
Photograph via snooOG

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2 months later crown still feels uncomfortable

I got a crown over about two montgs ago for one of my front teeth and I also wear a retainer. the retainer was feeling super tight and so I went in to have it adjusted the day after the permanent crown and then again a few weeks later.

the issue is every morning when I take off my retainer the tooth with the crown feels uncomfortable. like the feeling essentially lasts until I go to bed but it gets a little better throughy the day but still uncomfortable.

when I put my retainer on at night it feels like the tooth is moving but I know it's not

every assistant or dentist I've spoken to has told me it's fine and I've gotten xrays. it's just over 2 months of this feeling and I have no idea if there's anything I can do or if there's any explanation.

it's just this pressure which never seems to go away and I'm constantly worried the tooth is loose but it isn't moving.

is there anything I can ask my dentist to help? I'm terrified every day I'll take my retainer out and the tooth will fall out.

1 Comment
06:29 UTC


Any ideas around how much it’ll cost to get this chip on my front tooth fixed? is it even possible

1 Comment
06:24 UTC


Smoking the night before an appointment

Hey! I was wondering if it’s okay to smoke weed the night before an appointment. It’s just a routine cleaning one.

05:12 UTC


[20M] Should I get all of my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow?

I have an appointment coming up and I see a lot of controversy about getting wisdom teeth removed generally. The dentist in question just took over his father’s practice and may not have as much practice.

I hope this post can yield some clarity in my decision making process. I appreciate especially any experienced professionals to chime in.

Thank you.

1 Comment
05:07 UTC


When can i smoke bongs again?

I know this question has been asked before but i’m hoping to get some insight on my specific situation. 5 days ago i got my bottom back molar removed due to a severe cavity. I’ve avoided smoking in general since the operation to avoid a dry socket as i hear they are excruciating pain. I’ve never had any teeth removed prior so this is a very unfamiliar situation for me. How long should i wait until i can smoke bongs again?

1 Comment
04:39 UTC


Is my Dental routine good?

This is my nightly dental routine:

  1. Floss between every tooth
  2. Wash mouth out with water
  3. Wash mouth with anti-cavity mouthwash
  4. Wait 10min and brush teeth with Flouride toothpaste
  5. Spits out toothpaste but I don’t rinse it so the fluoride sticks to my teeth.

I’ve heard mouthwash before brushing is better than after, but I’m curious if there is a better way to do my routine?

1 Comment
04:32 UTC


Where is the cavity on the x ray?

04:28 UTC


Is this a normal looking tongue?

It just feels dry a lot and sometimes it will hurt to brush it but only in the back. It doesn't hurt to eat and it's not hard to swallow. I just get paranoid about, well, everything regarding health. I looked photos of thrush and my sister thinks I might have it, but I'm not too sure. I don't smoke or drink. I drink one large cup of coffee a day and the rest of the day I drink water. I don't drink soda or juice or anything like that. I brush twice a day, floss after every meal and use mouthwash every few days. I'm probably just freaking out. I go to see my doctor in like 10 days so, I'll ask him, i just hate sounding crazy.

1 Comment
04:25 UTC


Unknown pain

I have a pain that is either the 3rd or 4th tooth from the back and came on suddenly. There is a slight red area there but nothing else. When I bite down it hurts but then goes, sometimes the pain shoots directly up to the middle of the top of my mouth. Oddly enough no pain when eating. I recently (2 weeks ago) had my top wisdom teeth extracted and have had no issues so far other than a rare random pulsing pain, dentist also didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. To note I do have gum disease but was told I’m making progress in making my teeth healthy again but didn’t have issues with the back ones. Can someone see anything wrong or know what it could be?

1 Comment
03:44 UTC


Why did my tongue "break in half" and feels dry. Maybe thrush?

03:11 UTC


I cracked my tooth! What will I need to get done to it?

I clench my teeth a lot subconsciously during my sleep because of stress, and today a part of my tooth enamel just randomly chipped off. It's on the front of one of my top teeth I think a molar?, it's like on one half of it and it's halfway down the tooth. I do have a dentist appointment in two days, but I get pretty bad anxiety so I was just wondering would anyone know what I will probably need to get done to fix my tooth?

02:58 UTC


Why are my teeth so white?

My teeth are nice and white and sometimes I just wonder why. I only brush once a day and I drink soda. I just use crest whitening toothpaste but nothing else. I feel like anyone else would have yellowish teeth but mine are pretty awesome.

02:47 UTC


Braces or Invisalign for bottom teeth only?


When I was 18, I lost my retainer and didn’t replace it, which has led to my bottom teeth becoming slightly crooked and crowded. At 25, I got porcelain veneers on my top teeth and I’m fine with their appearance.

Now, at 28, I’m considering getting braces or Invisalign to straighten my bottom teeth. I kind of regret not getting braces or Invisalign first.

I'm wondering if it’s possible to:

A. Have braces or Invisalign on my bottom teeth only?

B. Have Invisalign or braces with my porcelain veneers?

For context, I do not drink or smoke and I don’t have any medical conditions.

All of my wisdom teeth are removed if that makes a difference.

*also apologies for the photo of my mouth *

Thanks in advance for your advice!


1 Comment
02:46 UTC


One of my front tooth is translucent, help!


Almost half of one of my front tooth is translucent (seen in pic above). I know this is enamel loss but what can I do to fix this other than doing teeth bonding/crowning/veneers?

I can see my tongue color if it is behind this tooth. Help!

1 Comment
02:29 UTC


How do you clean the gum flap behind the molar tooth?

When I used a toothpick behind the flap, I noticed there were yesterday's old food debris and foul smell. How do you clean behind there properly?

