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[Charlie Brown] Why is Charlie Brown always depressed?

Even as a kid, I never understood why Charli Brown was so brooding and depressed. This kid broods more than Batman. 

1 Comment
06:35 UTC


[48HRS] Where would Albert Ganz and Billy Bear have gone if they managed to kill both Jack and Reggie?

1 Comment
05:42 UTC


[The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)] What happens after electricity is taken away from mankind? What does society look like?

05:28 UTC


[A Clockwork Orange, book and movie] How long were Alex and his Droogs out at night?

First, they're just roaming around the streets, attacking random people, and by the book, also looting a convenience store. In the book, they later hang out at a pub eating junk food and having drinks. Later, after a gang fight, they take a car and go on a dangerous joy-ride. It seems they drive into the countryside, where they break into a house and do you-know-what. Afterwards, they drive back to the Korova Milkbar, hang out a bit, and Alex goes back home, staying up even longer listening to loud music.

Especially with literally driving outside of the city into a countryside village, how long were they out for an entire night?

1 Comment
05:15 UTC


[Harry Potter] Christianity in the Wizarding World?

Ollivander's shop specifies that they started making wands since 382 B.C., The Biblical Goliath is on a Chocolate Frog card, and Hogwarts refers to their Winter and Spring Breaks as celebrating Christmas and Easter.

Were Pagans wiped out in the Witch Trials? Are British Wizards Anglican? Does this mean that the Vatican knows that magic exists?

04:40 UTC


[Gotta do this bs] Genie rules

Now typically you can’t ask Genie for money. But can u ask them for the winning numbers on the Powerball or any other lottery ticket?

02:53 UTC


[Mass Effect 2] The Terminus Systems have no proper, consistent government. So who built all those refueling stations? Who's maintaining and refilling them? Why is the Normandy SR2 allowed to use them?

02:40 UTC


[The shawshank redemption] why did andy go to the warden about

Tommy's story to see if he can get a new trial. If he did get a new trial or release on appeal they would have found the hole he has been digging in his cell. Wouldnt that be a crime in itself that he would be back in prison for?

23:56 UTC


[Glee] How would Kurt react to a gay transgender boy?

Seeing his reaction to the idea of Blaine being bisexual, I wonder how he would react to a gay boy who is also transgender. For some scenarios with detail:

  • The boy may be attracted to Kurt.

  • If wanting to go further, perhaps Kurt likes the boy before hearing the reveal.

1 Comment
21:20 UTC


[Batman] How was Zur en arrh created?

I've been out of the loop as of late. How exactly did bruce manage to create a separate consciousness that could even leave his body and take over failsafe. Like WHAT? Is there some magic at play here, im so confused?

19:48 UTC


[King Kong 2005/Monsterverse] What would happen if the two Skull islands were fused together?

At their peaks, before they both started getting destroyed.

Kongs (not to be confused with megaprimatus from 2005), the giant skull crawlers, and any other titan like the Kraken are not included in the scenario. Only megafauna.

The skull island TV show is allowed, and the world of kong book is also allowed.

The event happens suddenly, as both islands (at the size they normally are) attach to each other, and overtime join geologically in a way that they essentially just fuse together.

Edit: Why does everyone instantaneously downvote posts in this sub? Is this a thing?

1 Comment
19:45 UTC


[Supernatural] What exactly is demons blood? How does it make special children?

If Demons are just suped up ghost and possessing a host body how exactly does that change the blood of the host from regular human blood to "demon blood"?

How does it give children powers and just by imbibing it as well? Whats the difference between a ghost doing a possession? does a ghost possessed body now have "ghost blood"? Can a regular ghost possessed person make special children?

What about Angels ? does it work the same way with them? Does Jimmy's body have "angel blood" while possessed by Cas? Could Cas go around creating special children? would they be different from the kids made ny demon/ghost blood?

19:00 UTC


[Monsterverse] where does the light for hollow earth come from?

After seeing kong x godzilla it struck me that hollow earth is very bright with, like its permanent noon, but how is this possible with no access to the sun?

17:18 UTC


[Codename: Kids Next Door/The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy] shared universe inconsistences

So, we know KND and Billy and Mandy exist in the same universe.

