In order to meet the criteria for a post in /r/antiassholedesign, each post must follow all of the subreddit rules;
1: Anti-asshole design only; Antiasshole design is design that benefits the user, but with no direct benefit for the designer/company.
2: No "Confirm Subscriptions" posts; Please Read This rule is enforced with a temp ban on your first offence.
No mothers/fathers day posts; Please Read This rule is being enforced with a temp ban on your first offence.
No NSFW Content; Content from a NSFW site is allowed, but any graphic imagery is not.
5: Be civil and follow Reddiquette ; Be respectful to other uses at all times. Follow the Reddiquette
6: No reposts; Submissions that are already in our top 100 of all time will be removed. Submissions that have already been posted within the last month will be removed. Frequent reposting may result in a temp or a perm ban. Read our Wiki for retired topics/posts.
As you may have noticed, this subreddit is open to the public again.
After all the shit that happened after Reddit's API changes last year, we decided to close our doors in protest. We have been one of the few subreddits that have been closed for a year.
Why are we open again you ask? If it were up to me then we'd continue to be closed. But I got a message from the ModCodeOfConduct bot stating that if we don't open within 3 days, the subreddit will be handed over to a new team.
And the new teams that Reddit has put together for other subs have often been powerhungry mods, which have turned alot of subs into a pile of garbage. I did not want that to happen, so I would rather open and run the sub myself.
So welcome back! If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Just posting it again so it appears in people's feeds.
Due to Reddit's strongarming, we're being forced to reopen, and that raises the question - how should we go about doing so? This is an open forum, feel free to suggest whatever. We'll be in a restricted format of some kind, due to a likely influx of spam and a preparation for the loss of mod tools, and until a consensus is reached on what to do with the subreddit we'll be read-only when it comes to new posts. While we would normally stay private in protest and not give into demands, the subreddit already has a historically controversial stance on what does and doesn't belong, and introducing new blood that we don't get a say in choosing would likely fracture the userbase further.
Share any thoughts on the situation below, and feel free to suggest what to do with the sub. The only limitation of note is that we aren't going NSFW, this will remain a mostly SFW sub as per rule 4 of our subreddit rules.
This subreddit will be going dark indefinitely in protest of Reddit's decision regarding their API, as well as the disgusting behaviour of their CEO.
After yesterdays catastrophic AMA where Reddit's CEO doubled down and continued to antagonize the users and mods, and even continued to defame Apollo's developer with baseless accusations, I do not want to have anything to do with Reddit until they fix this. Probably not even then.
Fuck you u/spez. I hope to see your resignation after this mess you've created. No, that was not a threat.
If you don't know whats going on, head over to r/ModCoord
I assume most of you have already read countless of these posts by now, so I'll be brief.
This subreddit will go private on June 12th in protest of Reddit's decision regarding killing 3rd party apps. The blackout will last for atleast 48 hours.
This subreddit will not be accessible during that time.
Whats going on?
Read this
Hello everyone,
I wanted to make this post to express my thoughts about the future changes thats coming to Reddit.
If you haven't heard, Reddit announced a few changes that will have a negative effect on Reddit as whole, and on moderation.
Among other things, they announced that they would start charging an insane amount for their API. According to the developer of Apollo (a 3rd party app), it will cost him around $20 million per year to continue to operate. This decision by Reddit will effectively force all 3rd party apps to shut down when the changes come into effect on July 1st 2023.
This change does not only affect regular users of the site, but moderators as well. Most of us rely on 3rd party apps and tools to be able to moderate properly, because the official app is extremely bad when it comes to moderation. Losing these apps means that moderators across Reddit will not be able to do it properly and efficiently anymore.
The moderation team on r/antiassholedesign stand together with the majority of mods against this change.
For now, this sub will remain operational as usual, but the mod team will keep an eye on the situation carefully, and address it as it unfolds. We will join a potential blackout if it comes to that. Feel free to ask any questions regarding this post or these changes.
Sign this open letter to show your support.
Bank of England raised the interest rates today - Chase Bank UK immediately put up their savers rate too - no action from the other accounts I have savings in…
warnings like this are so important, it’s really a “are you sure?” before entering a harmful environment.
They do it automatically when you check out too
On the backside so you hang it straight. Then the actual nest device clicks into this.
Under Share button, there's now "Download" option