
Photograph via snooOG

Got a question for Texans, about Texas or anything Texas related?

Got a question for Texans, about Texas or anything Texas related?


97 Subscribers


hey guys, what about weather?

ill be visiting texas (Dallas) for work between september and october, i know the climate is typically warm in that area but what kind of clothes should i pack to stay comfortable?

17:44 UTC


Where are the homeless in Texas?

A while back we rolled thru Dallas, Ft Worth, Plano, and Austin for a few days. This includes going downtown and getting lost down a few side roads.

We only saw a homeless couple once and that was it. Where are they?

I ask because of the rumors that Texas just gives them all one way tickets to Cali.

00:49 UTC


Future resident

I plan on moving down to Houston for work and until I can find a place of my own I’ll be staying mainly in hotels. I wanted to know what I could use to get an ID. I was thinking of having a bank statement forwarded down along with a pay check stub. Would that be enough? TIA

1 Comment
19:42 UTC


Please suggest vegetable and dairy farms to visit and learn about farming.

Hi everyone, I live in DFW Area with my wife. My father in law is visiting us from India and he will be with us for September and October this year.

He does dairy farming and also grows couple of other stuff like Cucumber, Pepper etc and I think it would be nice to take him to farms here to learn about how farming is done here.

I wanted to take him to local farms here where they take us on a tour through the farms, explain in detail how they do the farming here, what kind of fertilizers they use, machinery they use, what they feed the cattle etc etc.

Can you please any good vegetable farms we can take him?

So far I found below 2 dairy farms -

  1. Jersey Bernhard
  2. Volleyman Family Farm.

Any other nearby places you can suggest?

Please suggest places within 3-4 hour distance by road.

16:04 UTC


Moving to TX: Any advice on getting a car?


I'll be moving to your awesome state for work very soon and am trying to figure out the requirements and procedures in place for getting a car.

My situation is that I'm a chef on a visa (see: international, non-citizen) who has been using a driver's license from another country (in English) to get by with a rental car while currently in another state.

However, renting this time around is not an option anymore as I will be based here for the foreseeable future and it would be too expensive to do so.

So I've been doing research on:

  • calculating whether it's more cost effective to lease or buy a pre-owned car,
  • reliable & trustworthy places to get a car a from (e.g. dealerships, websites, etc.),
  • steps to attain a TX state ID/driver's license, and
  • steps to make any car, whether I lease or buy, legally driveable (e.g. registration, insurance, etc.)

Admittedly, it's all so overwhelming that I thought I could ask for this sub's help for some advice or direction on where to start.

Any leads are much appreciated, thank you!! :)

23:51 UTC


Job Sites

I’m from England and I want to check out job listings for software developers in Austin. What are the best job board websites to search on? Cheers

10:26 UTC


Travel / City Recommendations?

Hello everyone! :)

I hope this this okay to post here and isn’t annoying

I’m from Alberta, Canada and will be travelling to Texas in July mostly for a Peso Pluma concert but also because it is my sister’s dream to visit Texas. We’re just not sure which city to go see the concert in and which other cities we should check out while we’re there.

Our options to see the concert are Dallas, Austin, and Edinburg. We are thinking Dallas but then heard some good things about Austin. How would these two cities compare for tourists? We googled around a bit and Dallas seems like it has a lot of cool stuff to do!

We want to hit at least one other city in the week that we’re there. We’re thinking San Antonio and maybe El Paso? What are these like? Are there any better options?

I’m mostly just going for the concert, but I’ve never been to the States and I think it will be super cool. My sister though has always wanted to go to experience Texan culture. We love food, especially Mexican food, and we love nature, hiking, art, shopping, history, and museums.

Any general advice or specific recommendations are greatly appreciated!! I’m super excited to visit :)


22:33 UTC


Question about moving to Texas

Hello, I was planning to move to Texas from Ontario, Canada. I was looking at buying a place in Mcallen because the houses there seem to be at a low price and the size is nice.

Another reason is because I want my family to get away from the cold weather that occurs in Canada for almost half the year.

So I have a few questions.

Is there a better place than Mcallen to move to in Texas where I'd be able to buy a fair priced house that's also a good size?

Is Mcallen safe overall?

Is the weather warm year round? (anything above 5 degrees celcius (41 degrees fahrenheit and above) during the winters)

Would it be easy to open up a small business like a restaurant?

