
Photograph via snooOG

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The Weekly Rundown: Week of May 06, 2024

It’s the Weekly Rundown! This is the place to post your last week of training. Feel free to include links to wherever you track your runs. (Strava, Smashrun, etc.).

05:01 UTC


Sunday General Discussion

Talk about anything and everything here!

11:20 UTC


Saturday Running Media

This thread fills the void that you were craving. Post any and all running media you want to share. This is including but not limited to, pictures and videos you took and other things you found interesting and wanted to share.

10:30 UTC


The Weekender

BEEP BEEP! It's weekend time! What are you up to?

11:26 UTC


Thursday and Friday General Question and Answer

Ask any general questions you might have

#Is your question one that's complex or might spark a good discussion? Consider posting it in a separate thread!

11:21 UTC


Tuesday and Wednesday General Question and Answer

Ask any general questions you might have

#Is your question one that's complex or might spark a good discussion? Consider posting it in a separate thread!

11:06 UTC


The Weekly Rundown: Week of April 29, 2024

It’s the Weekly Rundown! This is the place to post your last week of training. Feel free to include links to wherever you track your runs. (Strava, Smashrun, etc.).

05:01 UTC


Sunday General Discussion

Talk about anything and everything here!

10:42 UTC


Saturday Running Media

This thread fills the void that you were craving. Post any and all running media you want to share. This is including but not limited to, pictures and videos you took and other things you found interesting and wanted to share.

11:14 UTC


London Marathon

Hey friends, I'm back with a race report now that I feel like I ran an okay race. I promised myself I'd make it shorter this time, but I probably failed.

TL;DR is 2:49 finish & Post Race Thoughts section.


London Marathon was my 33rd marathon, and obviously did not help my 50 state goal, but sometimes you have to chase a side quest. After CIM I got an email that I was eligible for the London Abbott Lottery for those with at least 3 stars. I never planned to run London, but I was in a real mood post CIM and it gave me a spark when I thought about it, so I threw my name in. I got the sense my odds were about 2% so I didn't think much of it, especially when the expected announcement time came and went with nothing. But, low and behold, I was in. I felt inspired, so I knew it was the right call. Finally my New York Marathon finish from about a decade ago was worth something.

Side note: I decided not to really mention this race to many people. There was a part of me that thought this whole Abbott Lottery was like my parents thinking they won a free iPad on some sketchy news site. I half expected they would ask me to pay in iTunes gift cards to a Yahoo email address.

For context, I ran really well in 2021-22 with few in the upper 2:40s. Then I ran terribly in Tucson, went a little faster in some quasi-hurricane weather in April 2023, ran slightly quicker an absolute joke of a race in July, and ran a little quicker again at CIM. I felt like the progression started over in Tucson, and have trended that back down to 2:52 with my bonk at CIM. So the goals were simple enough:

  • PR
  • Sub 2:50
  • Keep the trend alive, 2:52 low or better


Training didn't change too much, because I was just about to dial up for my planned spring race in May, and now just had a marathon three weeks earlier. I never really stop marathon training, because that bums me out. Sleep was better than it had been in the fall as our baby had fewer overnight wakeups too.

I'll spare the details of the sessions, but it went well, despite being sick for a lot of it. With a kid in daycare and germs flying, I stopped drinking entirely to give myself a better chance at recovery. My hazy IPA Saturdays were cancelled, but sleep was a bigger priority. I did some training with u/mforys and our winter was amazingly mild. Training was better than it should've been. I peaked around 85 miles per week, never really went below 75, aside from missing one long run while sick.

I got what I decided were the yips in the taper. Back to back work trips destroyed my sleep, and I felt like 8:30 pace was threshold. I had World Major doubts. But I carried on, focused on sleep and rolling out the hips and quad, and nailed the final session to restore my confidence.


I was legitimately not nervous about the race, because all of my stress was on getting a baby through an overnight flight. Remarkably it went well, and it was a good distraction to get me to London.

After two tough nights of trying to sleep, I got one good one in and was ready to roll. The weather was windy and cold, but my fears were heat and rain so it was good. I decided I had come too far, and my family had put too much into this for me to not give it 100%. So with that I figured I'd split the half in 83:30 and see what happens.

Race Plan

I had a simple strategy for the day: take down all six gels before 22 miles, focus on the mile I was in, and stay positive. My challenges as of late seemed to be low sodium and my own bad attitude, and I was determined to change it all. Aside from the change in gels, I borrowed my daughter's apparent mentality for this one. Just be happy by default; smile all day.

