
Photograph via snooOG

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ArcoLinux boot

Anybody switch from systemd-boot to GRUB?

04:55 UTC


f12 key shutting down system

anyone know why and how to fix this little f12 lock key shutting down my whole computer on a misinput

08:59 UTC


Cannot Update

I am getting this error message while trying to update:

Warning: installing pacman (6.1.0-3) breaks dependency 'libalpm.so=13-64' required by libpamac
Add libpamac to remove
Failed to prepare transaction:
could not satisfy dependencies:
- removing libpamac breaks dependency 'libpamac>=11.6' required by arcolinux-pamac-all
- removing libpamac breaks dependency 'libpamac' required by libpamac-flatpak-plugin
- removing libpamac breaks dependency 'libpamac>=11.6.0' required by pamac-cli
- removing libpamac breaks dependency 'libpamac>=11.5.0' required by pamac-gtk
Resolving dependencies...
Checking inter-conflicts...
Warning: removing 'jre17-openjdk-headless' from target list because it conflicts with 'jre17-openjdk'
Failed to prepare transaction:
could not satisfy dependencies:
- removing libpamac breaks dependency 'libpamac>=11.6' required by arcolinux-pamac-all
- removing libpamac breaks dependency 'libpamac' required by libpamac-flatpak-plugin
- removing libpamac breaks dependency 'libpamac>=11.6.0' required by pamac-cli
- removing libpamac breaks dependency 'libpamac>=11.5.0' required by pamac-gtk

1 Comment
12:15 UTC


sudo in x11 is broken / cinnamon

some weeks ago the gnome-keyring recieved a update, breaking ssh-keypass-interactions in x11 and some days after repairing this on my side, its not possible anymore to enter a password to start 'sudo' progs - that window just doesnt appear anymore.
dont think that it broke because of these mentioned changes, since they're ssh-specific.
executing these command in a x11-terminal - for example sudo gparted, it asks for the password in the shell and spawns the Process.
so also mounting crypted-devices in nemo arent possible anymore, since the mount needs root.

any ideas?

22:57 UTC


DWM config keybind to set zoom?

Do any of you use DWM or ChaDWM?

What shortcut keys do you use to make a window the main one?

In the standard arcolinux configurations the key is removed because the Super + Return key is used to open a terminal

I configured my DWM to Super + w and it worked well but in chadwm it didn't work I think the combination may be being used in another program

10:32 UTC


Just installed ArcoLinux

I'm pretty happy so far, but the reason I installed it was for learning Arch in a fun way.. I don't see that happening: the website is very unclear and just a bunch of info and tutorials on random stuff: why can't I just find that on Arch? There are no real steps to follow and most seem to be about older versions or just not for the first steps. Am I missing a categorization tool on the site or some other simple way to see what to test and train for as a beginner and so on?

I do like the idea and the installation was fine.. It looks great, just don't know what to do with it... I've been using Mint or other debian based stuff and have tried arch for a month.

19:42 UTC


Pacman 6.1 Breaks AUR helpers

Hello, Just upgraded and pacman 6.1 has a nasty surprise. Since ArcoXL comes loaded with many helpers from the Arco repo i.e. yay-bin paru-bin pikaur-bin etc , the next time you run an update you will get an error:

warning: hardcode-fixer-git: local (1:r545.ba5d874-1) is newer than arcolinux_repo_3party (2.0-1)

resolving dependencies...

looking for conflicting packages...

error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)

:: installing pacman (6.1.0-3) breaks dependency 'libalpm.so=13-64' required by libpamac-aur

:: installing pacman (6.1.0-3) breaks dependency 'pacman<6.1' required by libpamac-aur

So after some tinkering, one might natrually ( or just me ) be inclined to remove the conflict. Upon doing so my discovery yielded a bunch of broken AUR helpers :(

Good news is, downloading yay from GIT and running a makepkg -si fixes the sad little AUR helpers so they can work with the new libalpm.so=14 :)

But I suspect this will require alot more maintenance which is why it is nice to have all of them built in the Arco repo. They just need some more time to get caught up for Pacman 6.1

Hope this helps and Cheers Arconauts.

03:44 UTC


Bootloader script on calamares error

Hey everyone, I was trying to install arcolinuxb (DWM iso) and I got the error on the photo, I already tried installing some times and always get this error, what can I do to fix?