We know this because of crossovers like "The grim Adventures of the Kids Next Door", as well as KND's cameo's in the "Cartoon Network: Invaded" series. Also, Number 3 appeared in "Big Bogey Adventure" as the new Grim reaper.

But this causes two issues:

No moonbase

The "Invaded" episode "Billy & Mandy Moon the Moon" takes place on the moon, but as the wiki says...

If the Kids Next Door exist then that means that the moonbase would've been near, of course they would've redirected them to a fake moon but this doesn't explain why the alien's transformed into werewolves, this is also put out of contact because the Moonbase appeared in The Grim Adventures of the KND.

Another I found was...

Santa Clause

Okay. Santa is always given a different design, voice and (to some extent) personality every time he appears in a cartoon or special. He appears different in Evil Con Carne, which is Billy and Mandy's sister show. Even Rankin/Bass is guilty of this.

Most of this could be caulked down to eaither "unreliable narrator" or "broad strokes", both meaning details are slightly different.

But, the problem is that in KND Santa has a completely different way of delivering presents. That is, by teleporting them from a room in the north Pole to kids houses useing the Christmas Tree's as homing beacons. As opposed to the other CN shows, where he delivers presents the old fashioned way, by sleigh.

In fact, the entire plot of the KND Christmas special hinges around this method, as the Delightful Children was trying to steal the tech, to ruin Christmas.

16:56 UTC


[Iron Man] Does Tony Stark ever use nuclear weapons?

I was just curious if there are any instances of Tony Stark using a nuke to wipe out some bad guys? Surely he has the means to make some.

But if he cant be bothered to send a fleet of suits or the avengers are too busy, has he ever just nuked a bad guy? Like an orbital invasion fleet or something in an ocean?

Besides the MCU Avengers first movie where he directs a nuke upwards into the portal.

16:48 UTC


[Star Trek] Why does almost no one use physical books anymore?

It seems like the only people who read paper books in Star Trek are antiquarians like Picard.

I find this incredibly odd considering the existence of replicators.

Replicators should be the ultimate “print on demand” machines for things like books.

16:31 UTC


[Supernatural] What happened to all of Azazels or " old yellow eyes'" other surviving "children "?

Like how long had hed been doing this for? How many actual children were there? how many surviving ones are still out there?

Why do they all seem to get different powers ? if they were to have children did their powers get passed down?

Are they are more powerful than regular human psychics if they train and grow stronger like Sam did who eventually got strong enough to kill a demon of lilliths caliber with alot of effort?

16:09 UTC


[Captain America: Civil War] Aside from the personal perspectives Tony and Steve had, were the Sokovia Accords themselves good or bad?

From what little we have been able to gather about the actual writing within the resolution it seems to stipulate both a need for individuals with access to superhuman abilities/ advanced training/ advanced technology to be required to register their names, locations and identities with the UN and act as a UN based military organization operating only when given explicit permission by the UN... this seems bad.

Aside from the obvious points Cap makes about the UN being inherently untrustworthy as a bureaucratic organization subject to the whims of its constituent nation states (especially since the United States specifically holds veto power as a permanent member of the UN security council AND seems to have a monopoly on superhumans)

In addition to this it seems pretty obvious that the UN is notoriously slow and ineffectual as responding to crises while they occur. By the time approval consensus was reached to allow the operatives to engage in work the damage almost certainly would probably already be done right? Not to mention that conflicting nations might feel threatened by U.S. based operatives being sent into their own or neighboring or allied countries or regions so might reject certain missions on the basis of proxy war or spying.

With all this in mind why on earth would any hero support this?

15:18 UTC


[Minecraft]Is Minecraft Steve an actual Superhuman?Does he even need money to survive?How does his body work?What are his special powers and abilities?

Considering that Steve can eat raw meat a-okay, and rumours being that the gravity of the Minecraft world is far stronger than ours, Steve is probably a superhuman no? Sure, arrows and all hurt him but even an arrow to the head isn't completely killing Steve. Is Steve actually human like us? Biologically at least? Steve has to be a superhuman no? How does Steve's body work logically speaking? Since Steve can farm, craft and build all on his own, does he even need money to survive? Can Steve just live off any biome? Does he have an innate awareness of the mechanisms of any invention and can build actually anything? Or is it just a game mechanic? What special abilities and powers would Steve have if he's an actual Superhuman, or what abilities and powers would be notable from Steve.

