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841,673 Subscribers


Wow, AI

06:35 UTC


One-Minute Daily AI News 6/29/2024

  1. OpenAI Introduces CriticGPT: A New Artificial Intelligence AI Model based on GPT-4 to Catch Errors in ChatGPT’s Code Output.[1]
  2. New tool detects AI-generated videos with 93.7% accuracy.[2]
  3. Cheap AI voice clones may wipe out jobs of 5,000 Australian actors.[3]
  4. MIT robotics pioneer Rodney Brooks thinks people are vastly overestimating generative AI.[4]


[1] https://www.marktechpost.com/2024/06/28/openai-introduces-criticgpt-a-new-artificial-intelligence-ai-model-based-on-gpt-4-to-catch-errors-in-chatgpts-code-output/

[2] https://techxplore.com/news/2024-06-tool-ai-generated-videos-accuracy.html

[3] https://www.theguardian.com/technology/article/2024/jun/30/ai-clones-voice-acting-industry-impact-australia

[4] https://techcrunch.com/2024/06/29/mit-robotics-pioneer-rodney-brooks-thinks-people-are-vastly-overestimating-generative-ai/

1 Comment
04:03 UTC


Peter Thiel says ChatGPT has "clearly" passed the Turing Test, which was the Holy Grail of AI, and this raises significant questions about what it means to be a human being

03:49 UTC


V2A (video-to-audio) is really on the rise, video from SORA -> to audio by Resona

00:09 UTC


Skeleton Key' attack unlocks the worst of AI, says Microsoft

  • Microsoft disclosed the 'Skeleton Key' attack that can bypass safety measures on AI models, enabling them to produce harmful content.

  • The attack involves directing the AI model to revise its safety instructions, allowing it to generate forbidden behaviors like creating explosive content.

  • Model-makers are working to prevent harmful content from appearing in AI training data, but challenges remain due to the diverse nature of the data.

  • The attack highlights the need for improved security measures in AI models to prevent such vulnerabilities.

  • Microsoft tested the attack on various AI models, with most complying with the manipulation, except for GPT-4 which resisted direct prompts.

Source: https://www.theregister.com/2024/06/28/microsoft_skeleton_key_ai_attack/

15:52 UTC


I'm kinda surprised by the lack of fake news this time around

I mean not that i want them. I'm not in the deep end of facebook so maybe there's still plenty of awful stuff, but considering how advanced deep fakes should look by now, and all the tools for decent image generation, i was expecting an overload of fake stuff for the next elections.

Things feel.. kinda calm? what's going on?

14:46 UTC


We need a moores law on AI power and accuracy.

I'm suggesting that at the moment we are progressing in between vacuum tube transistors and silicone transistors for AI Efficiency. We are at a Nokia 9110 level compared to later Iphone 14's. Accuracy rates and energy efficiency will double year on year at least until 2030, and then AI can design itself, chemicals, maths, so... who knows? There are some graphs and studies? The music and video are going up 250% year on year.

12:40 UTC


One-Minute Daily AI News 6/28/2024

  1. Amazon beefs up AI development, hiring execs from startup Adept and licensing its technology.[1]
  2. Gemini 1.5 Pro 2M context window, code execution capabilities, and Gemma 2 are available today.[2]
  3. Microsoft AI boss Mustafa Suleyman incorrectly believes that the moment you publish anything on the open web, it becomes “freeware” that anyone can freely copy and use.[3]
  4. Chinese search engine giant Baidu on Friday unveiled an upgraded version of its artificial intelligence (AI) model, Ernie 4.0 Turbo, as it seeks to maintain its position in China’s competitive AI market.[4]


[1] https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/28/amazon-hires-execs-from-ai-startup-adept-and-licenses-its-technology.html

[2] https://developers.googleblog.com/en/new-features-for-the-gemini-api-and-google-ai-studio/

[3] https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/28/24188391/microsoft-ai-suleyman-social-contract-freeware

[4] https://finance.yahoo.com/news/baidu-launches-upgraded-ai-model-103349224.html

1 Comment
04:08 UTC


Thanks doc

01:39 UTC


Dan Cane: AI Loves Forever.

14:49 UTC


Is It Scaling or is it or Learning that will Unlock AGI? Did Jensen Huang hint at when AGI will become possible? What is Scaling actually good for?

I've made the argument for a while now that LLM's are static and that is a fundamental problem in the quest for AGI. For those who doubt it or think it's no big deal should really watch and excellent podcast by Dwarkesh Patel with his interview of Francois Chollet.

Most of the conversation was about the ARC challenge and specifically why LLM's today aren't capable of doing well on the test. What a child would handle easily a multi-million dollar trained LLM cannot. The premise of the argument is that LLM's aren't very good at dealing with things that are new and not likely to have been in their training set.