06:23 UTC


Settings up wifi in arco hyprland

Hello, how do i setup the wifi in hyprland, i have arcolinux hyprland iso on the usb ready to install but i can't find where to set up the wifi. I have wifi only so without it i not installing. Thanks

21:41 UTC


Wrong keyboard mapping

i install arcolinuxB i3 in my labtop but i got wrong keyboard mapping also when i when used live usb

when i plug usb keyboard and then unplug it the labtop keyboard working correctly until reboot

1 Comment
05:30 UTC


OBS Studio from AUR not finding librist from Arch Repos. How to fix?

The main reason I'm going with obs-studio from the AUR is because it has the Browser Source in it while obs-studio from the Arch Repos does not for some reason.

So, I either need to figure out why librist (and possibly others) aren't downloading or I need to add Browser Source to my current OBS Installation.

Does anyone know how to fix this? I really don't want to switch to Debian based but if I do, I guess I will.

22:09 UTC


Gnome - some apps open windows whereas others don't.

Hi all, I've installed the most recent version of Arcolinux B (Gnome version) and I'm finding that some apps open a visible window whereas others don't. i.e. Nautilus will not open a window although I know it's running because I can see it in the taskbar. If I start Nautilus from the Terminal using sudo, then it'll display a window.

I'm puzzled as to what the problem could be, how would I diagnose the issue?

13:16 UTC


Pulseaudio stopped working, upgraded kernel 6.6.10 to 6.7.0, pulseaudio 16.1-7 to 17.0-1

Just posting this as a work around to an issue others might be experiencing when upgrading from kernel 6.6.10 to 6.7 and. pulseaudio from 16.1-7 to 17.0-1

Used Octipi and did an upgrade, pulseaudio servicve / server not working after reboot,

Initial error:

E: [pulseaudio] alsa-ucm.c: Assertion 'dev == data->device' failed at ../pulseaudio/src/modules/alsa/alsa-ucm.c:1562, function pa_alsa_ucm_set_port(). Aborting.

Aborted (core dumped)

#Executed a downgrade, used local packages (/var/cache/pacman/pkg)

$ downgrade pulseaudio libpulse pulseaudio-bluetooth

Added the three to ignore updates with pacman

Have audio back again. Constantly reminded Linux is freedom just no free beer. Wouldn't want it any other way.

16:03 UTC


external monitor

hi i have recnetly started using arco and for the setup and first boot my monitor worked fine. when i rebooted it suddenly stopped working but was detected by xrandr and was opening the display settings (which didnt have my monitor) a bunch of times and wouldnt stop opening until i unplugged the hdmi

this has happened in every linux distro ive used arch, arco, EOS, ubuntu, not pop os though but i hate pop

13:27 UTC


adding adblock to startup but without that annoying password popup


I'm new to Arcolinux and Linux itself

it comes with this cool application , adblock but the problem is that it always asks for password ,

I'm willing to do that but i want to add it to auto start but it really annoys me to put password 2 times , first to unlock the PC and then to put the password for this app. is there a way to add this to startup without asking for password


13:24 UTC


paru-git from arcolinux_repo_3party and aur

Today, I added the following custom repo on my EOS distro


SigLevel = PackageRequired DatabaseNever

Include = /etc/pacman.d/arcolinux-mirrorlist

When I do a system update, I get the following warnings:

:: Synchronizing package databases...
endeavouros is up to date
core-testing is up to date
core is up to date
extra-testing is up to date
extra is up to date
multilib-testing is up to date
multilib is up to date


:: Searching AUR for updates...
:: Searching databases for updates...
-> paru-git: local (2.0.1.r22.gae60105-1) is newer than arcolinux_repo_3party (2.0.1.r3.g64eef5f-1)
-> zsh-autosuggestions-git: local (0.7.0.r12.gc3d4e57-1) is newer than arcolinux_repo_3party (0.7.0.r8.g39aa7be-1)
-> Missing AUR Debug Packages: libplacebo-git-debug
-> Flagged Out Of Date AUR Packages: amdgpu_top-bin python-notify-py resolve-march-native
there is nothing to do

How do ignore the paru-git and zsh-autosuggestions-git from being checked/updated from arcolinux_repo_3party repo?

The -git packages are pulled from aur


12:53 UTC


Weird behaviour of Keyboard when sudo suing

Mostly in the title.
When I sudo su, more than half keystrokes are ignored. Seem to be random, without any pattern I could understand.

Anyone has a cue?