Race - First Half-ish

I got out quick and it felt easy. My watch splits seemed fast, but my timing with the race clock seemed like I was just sort of hanging on to 6:18ish. I never trusted my watch at any point. The first half was uneventful, other than great crowd support and a smooth course. Running Tower Bridge was one of the most incredible moments of my life. London crowds go so hard. I hit 83' low for the first half coming off the bridge and I just saw the lead women on the other side I was hyped. It was the first and only time I felt confident about what pace I was running.

Thought: THE LEAD PACK DROPPED KOSGEI already?! I felt weirdly jealous of people able to watch that women's race. Somehow I had FOMO about an event I was part of. LFG.

Any course with this much crowd energy on the first half has to be insane on the second half, right? Umm, yes. It's wall to wall with people and felt incredible. The second half includes the first tunnel that sends GPS spinning. I'm wearing a pace band so I know the elapsed time I want for each mile, but my feedback of current pace is suddenly gone and I don't pretend to run by feel.

Thought/rant: I can hear the "Jared Ward/Stewie McSweyn trains with a timex and runs to feel" crowd and the sound of Mario Fraoli reminding me that I'm too dependent on my watch. Sorry, I'm too Type A with no plans to remedy that. I'll simply not run next to large buildings or underground ever again.

Second Half-20 miles-ish

I followed the tunnel up by tripping on a speedbump that did everything but knock me over. It was like ten steps of thinking I was going down but somehow managing to save it. Undoubtedly looked awesome. Shoutout to the guy that tried to hold me up and then gave me knucks when I got sorted.

Thought: I wonder if anyone I know back home is awake yet to be tracking this. Coach must be up by now. Has news of my imminent 33rd straight positive split reached the Colonies yet?

I hit a rough patch around the Isle of Dogs which gets you from 15-18. True to my strategy though, I decided I was just being lame, and that I should smile at the crowd a bit. I give them a little, and they gave me a lot back.

Thought: These people man. Stop being so nice, I'm not equipped to accept kindness without feeling guilty.

I decided I'm great at 18. Unfortunately there's no recovery for GPS data as the buildings in Canary Wharf send it spinning and the data was useless still. I had to just trust I was running hard, and get "feedback" each mile.

Thought: This is where you should be at this moment to do what you want to do. This IS the plan, stay calm.

I tried to follow anyone who was surging for at least 10-20 strides. Somewhere between 21-23 my pace was falling off, but the group I was around seemed to be on the same pace I was. The A goal was probably gone, but the B goal is meaningful enough to keep trying. The next tunnel sent the GPS off again, but it was a little downhill and I really enjoyed the break from the wind. I had a surge through this section, before probably giving it all back over the next mile or two.

Thought: I think I'm further in this race than Emma Bates is in her Boston Recap. I wonder if I can run two marathons before she finishes it?

Note: I think my far less inspiring or important race recap is going to be longer than hers somehow.

Final 5K-ish

I have a memory of first seeing Big Ben, and then lying to myself about how much running is left. I always run with the theory that anyone who can get to 25.2 miles will finish, so don't even worry about the last mile. Just focus on 25, pretend it is the finish until you get there. I knew I was fading, but really didn't know my pace. It was so challenging to give enough effort without instant gratification in the form of lap pace.

Thought: I should probably savor this moment, but I just need this race to end. I wonder what part of the road Kiptum stepped on when he dominated this course?

The finish was cool even if the south side of the park felt like an hour. The crowd was going to will us all through it someway or another. If memory serves I didn't get passed in the last 300m or so, but it is all hazy. 2:49 low was my finishing time.

I finished, went to hide behind some unused guardrails to throw up, managed not to, had that quick hit of dizziness where I would have fallen over without the rails, acquired water, and then tried to walk as fast as I possibly could because I was suddenly insanely cold.

Various Unrelated Post Race Thoughts

  • I was pretty annoyed with how close I was to 2:48. Had I known could I have dug out the seconds? Maybe.
  • I felt better about the effort because of how ill I felt in the moments after. It was a very windy day, so conditions weren't perfect, even though the temperatures really were.
  • I decided I could let myself be happy just this once. I had to prove to myself I still belong in the 2:40s, even if barely, to get back to taking swings at the PR, so that's a win enough for today.
  • This recap is all about the dumb thoughts and doesn't do London Marathon justice. Unequivocally this was the best race I've ever been a part of: logistics, atmosphere, and course.
  • British people are really kind. I don't know why they don't have the reputation for being the nicest people on the planet. I have a lot to pay forwards.
  • I owe a shoutout to an acquaintance who told me at a bday party that as a Dad I should get used to 3:15-3:30 as my goal now. Cheers mate!
  • I ran with my wife as my real inspiration. I felt like all of these miles were on the back of her doing more for our family than I was, and never even considering complaining. I felt like separating my fragile ego from the goal was helpful too in my quest to be less jaded.
  • I was back in the Vaporfly 2 for this race and I still can't believe how much better it is for me than the 3. I'm bitter about having paid for a pair of the 3s.
  • Path Project shorts are as good as advertised.
  • $3 Gardening gloves really work well for the start of a race.
  • If you want to look extra funny en route to the start line, I recommend this. It was effective.
  • The World Majors are really cool, but also have a little bit of that Ironman money pit vibe to me. Maybe the whole "I made the 6 majors my entire personality even though I've only run two" personas got to me. They're incredible races, but there's so many others that are also great. Miss me with the WMM tracksuit and luggage tags.
  • My stride looked hilariously bad at mile 26 based on some video my wife had. At what point in the day did I start having the running form of an wet noodle?
  • I think I forgot what it feels like to feel anything positive on a finish line. What a relief this was. It was a hell of a contrast to feeling literally like the Grinch at the Xmas tree at the CIM finish.
  • Thought: oh snap I still have to run another marathon in three two weeks. The show goes on.