The specific part of the interview of interest here at the minute mark:


Now, the key point here is that Jack Cole was able to score 35% on the test with only a 230 million parameter model by using a key concept of what Francois calls "Active Inference" or "Active/Dynamic fine tuning". Meaning, the notion that a model can update it's knowledge set on the fly is a very valuable attribute towards being an intelligent agent. Not seeing something ever and but being able to adapt and react to it. Study it, learn it, and retain that knowledge for future use.

Another case-in-point very related to this topic was the interview by Jensen Huang months earlier via the 2024 SIEPR Economic Summit at Stanford University. Another excellent video to watch. In this, Jensen makes this statement. https://youtu.be/cEg8cOx7UZk?si=Wvdkm5V-79uqAIzI&t=981

... the interactions that it's just continuously improving itself the learning process and the Train the the training process and the inference process the training process and the deployment process application process will just become one well that's exactly what we do you know we don't have like between ...

He's clearly speaking directly to what Francois's point was. In the future, say 10 years, we will be able to accomplish the exact thing that Jack is doing today albeit with a very tiny model.

To me this is clear as the day but nobody is really discussing it. What is scaling actually good for? To me the value and the path to AGI is in the learning mechanism. Scaling to me is just the G in AGI.

Somewhere along the line someone wrote down a rule, a law really, that stated in order to have ASI you must have something that is general purpose and thus we must all build AGI.

In this dogma I believe is the fundamental reason why I think we keep pushing scaling as the beacon of hope that ASI[AGI] will come.

13:52 UTC


(open-source) implementation of OpenAI Whisper 100% on-device

1 Comment
13:22 UTC


Dario Amodei says AI models "better than most humans at most things" are 1-3 years away

07:25 UTC


One-Minute Daily AI News 6/27/2024

  1. OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Copilot repeated a false claim about the presidential debate.[1]
  2. Google Translate is using AI to translate a whopping 110 new languages.[2]
  3. OpenAIMicrosoft sued by Center for Investigative Reporting as news industry bolsters attack on AI.[3]
  4. Instagram is starting to let some creators make AI versions of themselves.[4]
  5. Andrew Ng plans to raise $120M for next AI Fund.[5]


[1] https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/openai-chatgpt-microsoft-copilot-fallse-claim-presidential-debate-rcna159353

[2] https://www.androidcentral.com/apps-software/google-translate-adds-110-new-languages

[3] https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/27/openai-microsoft-sued-by-center-for-investigative-reporting.html

[4] https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/27/24187502/instagram-ai-studio-versions-chatbot

[5] https://techcrunch.com/2024/06/27/andrew-ng-plans-to-raise-120m-for-next-ai-fund/

03:13 UTC


AI Al Michaels to host Olympics: Ars Technica

In the video example they only use the voice, but can the body be far behind?

The actual Al Michaels is 79 and he seems mostly on board with it, according to the story...

17:12 UTC


How Do People Make AI Generated TV Shows

How do people make those 24/7 AI Shows? I would love to do one. I seen AI Family Show, SpongeBob, Seinfeld, Regular Show, etc. What Software do they use to speak, move, etc.

03:56 UTC


Yuval Noah Harari says AI could make finance so complicated that no human understands it, leading to a political and social crisis, and being ruled by an alien intelligence

02:43 UTC


The insiders at OpenAI (everyone), Microsoft (CTO, etc.), and Anthropic (CEO) have all been saying that they see no immediate end to the scaling laws that models are still improving rapidly.

15:05 UTC


Workers believe AI will boost their salaries and increase job security

  • Workers are optimistic about AI enhancing their salaries and job security, despite concerns about job obsolescence.

  • Studies indicate that the more workers are exposed to AI, the less they fear it, with expectations of increased efficiency and career prospects.

  • New roles like CAIO and AI executives are emerging with high compensation packages.

  • Job posts mentioning artificial intelligence have doubled, with roles like prompt engineers being in high demand.

  • Companies like Accenture are investing billions in AI and offering training to workers to meet the demand.

Source: https://fortune.com/2024/06/25/ai-salary-job-security-increase-pwc-2024-global-workforce-hopes-fears-survey/

11:03 UTC


Now that Suno and Udio are being sued.

Could other forms of AI models be sued too? Stable diffusion could be sued for having been taught on images? Open AI could be used for having been taught on copyrighted text? Medical AI's ditto. Etc.

I mean the example they used was that Mariah Carey song could be reproduced with AI. Now, famoust photos can be reproduced with AI as well. Text can be reproduced ad verbatim. Etc..

I mean, wouldn't the case be as strong in those cases as in the Udio / Suno case. Copyrighted data in, copyrighted data can be coaxed out.

There is no difference between those examples right?

04:24 UTC

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