15:13 UTC


[Supernatural] Where do the pagan gods especially the upper echelon ones like Zeus and the ones that were in the hotel meeting measure up in the hierarchy of the verse?

Like some of them dont seem much tougher than your average somewhat trained human? But then some of them also seem to have pretty strong powers? I know the archangels have them beat but Can the stronger ones go toe to toe with more run of the mill angels??

What about demons? Can they kill or fight regular demoms? upper echeloon demons? what about more run of the mill monsters? or even Alpha monsters? Are the pagan squad comparable to them?

13:28 UTC


[X-Men] Since Rogue is worried about hurting people with her powers, is there any reason she cannot wear a device that suppresses them that has an on/off switch?

Rogue siphons the strength of people she touches through skin contact. In almost any incarnation of the X-Men, there are devices that suppress mutant powers. Normally these are used by villains against mutants, however, Rogue has dangerous powers, is often shown to long to be able to touch another person without hurting them. So is there any reason she cannot use a device like that in a casual setting and take it off during a mission?

12:18 UTC


[Marvel/DC] What plans or protocols do superheroes have for someone gaining omnipotence?

Let’s say a former normal person called Joe just permanently became omnipotent, his eternal power equals even The One Above All and The Presence.

He literally can do anything and everything. Obviously, he’s no longer a individual that can be just ignored or left alone without supervision.

So what plans or protocols do superheroes have for someone like Joe?

Put him in a prison? Give him a death sentence for being too potentially dangerous? Ask him to remove all evil in the world? Ask him to not change reality at all? Ask him to turn everyone on Earth into a mutant or some other kind of superhuman?

12:07 UTC


[Flash] Should Hunter Zolomon (Zoom) be able to do what speedsters do?

Given that Zoom is technically not fast, should he be able to do what Flash and the other speedsters can do?

For example, should he be able to run up a building given that he's running at normal speed in relation to himself? Running on water? Will his punches even be powerful?

11:38 UTC


[Command & Conquer] In the First Tiberium Conflict, how and why did Nod acquire so much US military hardware?

This isn't really apparent in the later, more fantastical, games, but in TD, the predominance of US military hardware in the Nod arsenal is striking:

  • Minigunners are armed with the M16
  • Rocket Soldiers are armed with the M72 LAW
  • The Buggy is the DPV, a US vehicle
  • The Light Tank is an (upgunned) M2 Bradley
  • The Apache is an US military asset
  • They use the YF-22 and C-130. Both of these are US aircraft. The YF-22 was an experimental aircraft; the F-22 didn't go into production until 1997, well after the development and release of TD. Whether we are to make of this that Nod has access to "pre-release" US military technology, or whether Westwood was correctly predicting the YF-22 to become selected for mass production, and thus supposing that Nod acquired mass-produced F-22s rather than experimental aircraft, but wrongly predicted that the mass-production model F-22 would differ from the YF-22 in several aspects - we are still left with Nod acquiring high-end US military aircraft pretty much immediately to its development.
  • In other verses in the games, laser technology is also associated not just with Nod, but with the US, in the Generals and Red Alert verses.

Indeed, all of the NOD hardware which is NOT explicitly US military hardware is fantastical (MCV, Harvester, Chem Warrior), or generic (Bike, Flamethrower). At least, it's not associated with any other nation's military, or military industry.
Some cases are a bit ambiguous: in the Remaster, the Rocket Soldier is possibly equipped with an AT-4 of Swedish make. The Artillery looks like the American M110, but just as much looks like the French Mk F3 155mm howitzer. While the M110 does not have the caliber indicated by the game code (155mm), the Mk F3 does. The SSM is identified in the code as "HonestJohn", i.e. the MGR-1 Honest John of US origin, although that would be vastly anachronistic in the timeframe of the game.
For a global terrorist group, headquartered supposedly in Yugoslavia and Egypt, this arsenal composition is very unexpected. What's going on here?

11:13 UTC


[Ghost Rider] What would happen if Ghost Rider tried to use the penance stare on Two-Face?

Just a random thought I had...as the Harvey personality is innocent, where as the Two-Face personality is guilty...

Bonus question, has Ghost Rider ever had to deal with someone who had split personality? If so, how did that work out?

10:17 UTC


[Jurassic Park] Assuming he had survived, how liable would Dennis Nedry have been for the deaths on the island? What kind of repercussions would he have faced?