Thanks for reading, if by some act of god you made it this far. And thanks for the support and chatting it up about all things running with me to so very many of you!

ARTC: the only running subreddit ever.

17:50 UTC


The Weekender

BEEP BEEP! It's weekend time! What are you up to?

10:41 UTC


Thursday and Friday General Question and Answer

Ask any general questions you might have

#Is your question one that's complex or might spark a good discussion? Consider posting it in a separate thread!

10:52 UTC


Tuesday and Wednesday General Question and Answer

Ask any general questions you might have

#Is your question one that's complex or might spark a good discussion? Consider posting it in a separate thread!

11:10 UTC


Race Report: Boston Marathon

Race Information

Name: Boston Marathon


  • 5k: 6:36/mi
  • 10k: 6:40/mi
  • 15k: 6:38/mi
  • 20k: 6:38/mi
  • 25k: 6:43/mi
  • 30k: 6:50/mi
  • 35k: 6:45/mi
  • 40k: 7:17/mi
  • Finish: 7:00/mi


Boston is the race that got me into serious running. Probably not so different from many others. One day in what was fall 2017, I ran 9 miles at 7:45/min pace and decided, I can qualify for Boston. My wife was very supportive, and off we go. Fast forwarding a bit, in the summer of 2022 I was as fit as I'd ever been. I injured my pelvis a bit but was able to train through it for Chicago but only doing one workout every other week, running 2:49. The injury, though never that serious, didn't really heal after Chicago likely due to me not truly letting it get enough rest, but I kept trying to let it heal, and I didn't run until June of 2023.

Build up was a bit slow, never getting above 40-45 mpw last fall. Ran an ~18:10 road 5k in early January, and the day before my actual build was supposed to start in mid-January, I had some sharp knee pain. This ended up costing me a week and a half of training and at this point I was just hoping to be fit enough to run it and hopefully race it. Anyways, the knee pain went away and I was able to get some decent training in - 50mpw average for 8 weeks, a 20-25min threshold run each week, strides once a week, and a long run. Didn't have any long runs over ~18.5mi, but had some good hills in them, and 2 with quality at the end of the build.

Going into Boston, I was initially hoping for ~2:53 or so. As the forecast got warmer, I adjusted my goals, to sub-2:55 and felt that goal was pretty squishy, and we'd just see how it was. A sub goal was not to embarrass myself, because I was feeling this would likely be my only Boston.

Race weekend: Did a few mile shakeout the day before in the Common, just assessing the layout and where to go for the buses. Went to the Red Sox game, saw Meb throw out the first pitch, had an early dinner. Had 7 really good hours of sleep, woke up at 5, and got ready for the race. I had 2 Clif bars, a 60 calorie Awesome Sauce just before the race, and a gatorade at the village. It felt very warm in the corral. I told myself to listen to my body.

As the gun went off, I ran a couple minutes before checking my watch, and a pretty joggy pace looked like it was 6:25 or so. I backed off a bit, but was really happy to see this - the first few miles clicked off just a bit over 6:30. I wasn't veering around people, and didn't feel like I was punishing my quads. I continued to click them off in the ~6:35-6:40 range for a good while. I was high fiving lots of spectators throughout this section.

I'm not great with nutrition - in either training or on race day. None of my LRs except two late ones did I take nutrition, and most were run after a light breakfast. I deal with GI issues on runs some, so that's most of it rather than thinking this is an optimal strategy. For Boston, the plan was a gel before the race started, another at ~8 miles, and then the last at ~16 after the big downill into Newton. These were amusingly Awesome Sauce gels which are advertised as 180 calories which are essentially 2 normal gels. Turns out they may only have ~60-70 calories. Anyways, this was supplemented with a lot of gatorade on the course, and water, and I was pouring water down my neck and on my hat every couple of miles. This all did a pretty good job of keeping me not too warm.

