apps/youtube channels/etc. are not 100% correct and the last thing i want is to accidentally teach myself incorrect information. if anyone has any suggestions of any resources that teach correct asl i would be so appreciative!!
It's ABC storytelling and I get that they're saying an owl swallows.. something.. then spits out it's bones, but before that I don't really know what's happening.
I’m signing a recipe for ambrosia salad is this correct?
Happens around 15:15-15:17 mark. It’s the V right hand pivoting / alternating on the left palm.
They’re talking about Deaf marrying HH / Hearing folks for context. I’ve seen this same sign used in many contexts, and my hunch is that it means something like “then” (like “if X happens, then Y will occur), but I can’t find a proper answer because I don’t fully know how to describe the movement to search for it 😭 Thank you in advance!!
I know this is so so niche. I am looking for ANY resources on Colombian Sing Language. My final exam presentation for my ASL linguistics class requires me to draw comparisons between ASL and another country's signed language of my choosing. I am required to find parallels between phonology, morphology (including incorporation of a number), syntax, discourse, and semantics. I am STRUGGLING to find anything published in English, and I am struggling to fact check anything as I only know ASL. Now before you ask, "hey dummy...why didn't you pick a country with articles published in English?" Well yes, I'm currently asking myself that same question through grad school tears. But to be fair, one of my students uses LSC at home. And he acts as my little interpreter using ASL and LSC when I want to casually communicate with his mother. (Context: | work at a Deaf school. luse ASL with my students, voice off all day). So LSC was already on my mind when this assignment was posted. Anyway...l'm STUCK. I cannot pick another language this late in the game. And I would appreciate any help I can get! Thank you!!!!! ❤️