09:59 UTC


[Resident Evil and other zombies universes] How does zombies function ?

Guess who has zombies question ?

Hi all !

I manage to like zombie way late in my 20’s and I have a lot of stupid questions.

I accept plots based on “that things takes over the human body and mind”. Exemple : cordiceps, world war Z virus, parasitic infection and all that shit. Basically things that use the bio machine we are as a kind of armor or consume the body to get energy and develop on its own. In my head there is something a bit alive even if human isn’t humaning anymore.

What I can’t stop scratching my head about are plots based on “human dead like super dead… Wait… O shit he remembers I owe him money !” Basically all scenarios of awakened decomposing human bodies. Exemples : the evil within, Résident Evil, the walking dead, dead space and other.

I am okay with demonic possession of dead bodies => Dark magic/satan the disbelief of how it works is the point. Dead space necromorphs seems more like a mixture of an external organism developing in a dead body so okay I guess ?

But TWD and RE ? Whenever someone says “body functions ceased to work” or something like that I think :

  • No blood flowing so no oxygen for muscles. Heart can beat after death so maybe oxygen but for a few minutes only ?
  • No brain function so no electrical impulse to make EVERYTHING work ?
  • No digestive system so no transformation of biomass into nutrient ? I can eat pure nutrients but if don’t digest them I can’t use those nutrients right ? Panda eat constantly because they digest bamboo very badly and get very few nutrients from it no ?
  • Also about biomass/nutrients : HOW THE FUCK DOES A TYRANT GO FROM A BIG GUYS TO A GIGANTIC BLOB FISH ? Don’t even mention the dinosaurs boss in RE5… From where does it gets the necessary composant for this kind of mutations ? I can accept the speed of it because maybe it’s a very speedy cancer kind of growth. Consuming other zombies or people isn’t enough in my opinion.

At least insectoids creatures like tyrannids or zergs collect biomass and have “cocoon” process that gives sense to “converting” people into fuel.

I can live with “shut up just enjoy the thing” but I find it super fun to try to understand this kind of thing, it helps me to stay involved in the media and not just laugh at the impossibility of the “sciency shit ».

I enjoy way more a stupid thing like a Velocipastor that doesn’t takes it too seriously than a media that try so haaaard to give an explanation that we are suppose to find super intelligent.

That’s all for the day. Pardon my English if I made grammar mistakes.

Édit : please be advised that I have a High school level of biology and science understanding. I studied something else so please pardon me if there are obvious explanations to my questions.

09:42 UTC


[I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream] How did AM preserve only 5 humans?

Before, I've seen many questions on how AM keeps his hostages alive and manipulates reality. However, my question is how did he make sure they live, as in to survive the mass extinction. When AM took over the other supercomputers and began its revenge, it launched all the nukes in the world, obliterating everything and destroying civilizations and society. But how was it able to plan out and save only 5 humans, so that they did not end up being destroyed?

All I know is that he cannot resurrect the dead, so it's not like he could've just chosen random corpses in the ashes.

For some theories of mine:

  • AM created false orders for the US government to deliver the five to its complex before the mass extinction. Probably told them they were spies or something that needed to be brought in and interrogated.

  • AM could already manipulate reality before enacting the plan, and while screwing with humanity, it decided to make only those 5 resistant to radiation and fiery explosions.

  • While not all the 5, some of them were already workers there, whether they might have been programmers, technicians, guards/soldiers, etc. In other words, they were inside the complex, and AM merely locked them in.

05:03 UTC


[The Flash] Are the flashes actually good runners without their powers? Does their technique even matter?

Random shower thought I had

04:02 UTC


[Jumper] How would you gain money?

You wake up with the ability to teleport, the rules are like they were in the Jumper book by Steve Gould. To be able to teleport you need to be familiar with the place, you can teleport things with you to a certain degree, if they are too big you just stay in place, if you're connected (for example with handcuffs) to something like a railing or building you can't jump and stay in place. In the book David just walks into a bank in the 90s and sees the vault with money, studies it for a few seconds and jumps in there at night. Considering we aren't in the 90s anymore and unless you work at a bank just seeing a vault with money from the inside isn't the easiest how would you collect enough money to be carefree for the next few years?

02:29 UTC

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