I've always been pretty good at uphills, and Newton didn't feel too bad at all. You were really seeing the wheels come off for a lot of people here, as soon as mile 17. They were mostly pretty unremarkable in terms of size and length. My goal was just to run them on feel, based on advice from artc hypeman daysweregolden that you want to have something left for the last 5 miles. I imagine you would. Mile 20 comes along and this is the first part in the race I truly started to struggle. The heat and the extended length of heartbreak had caused my heartrate to spike a fair bit here. It's possible I ran up it too hard, thinking I'd get some relief down the back. Well, I didn't, but it mostly wasn't a cardio issue.

After cresting heartbreak, the downhills felt like daggers in my quads on every landed step. My quads had been fine up to this point, but they were done. And have maintained some soreness even to today, unlike any other marathon I've done when I've typically not been sore after 2-3 days. At this point there's just pure carnage. And because Boston just has so many sub-3 runners, it's everywhere. Tons of veering was needed at this point and not all of it felt particularly safe. I did get in some final high fives in mile 22 which helped give me some energy, but after that I began my own death march. As fellow marathoners know, your brain is absolute mush at this point and seeing all of the people walking and feeling the warmth really makes you want to also walk, feeling like it's somehow allowed. I knew my legs would seize up if I stopped, so I didn't, and even avoided a couple of water stations at the end to make sure I didn't lose momentum. It wasn't easy, the legs were hurting, and my abdomen up to the top of my ribcage was all right on the verge of cramping too. I was taking it 15 seconds at a time - the last 20-30 minutes of a marathon are truly miserable, and that was no different here. But I managed not to walk, and I was fortunate that my death march was ~7:10 pace. I could live with that, if I kept that up I'd be around 2:57 or 2:58. I didn't get to really soak up the right on Hereford, left on Boylston and that's ok. Enjoying being done was good enough. 2:58:03 is the official time. I was pretty ok with that. I saw the strong runners collapsing for basically 10 miles straight, and a local running club I met up with afterwards (Notch) had some runners who were fitter than me on the day that I'd passed late, and I saw afterwards that I beat my bib by a few hundred.

So what's next. Much like being done with your long run on Saturday morning, it's very nice to have your A race behind you this early into the year. And it seems like a number of the artc folks are in this bucket this year. I'll plan to race a 5k and get an official PR there (only broken 18 in a time trial). I might run a HM and try to break 1:20 (only done in a TT) in the fall. And probably a good bit more running on the trail. A bit longer term, I'm thinking I'll probably take a crack at a few trail races in the next few years, and probably even a 50k among them.

01:11 UTC


The Weekly Rundown: Week of April 22, 2024

It’s the Weekly Rundown! This is the place to post your last week of training. Feel free to include links to wherever you track your runs. (Strava, Smashrun, etc.).

05:01 UTC


Sunday General Discussion

Talk about anything and everything here!

10:46 UTC


Saturday Running Media

This thread fills the void that you were craving. Post any and all running media you want to share. This is including but not limited to, pictures and videos you took and other things you found interesting and wanted to share.

10:54 UTC


The Weekender

BEEP BEEP! It's weekend time! What are you up to?

10:58 UTC


Thursday and Friday General Question and Answer

Ask any general questions you might have

#Is your question one that's complex or might spark a good discussion? Consider posting it in a separate thread!

11:13 UTC


Tuesday and Wednesday General Question and Answer

Ask any general questions you might have

#Is your question one that's complex or might spark a good discussion? Consider posting it in a separate thread!

11:26 UTC


Lake Sonoma 50

The Lake Sonoma 50 has the nickname “Relentless” because the hills never stop. The only thing more relentless than the hills this time out was the mud.

Background & Training:

I signed up for the Lake Sonoma 50 Mile on a bit of a whim. My wife had been out in Sonoma last fall, shortly after I ran the Sugg Farm 40 Mile Ultra, for a girls’ trip to wine country and had been telling me about an ultra that had happened (or was happening) while she was there (the Lake Sonoma 100k). She said I could use her trip as an excuse to do a guys’ trip somewhere, but I said I’d rather go out to California and spend a weekend running around in the woods.

So with that, I signed up for my second ever ultra - and the longest one yet. I knew I needed to improve over my training that I had done for Sugg, but my training was laughably inadequate for Sugg, so it wasn’t hard to do better. I did my best to be consistent lifting weights 2-3 days a week and running 3-4 days a week, but I knew I didn’t spend enough time on hills. There’s not a TON of elevation around me, and I didn’t take any extra actions to seek it out. Getting 1,000 feet of elevation gain in a run was a “big deal” - which should have been a warning sign. I also didn’t push for super-long long runs as much as I should have. I think my longest training run was 18 miles, followed by 17 miles. They were great runs, but I should have put at least one 20+ training run into the books.