Not a showstopper, I know sudoing one line at a time is safer anyway - still I'm curious to know if it means anything to anyone?

1 Comment
00:20 UTC


Almost finished tweaking.

16:24 UTC


Issues setting resoltion

00:06 UTC


Arco crached

hello, I've been using archbased distro since lat year after a long distro hoping, but lately my distro arcolinux i3 (arch based) crash sometimes, it's like just the os is freezing and I can't do anything anymore unless force reboot my laptop, it never happen on windows(dual boot)
my config:
Kernel: 6.5.9-arch2-1
Packages: 1166 (pacman)
Shell: zsh 5.9
Resolution: 1920x1200
Resolution: 1920x1200
WM: i3
CPU: Intel i5-6200U (4) @ 2.800GHz
PU: Intel Skylake GT2 [HD Graphics 520]
Memory: 1.79GiB / 3.73GiB (47%)
GPU Driver: i915
Swap: 4go

16:32 UTC


Using Arco in VM to learn about Arch Linux

I'm an Arch Linux user looking to expand my knowledge, and I recently discovered Arco Linux, an educational project. I am planning on setting up Arco Linux in a virtual machine to experiment without affecting my primary Arch Linux installation (I'm still "green" and don't want to bork my current install).

Arco Linux seems to offer a structured learning path for Arch-based systems. I'm interested in hearing from those who've followed Arco Linux's learning path, their experiences, and insights.

Is the learning path comprehensive? Are you using Arco on bare metal or VM?

01:29 UTC


Arcolinux as an everyday system

Hi, From what I have read in forums and in the web of the distribution, arcolinux is a distribution to learn about arch and linux in general. Could it be used as a main system and daily use or is it better to go to endevour, manjaro,...? Thanks

16:24 UTC


Discovered bug - need help in finding the relevant forum/repository/maintainer to post fix.

I had installed and set up proprietary nvidia drivers, but was unable to load nvidia_drm on system startup, despite setting the relevant kernel parameters (nvidia-drm.modeset=1) and following instructions (for other possible reasons for the error) on other subs and forums.

Recently, while looking at the different services in my system, I found out that the reason for this was a bug in the nvidia-drm-load.service.

I have fixed the bug on my system, and I would like to intimate the corresponding developer/maintainer.

Can someone please redirect me to the appropriate forum/sub?

07:42 UTC


It is safe to upgrade Arcolinux to Arch?

I want to switch to Arch, but I don't want to install, and configure everything again, I was thinking to upgrade throught the repos, I use Arcolinux with Bspwm.

16:59 UTC


Is the 'Hyper' wm is actually hyperland in arcolinux B?

I am a bit unsure, i wanna install hyperland with arcolinux.

So is the hyper wm is actually hyperland?

06:02 UTC


arco will not connect to the wifi.

Hello, i am new to linux. i installed arco as dual boot however it will not connect to my wifi. i don't know why it won't. i tried looking up methods.
I have absolutely no idea how to make it connect to the wifi. can you please help me?

1 Comment
00:55 UTC


Weird behavior - dualboot Arcolinux/KDE neon user

Hey guys,

I dualbooted my system to be able to use arcolinuxD + hyprland (for fun and discovery) and kde neon user for more day to day use.

I've noticed that after I've booted to arcolinux, the first time I boot into neon, desktop will show up but no taskbar will show. If I reboot to neon once more, then the taskbar shows up.

I'm using wayland for KDE.

Any idea why this might be ?

10:10 UTC


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21:01 UTC


error: could not register 'multilib' database (database already registered)

ANY IDEA HOW TO SOLVE "error: could not register 'multilib' database (database already registered)"
on manjaro?


10:03 UTC


Dual Boot Error

I installed ArcoLinuxB-hyprland in my 1TB HDD, which was partitioned as 250gb, and the remaining as a D drive in my windows 11 os. Now the windows 11 os was installed in C drive in a separate SSD, note that D drive only had all of my other files and games. Now after installing this linux in this 250gb partition and allocating 300 MB for the efi boot, after installing i cant seem to access any of the files in that partition which was the D drive in windows 11. And also i cant dual boot into windows 11 itself. I'm really new to all this and I'm freaking out since my HDD had all of my project files and important documents. Please help me out. I'll attach some images here for reference.



Couldn't find Windows Boot manager ;-;


I can still see these efi files, but I have no clue on what to do T-T


1 Comment
13:25 UTC

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