02:21 UTC


Pulp exposed, is it urgent or can I wait for appointment?

I'm pretty sure I have a tooth with the pulp exposed, it doesn't hurt unless something hits it pretty hard and then it bleeds a little bit for a second. I already scheduled an appointment for the 24th of this month but I just wanted to know if pulp exposure is something so serious that it calls for something to be done about it before then?

02:14 UTC


Getting invisalign instead of implant?

Hi all, im getting one of my front bottom teeth extracted (along with a bone graft) later this week, and my oral surgeon is recommending that instead of getting a tooth implant I just get invisalign to fix the gap since there’s already a bit of overcrowding in my lower teeth. Is this common? Im a little worried that it’ll look weird and youll still be able to tell im missing a tooth. Any advice or experience is appreciated, thanks!

02:09 UTC


Tooth cavity filling still hurts a month later. Why?

I’m going to call my dentist tomorrow because I called two weeks ago and she said wait two more weeks and it hasn’t gotten any better. I had a pretty bad cavity that I couldn’t get filled because I met my insurance max (wisdom teeth used all that money lol) so I had to wait to get that one tooth filled until the new year. So I got it done and she put the filling pretty high and also put something in my tooth to close a gap and now I’m having a lot of issues. Especially when I eat anything cold, it throbs and aches. But normal foods fine, I can chew normal temperature foods with no issues it’s just cold and super hot stuff that causes the pain. What could be wrong?:(

I do not drink or smoke. I don’t have any health conditions that have anything to do with my teeth.

1 Comment
02:07 UTC


Bump in my lower lip for 3 months

I have a bump in my lower lip for 3 months. It doesn’t cause any pain , it doesn’t looks to be oral mucole ! It’s same as lip color , moving a bit and I don’t think it can pop as well! Please share your inputs on it!

1 Comment
02:02 UTC


Listerine Zero causing mouth peeling

I was using the alcohol based Listerine with sodium fluoride for a while but I noticed that I will get a canker sore like once a month, and I’ve also heard the non-alcohol version is just better for your mouth, so I’ve recently switched to the Listerine Zero.

I was in the Philippines for a couple of weeks and bought some there, and I used it daily with great results! But then I returned to the States and the first time I used it, the skin started peeling in my mouth—roof, gums, inside of lips/cheeks.. no pain or tenderness, just peeling skin..

I compared the labels of both Philippines and US and realized that the US one includes Phosphoric Acid and Disodium Phosphate. I’m guessing it was probably the Phosphoric Acid that did it for me..

Strangely enough, I also compared the inactive ingredients with those listed on the Listerine website, and they do not match the bottle purchased in the US; however, they match the one purchased in Philippines.. I’m curious if they changed the ingredients and I purchased an old bottle.. It was purchased at a reputable pharmacy chain so I don’t believe it’s a knockoff..

Anyways, I wanted to share my experience since I think others have also had this issue.. check your ingredients. If you have this problem, does yours also contains Phosphoric Acid?

1 Comment
01:58 UTC


is my smile crooked or im tripping?

i used braces for 5 years, btw what else i could do to improve my dental aesthetics?

01:50 UTC


Pulpotomy with continued pain/swelling and fever

Around two weeks ago I got a filling, but was feeling a lot of pain afterwards which had never happened for me. I was also having sinus pressure/headaches and pain behind my cheekbones.

So I went back to the dentist on Friday 7/12, almost exactly 2 weeks after the initial filling, and they said I cracked the filling. They put a temporary filling with eugenol in my tooth, but my face started swelling really fast and we thought I was having an allergic reaction so I took Benadryl and we removed the eugenol temporary filling in and just used a regular one. They also sent me to an endodontist to see if I would need a root canal on the tooth.

The endodontist said she didnt think the tooth could be saved for reasons I didnt entirely understand - something about it being too close to an impacted wisdom teeth. So she said she did a pulpotomy which would help the pain, but ultimately I would need both the wisdom tooth and the molar removed. This was also on Friday.

Since then, the pain has only increased. I am taking 600 mg ibuprofen every few hours and have 3 days of azithromycin. Today, Sunday, I started feeling pretty weak and also have a slight fever in spite of the ibuprofen and my sinus pressure feels pretty bad.

The dentist I saw initially scheduled me for the surgery but it is not until August. I'm not sure if I can cope with this pain for that long.

I guess I wanted to ask if all of this sounds legit, or if I should get another opinion from a different dentist before getting surgery? Should I go to an urgent care for the fever and weakness, or back to the dentist, or is this normal when recovering?

Thank you!

01:46 UTC


Do u think this is some kind of hiv ?!!!!

01:30 UTC


Gum graft/ frenum cut tomorrow - Xanax?

Hi everyone! I’m getting a gum graft and lower frenum pull cut tomorrow. I have pretty bad dental anxiety (I do fine at cleanings, just have never had any cavities or procedures done). They are giving me nitrous, but am I allowed to take Xanax before? I have a prescription from my PCP, but I guess I don’t know if it will interfere with the novacaine or anything.

I’m going to call in the morning, but I’m trying to mentally prepare myself here. (Dental anxiety is the worst- I’ve put this graft off for over a year at this point).

Also, is there a point where they won’t let me have the procedure done? I had an extraction last year for Invisalign and my blood pressure was so high they almost made me leave.

1 Comment
01:17 UTC


Slightly chipped tooth

Hi there, today i was eating pasta and accidentally bit down on my fork quite hard. i think i may have slightly chipped my tooth. i dont feel any pain but it does feel like there’s a slight chip when i touch my tooth, i cant tell visually whether there’s a chip. should i still go into the dentist? i’m over due for a cleaning anyway. if so how urgent is it?

1 Comment
01:12 UTC

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