In the 4-5 weeks leading up to the race, I had planned to push hard on training to ensure I was in peak form. Instead, we did a family vacation up to the Arctic Circle in Finland (no running there), then I got quite sick when I got home and spent a week recovering (no running then either). By the time I felt healthy enough to get back to running, I was about two weeks out from the race. I did my best to stack a few runs together, but it wasn’t much. I also spent those two weeks refurbishing my deck, tearing out all of the old boards and replacing them with composite decking, and gave myself shin splints from wearing boots and crawling around on my knees for days.


I didn’t set a ton of goals for myself, but I had a few specific things I tried to remind myself of. My first goal was to finish the race. My second goal was that I was hoping not to be chasing cutoffs (14 hour cutoff overall and certain aid stations also had cutoffs). And my third goal was to have fun. If I could hit any particular time, that would be great, but I wasn’t as worried about a specific time goal. I had run the 40 mile race in just under 10 hours, so I figured if I could do 50 in 12, that would be cool.

Race Prep:

Going into the race, I had originally wavered between just doing everything solo or wondering if my family could come and help spectate and crew. After our other trip, having the family come visit just wasn’t in the cards, so I had figured I’d do the whole race solo. Instead, my parents graciously decided to come visit and crew for me. Neither I nor they really knew what to expect, but I figured I’d sort it out as we went. Unlike when I ran Sugg Farm (which was 2.5 miles out and back with aid stations at both ends), I’d be alone for vast majorities of the race and only have a few spots to see my crew. I’d be able to see them at mile 13, 21, 26, 30, and 38. Otherwise, I’d have to rely on whatever the aid stations had and what I had with me.

We all arrived in Healdsburg on the Thursday before the race, had a nice dinner, picked up my race packet, and called it a night. On Friday, we drove to the South Lake Trailhead (2.4 miles into the course) so I could do the “Demos & Donuts” shake-out run, hosted by several of the North Face elite athletes and get a fasnacht donut cooked by the famous Zach Miller himself. It was meant to be a pretty easy shake-out run, I had a great time talking to folks, and yet one mile into our four mile run, I badly twisted my ankle when a rock rolled under my foot. I kept running and it wasn’t that painful while running, but when we made it back to the trailhead it definitely started to hurt.

With that, my parents and I went back to Healdsburg and they dropped me at the hotel while they went to try to find the Warm Springs aid station (the 13 & 38 mile one) as a little bit of course prep for themselves. I showered, removed ticks, and found the ice machine to try to help my ankle feel as good as it could. We met back up for lunch later and I was still hobbling around, but we swung by a grocery store and I grabbed a bunch of ibuprofen and some KT tape, then youtube gave me some directions on how to tape my ankle.

I ended up driving myself back over to the Lake Sonoma Visitors Center for the pre-race athlete discussion / happy hour with some of the elites, then the pasta dinner where I met many awesome people. After that, it was time to come back to the hotel room, lay everything out, and do my best to get a good night’s sleep and hope my ankle felt better in the morning.

The Race:

The weather was definitely a wild card I had not wanted. I watched a lot of Youtube videos of prior years’ races and in most of them, it was hot and sunny, and even the race website specifically calls out that runners are required to carry at least one water bottle with them because of how far apart a few of the aid stations can be. This was not that year. This year, it was 45 degrees and it rained thoroughly the evening before the race - and was still drizzling persistently at race start. I threw on every bit of clothing I had, but wished I had brought more.

At 6:30am, the race started and we headed off into the cold rain as the sun was just starting to give enough illumination to make headlamps worthless. The first 2.4 miles of the race is on pavement, headed from the visitors center up to the South Lake trailhead (where the shakeout run was the day before), and it’s pretty much all uphill. I did my best to run anything flat, jog some of the uphills that weren’t too bad, and then otherwise hike the uphills. By the time we got to the trailhead, one of the race organizers (Skip) was there waving and cheering and joking about how he’d ensured the aid stations were full of sunscreen for us.

At that point, we hopped onto the singletrack where we were to spend most of the rest of our day … and I realized just how bad the trails had gotten. The first 2 miles of the trail were the exact same route I had run the day before, but it was almost unrecognizable. Everything was a mud pit. By that point, folks had strung out enough that I found a few other people running a pace that seemed fairly comfortable, and we did our best to run along the trails. Very quickly, I saw a guy lose his shoe to a mud pit, have to fish it back out, and then try to scrape the mud out of his shoe in order to put it back on. Not ideal, that soon into a race.