23:38 UTC



Hey ya'll, I'm from Colorado born and raised, I heard you were one of the nearby states with an invasive feral boar population. Now I love pork, and would be more than happy doing my part to help out with our piggy problem. What hunting licenses (if any) would I need in order to legally go boarhunting in Texas?

1 Comment
10:02 UTC


How does the future of Texas look like?

Texas is growing a lot economically with a booming population and a thriving energy sector. There are also a number of tech companies moving to Texas, and growing tech investments in semiconductor manufacturing. There's a major port to connect to the world's ocean trade and a huge cities and metro areas in Texas, aided by NAFTA connecting Texas more to Mexico for manufacturing supply chains, and so much land so that real estate can be spread out, leading to more potential economic growth. And that too that wind and solar work in Texas, and so does geothermal, and that's before we get to the Shale Revolution, on top of the already amounts of oil and gas extraction that have been a very old established major industry (oil extraction industry more than a century at this point).

But Texas also has chaotic and unstable politics, from the antics of the AG and Lt Gov to militias from across the country assembling in Texas in a scary re-enactment of Fort Sumter (no, I don't think a Second US Civil War is coming, nor that Texas will secede, but militias, and that too Republican controlled states sending their state militias such as DeSantis' Florida US National Guard is not a way to promote political stability and rational policies). And there's a growing cost of living issue that could turn Texas more like California in cost of living problems if not dealt with properly. The abortion politics also make Texas less attractive for more educated workers, an issue already impacting Florida (not Texas yet nearly as much).

It seems so much is going right for Texas, but also so much wrong too.

Where do you fine folk see the state's future?

1 Comment
23:24 UTC


Power grid regulators

Hey Texas!

I was over in AskConservatives and the whole power grid thing came up again. I would love if you could give me some information that isn't really in Wikipedia or a fairly basic web search.

How I see the hierarchy:

  • Governor appoints PUC. Legislature can tell them what to do with laws.

  • PUC controls ERCOT and can set pricing and regulations for energy companies

  • All energy companies are part of ERCOT and must obey their rules

  • PUC gave control of investigation over to TexasRE which deals with federal regulations and is a really weird setup I don't understand.

  • Energy companies are not required to join TexasRE

  • TexasRE seems very ineffective and cost wayyy more than it brought in for violations

  • PUC dropped TexasRE just before the last winter storm. Maybe good? But no replacement was ready and...still not replaced?

  • And of course federal government has made reports with recommendations that seem to have been thrown away by the politicians since like 1989.

Any information would help.

14:50 UTC


Do you believe that Joshua Feuerstein has a chance of winning as governor of Texas?


22:57 UTC


Best option

Hey Texans,
First time renter. Is it better to go with an electric company that has 12.3 cents / 1000kWh at a locked rate or 19.5 cents / 1000kWh with free nights and solar days?
Apt is 1060 sqft if that helps 2b2b.

14:50 UTC


Can the legislature make 'yall' a real word and skip the apostrophe [y'all]?

03:58 UTC


Unmarried couple jointly own car - how to get insurance

My long-term partner and I just moved to Texas. We are domestic partnered but I know that doesn't do squat in Texas (please correct me if I'm wrong!). We are both on the title of our car that we just got. When I shared the title with my car insurance company they said they would have to cancel the policy because the car is not solely in my name and we are not married. My partner is listed as an additional driver on the policy.

Obviously we'll be dropping this company and finding new insurance, but my question is, is that the law in Texas? Do we need to get the car re-titled solely in my name in order to get the car insured?

Edit: more context

18:56 UTC


Men, you come home on your birthday and your partner has made you a meal, what is infront of you?

It's my boyfriends birthday and he wants me to cook for him cause he's the main cook but I have no idea what to cook? He was raised in texas so I thought I'd try get some home grown ideas?

01:14 UTC


Does anyone else get offended when someone talks down about Texas?

1 Comment
19:43 UTC


In Dallas or Texas in general, are the lanes on the roads and expressways narrower than in other parts of the country?

Is this a Dallas/Texas thing or am I just imagining it?

21:18 UTC


I have lived in Texas since 2009. Ask me anything!

18:54 UTC


My learners permit expired on my birthday, I’m 18 now so do I have to renew it to take online courses to take the road test or could I do it without the permit?

1 Comment
20:04 UTC


Which beer is frowned upon and which are the standard go to beers of Texas?

07:42 UTC

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