After 4.5 miles on the trails, we made it to the Island View aid station. It’s a pretty sparse one, out in the middle of nowhere, but the crew was great and cheered us on. I spent about 3 minutes at the aid station, taking off my rain coat and gloves and trying to un-kink my hydration bladder’s tube (I had two 16oz bottles on my vest that I had been drinking out of, but couldn’t get a drop out of the bladder). With that sorted, it was back to running. As we left Island View, they warned us it was 7 miles to Warm Springs (first aid station with crew), so it was going to be a while.

Those were some hard miles. It was 7 miles of grueling and muddy single-track, constantly going either up or down hills as we switchbacked our way around the lake. There were a few crossings - they had bridges set up for the big ones, but there was also a funny point where me and the folks I was running with came to a knee-deep water crossing, we looked at each other, and realized we just had to wade through it. I also ended up falling at one point, covering most of my left leg in mud, as I was climbing a hill. My shoes, needless to say, had gone through so much mud at that point that I looked forward to the stream crossings as a way to get them clean, and no longer avoided puddles.

Warm Springs Out

At the Warm Springs aid station at mile 13, I saw my parents for the first time in a few hours. They helped me refill one of my bottles with more Tailwind, I grabbed a PB&J slice from the aid station, and got out of there again in just over 4 minutes. Climbing out of Warm Springs was a bit rough, so I hiked a good chunk of it, and then did my best to run where I could. There were a bit more runnable trails between Warm Springs and Wulfow, so that was nice to actually feel like I was capable of running. Unfortunately, the mud was still everywhere and many of the downhills weren’t safe to run, and I almost wiped out a few more times, catching myself on trees where possible. I think at this point I also put my raincoat and gloves back on, even though they were soaked, because I was so cold without them.

I passed through Wulfow pretty quickly, it was a water-only aid station, and I just filled up one of my bottles there to give myself an alternative to Tailwind as I was definitely feeling some palate fatigue from hours of drinking the same thing. Heading into Madrone, there was a very big hill - I didn’t even try to run it, I just did my best to hike it as quickly as possible, but I know it wasn’t quick. By that point, my quads were absolutely on fire and I could see the muscles spasming while I was walking. Should have done more hill workouts. I saw my parents again at Madrone, but didn’t do anything other than grab a PB&J slice and say hi, I just wanted to keep moving and wasn’t feeling the best, and figured I’d see them again shortly at the Lone Rock turnaround.

Headed into Lone Rock was the bigger hill, and it was no joke. It felt like forever walking up the hill, like it would never end. Even once I got to the top of the hill, there were still some rolling hills as I kept running toward the aid station. I hadn’t been paying super close attention to my watch at this point, but I knew that I wasn’t doing fantastic on time. I didn’t think I was in danger of getting dropped for time, but I also wasn’t thinking straight. I had stopped eating my own snacks an hour or two prior and wasn’t drinking a ton of Tailwind, either. I was mostly subsisting on water and PB&J slices, which wasn’t enough.

I spent about 4 minutes at the Lone Rock aid station, refilled my bottles and tried to eat something, and then got back out there. As I was headed out, my parents told me that I was about 30 minutes ahead of the cutoff - a lot closer than I had figured. I walked a good chunk of the distance from Lone Rock back to Madrone, trying to run when I could, but I was at a low point - I was cold, hungry, sore, and definitely low on motivation. I saw my parents again at Madrone, grabbed another PB&J slice, and kept going, just trying to keep plodding.

When I passed through Wulfow again, I refilled my one bottle with water again, trying to just keep drinking something that wasn’t Tailwind, and headed back out. At this point, my body was definitely crashing - I had been neglecting my nutrition for far too long and I knew it. At the same time, I also really did NOT want to eat any of my own food. I saw my parents again at Warm Springs, but passed through that aid station too quickly. I was in and out in a minute and a half - didn’t refill anything, just grabbed a PB&J slice, told my parents I’d see them at the finish line, and left. That was a dumb move. I wasn’t worried about cutoffs (I was again about 30 minutes ahead of time and holding that pace), but I just didn’t want to see people and didn’t want to take the time to try to fix anything.

After Warm Springs, it was 7 miles to Island View - and those seven miles were both great and awful. At some point during those miles, things started to fix themselves. I got hungry and ate snacks, but I also realized that I had nothing left in my hydration bladder and only a few swallows of water and Tailwind, so now I was thirsty. Still, putting a little something in my stomach was a nice change. I also started to reel some folks in. I’d run with people for a little, then pass them, move on up to the next group of two to three runners, and repeat. One thing that helped me out was repeating to myself that I WANTED to be there. Nobody would have judged me even a little if I said it was too cold, too hard, too miserable, and quit. But I didn’t want to quit, this was fun and I wanted to do this.

By the time I hit Island View, I was mentally a new runner. I took a few extra minutes and refilled both bottles with water, drank a coke, ate a banana, chips, and a PB&J, and felt fantastic. With only a 10k to the finish, it was time to go. While my pace on the 4.5 miles from Island View to the South Lake trailhead wasn’t great, I felt amazing. I had energy, I was able to run more, and was in a very happy and positive headspace. I wanted to be out there on the miserable trail conditions, I was going to finish the race, and I was having a good time. I was also looking forward to the final 2 miles of the race because if they were the same as the start, they were on the road, and I was so ready to be done with muddy trails.

I blew through the South Lake trailhead, yelled out “thank god for pavement!” to the amusement of the two folks within earshot, and headed down the hill to the road. My quads were absolutely dying, every step was agony, but I did my best to shuffle-run down the hill. However, about three quarters of a mile after getting on the road, one of the course marshals directed us onto a trail that would take us to the finish. Back onto muddy trails for one last mile. I guess it was a good thing, as it would have been an extra half mile on the roads, but I would have taken that deal in a heartbeat if I was allowed to stay on the roads. I didn’t want to go back on the trails - especially since it was all downhill. Almost fell a few times in the mud, but finally hit the flats at the bottom by the visitor center.

I summoned what tiny bits of energy and strength I had left, plus some adrenaline, and managed to get a 8:45 pace for the final tenth of a mile to finish strong and cross the line 13 hours, 21 minutes, and 37 seconds after I set out. I got my finisher’s “medal” (a bottle of wine, which I don’t drink and instead brought home to my wife), then staggered over for a cooked-on-the-spot pepperoni pizza and a PBR.


After finishing my beer and pizza, we went back to the hotel. I was so cold I didn’t want to spend another minute outside and was still pretty starved. At the hotel, I found out it was too late to order pizzas from anywhere (I should have tried DoorDash but was too tired to think about it), so instead I went up to my room, showered most of the mud off myself and my clothes, got rid of another tick, and tried to order some food from the “room service robot” helper. I got a frozen pad thai and a beer that exploded all over me the second I tried to open it, so that was the end of my day and I went to bed.

Lessons Learned and What’s Next:

I need to do more long runs that last over three hours (don’t even care about distance or pace, just time on feet), and I need to do more hill work. My quads and hamstrings were in serious pain 20 miles into a 50 mile race, and that wasn’t great. My ankle and shins, on the other hand, didn’t hurt at all - so that was a nice bit of pre-race stress that didn’t end up mattering. The weather sucked, I wasn’t dressed appropriately. I should have brought running tights and I should have had better gloves. I don’t know if there are good waterproof running gloves, but definitely an area to research.

I saw some folks changing out shirts and shoes at various aid stations - I don’t know if I would have bothered even if I had brought a spare shirt or shoes. At no point except the last 2 miles was I ever able to say “okay, NOW my feet won’t get wet and muddy anymore” so I don’t think there was a lot of value in changing out socks and shoes. My feet were actually fine, zero blisters, so I feel pretty comfortable with that decision.

Going forward, I’ve got around 4 months until the Squamish 50. It’s another big, ambitious (stupid) race, and I will absolutely need to do better in order to succeed there. Following that, I’m redoing the Sugg Farm 40 again in September, pacing a buddy of mine through his first ultra, and so I’m hoping that will be an easy change of pace after Sonoma and Squamish.

Strava or it didn't happen

19:01 UTC


The Weekly Rundown: Week of April 15, 2024

It’s the Weekly Rundown! This is the place to post your last week of training. Feel free to include links to wherever you track your runs. (Strava, Smashrun, etc.).

05:01 UTC


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11:26 UTC


Saturday Running Media

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10:36 UTC


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11:13 UTC


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11:11 UTC


The Weekly Rundown: Week of April 08, 2024

It’s the Weekly Rundown! This is the place to post your last week of training. Feel free to include links to wherever you track your runs. (Strava, Smashrun, etc.).

05:01 UTC


The EXTREMELY Cheap Marathon: a solo time trial is the most unhinged fitness check

Very mixed feelings on this but largely more positive than my last few marathons so that's progress I suppose. I wasn't sure I was going to write anything up but I feel like the reflection is the last part of the training cycle for me and it felt incomplete to ignore it.

Some background: PR of 3:13 in 2019 and felt like I had more to give, but then COVID hit and I had a second child. Early postpartum running was effortless; since around the time he turned 2, things have been rough and not only am I not in PR shape, I'm pretty consistently slower than I was even the year or two before that despite being super consistent, ~2700 miles a year for the last two years, on track for the same or more this year, and no injuries for once in my life. Kind of a bummer but I'm writing this up as a counterpoint to a lot of the postpartum rockstar comeback stories. I had a great time running from about 6-22ish months postpartum, but since then it's been rough - I'm still nursing my toddler a few times a day so maybe hormones are out of whack, or maybe long COVID is fully to blame, but the last year has been humbling and has had me rethink a lot about my relationship with running. I'm currently sitting 10 pounds heavier than my normal weight, 12-15 heavier than race weight, 5+ heavier than I've ever been on a regular basis outside of pregnancy.

We had a spring storm move through midweek so about a week out I knew it was a possibility that I wouldn't actually be racing this weekend and spent some time thinking about what I'd do if it weren't held. Race was cancelled (well, postponed, but I'm leaving for vacation so any change to race weekend was useless for me) by Thursday so I had a day to process and decide for sure what my weekend plan would be. My mom came down to watch the kids so I could run something, I decided I'd attempt a marathon time trial with the option to pull the plug at 20 and call it a long run or, if I started off slow and easy, jog a 50k so I'd at least get a new milestone out of this year.

Definitely would not have been a BQ day with two nasty blisters and side stitch, so honestly I'm kind of glad I didn't drive an hour-plus to a race just to be disappointed. As a solo effort it was less frustrating - I took away some good lessons for next time and got in a ton of fueling practice.

Started off with an easy mile jog with one of my dogs before changing to race shoes and getting started for real. I DID end up with a distance PR on the day at 27.4 miles thanks to that.

"Race" time:

Got going and felt surprisingly good early on. Made it through half (lapped at ~13.2 to account for the fact that I never run good tangents) in 1:43:43 and that felt very sustainable at the time. Nothing really to write home about, just feeling pretty good, took a gel around 5 and another around 10 without stopping (I always have to stop with the stroller so this had me a little worried but it was a non-issue). Could feel a blister on the ball of my foot between big toe and the next one that was starting to bother me so I decided I'd have to sacrifice a few minutes to take care of that when I swung by my house for gel and water refills.

Mile 15 I lost almost 6 minutes to a full stop to take off both shoes and socks and lube up blisters. Whoops. Normally I put something on my feet before a marathon but I skipped that step this time, to my extreme regret. Optimistically, I kept my watch running and just hit the lap button when I got moving again.

Right after mile 19 my left foot blister stopped me dead in my tracks when I felt it squish and slide around a corner. Horrifying. I assessed whether I could do anything and deciding I could not, gingerly pushed on.

A low side stitch/cramp hit me full on somewhere in the low 20s. I think it was a combination of carrying a handheld bottle in my right hand and not thinking to switch until past 20 miles and weak core - pressing a hand to my side helped but was not sustainable so I had to fully stop and stretch/breathe it out a few times. I could feel my flub moving around under my hand while I was running and did not love that, but can't figure out how to lose fat at the moment so I live with it until my toddler is done nursing and see if that makes it easier to lose.

I think I would have stopped a little less in the late miles in a real race setting but at that point I was in "just get back home comfortably" mode. Would not have been zero stops, so somewhere between 3:30-3:50 is likely where I would have landed either way. Many minutes off a PR but feeling better about it than the last few races/race attempts. At least I tried and I can try to work on things from here.

Huge positives: lungs did not feel like a limiting factor (though I did use my inhaler before), aced my fueling plan (FIVE gels! Plenty of water.) Got a little burpy in the last 10k so that contributed to slowing down a bit but not as much as it has in some of my past races - mostly the legs just aren't used to big effort right now. Definitely need more and better workouts to have a good race again. This is the first time I've had a marathon where mileage during the training cycle was decent (peaked low 70s) but my legs just felt like trash in the last 10k and there wasn't also something else contributing.

Garmin time 3:36 and change, moving time 3:30 and change, elapsed time 3:50 on the nose. Woof. 26.4 miles, once again to account for the fact that I never run good tangents and to allow for GPS error.

What's next:

I'm still not entirely sure what my issue is but I think first step is weaning. Ideally I want to get the toddler fully weaned by early summer - he's not interested in stopping on his own yet so it's going to be a process for both of us, but I need normal hormones again and if this doesn't solve the weight gain by later in the year, at least it'll rule it out as a factor. Not really a whole lot of useful info out there on extended nursing and athletic performance.

Next step will be probably to go to pulmonologist and see if there's something better/different I should be doing than allergy meds + rescue inhaler before run. And I need to check ferritin too - it doesn't feel like I usually feel when I'm low so supplements have probably been working, but just good to check in if I'm going to keep taking iron.

Heavy lifting is probably in my future again. I don't know if it will help my running but it'll give me something else to focus on for a while.

In terms of racing/training I haven't fully decided what's next yet, going to have 2 weeks of very limited mileage/vacation break and then a couple weeks to ramp back up. I'm registered for a half marathon on May 19 but I'm not likely to really race it, just wanted to have an actual race on the calendar since I haven't done anything yet this year.

12:50 UTC


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10:45 UTC

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