
Photograph via snooOG

/r/antisrs is a place for discussion of the reddit and silly/dumb things that redditors post without the circlejerk. We can laugh and then move on.

Dumb things that redditors say is not only constrained to Social Justice issues, just anything that is stupid. And for the time being nothing is considered 'low effort'. Just don't be an asshole nor witchhunt.

Alternate views are allowed and encouraged, since this is a discussion forum.

Everyone is welcome here.

  1. Please limit posts to the topics mentioned above. Meta if you must.

  2. Please keep discussion civil. No stalking or harassment please.

  3. Please discuss in good faith.

  4. No memes or image macros.

Be warned that if you post anything here, SRS will probably ban you from their subs. (Maybe still?)

Meta related posts are once again allowed. However meta that breaks the basic rules of this sub will be removed. Meta that attempts to cause pointless drama will also be removed.


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Why identity politics benefits the right more than the left

22:09 UTC


any of you old AntiSRS peeps out there?

also, what's mittens up to these days. and that douche hammer ddxxdd

01:29 UTC




06:12 UTC


About a documentary: "While I haven't seen it, I think it's safe to say I don't agree with the views in this film"

19:32 UTC


"if I ever find a redditor on my plane, I'll see that they get banned from any TW or UA plane for the rest of that airline's existence, both forwards and backwards" [+5]

10:38 UTC


Quick reminder: how to disable styles on srs with RES.

SRS hides the little checkbox that Reddit Enhancement Suite uses to hide custom css styles. SRS's styles are extremely annoying, especially when they muck up the number next to your post. Press . to bring up the RES console, then type srstyle off. It will disable it in the subreddit you are in, i.e. srs.

1 Comment
13:23 UTC


You guys will love this shit - "Modern Educayshun"

19:46 UTC


Accused of being racist on /rage?

I saw a video of a poor teacher being physically threatened and harassed by her students so I commented that they were "Such animals! That poor teacher." Later in the day I was banned from posting in /rage due to racism. In case you didn't pick up on it yet, the kids (and the teacher) were all black in the video. Do you think calling someone an animal is racist if they were, indeed, acting like an animal?

1 Comment
22:08 UTC


"Their stances on social issues are in perfect alignment with the people who put the American apartheid into place" - response to a racist joke

00:54 UTC


Seen on SRS: "nobody should be arrested for their speech"

19:49 UTC


How could any man in America hold undue influence in comparison to women?

Women are given advantage in personal law issues and have a large degree of control over their husbands, generally. So, even powerful men still have to pretty strongly obey the wishes of women.

20:01 UTC


How could My Chemical Romance break up? OMGGGGGGGGGGGG

22:13 UTC


Fuck conservative opposition to SRS.

SRS are dickholes, and that's their problem.

20:49 UTC


The Yulin protest, it's being too widely perceived as against dogs as a food source when it's about the grotesque brutality of the event

My instagram post compiled of pictures I googled

I did a quick search on reddit to see what has been going on here about this, and it's disheartening.

I'm sure all the people calling it hypocritical because it's no different than mistreatment of animals in any farmed to be eaten situation, are from a spectrum of kinds. Vegetarians/vegans to just argumentative people.


Even though I personally think of eating dogs and cats as an uncomfortable option, I recognize that as being a part of the culture I was raised in. Just like for them, it is a part of their culture and quite normal. I wouldn't expect that to change just because I think they're better for cuddles and playing.

The issue is the manner in which this festival is executed. This festival is equally about brutally torturing and kiling dogs and cats (and we love our cats on the internet) as it is about eating the meat of them. Which I say again, is fine.

But putting a hook through their necks, binding their legs behind their backs, tying their mouths shut and dropping them into boiling water, flying them alive, using a blowtorch to cook them alive while they're pinned down... this is done for the sport of it. Its sick and twisted and something that shouldn't be encouraged.

We raise arms about the animals we eat being mistreated in the farming industry in our culture when we know about it. Sometimes we get establishments shut down for their mistreatment. That is the goal of this petition. It's not an agenda to take something off the menu in a country across the ocean from us. It's to stop the brutal celebration of it. even a chunk of their own is trying to make it stop, making whatever difference they can. So go to Change.org or raiseurpaw.com or any one you may have heard of to support it, if you want to. If not, then just let it go.

NSFL for images that are graphic and upsetting. Below is just a Google images link, click on Web if you want to read anything for yourself.


07:40 UTC


Can you tell me what's bad about this thread? Everyone seems very reasonable.

17:47 UTC


How many people have likely committed suicide due to SRS bullying?

I would estimate about 20.

20:07 UTC


Be the circlejerk you want to see in the world

The comments sections of meta subreddits (and usually the submissions themselves) have a hivemind where those who break the jerk get downvoted. In SRD, there used to be a lot of circlejerking about how awful SRS and other hated things were, with a lot of the submissions being low quality crap of "SRS did thing". Now the circlejerk has swung around to the opposite direction, with lots of low quality crap of "racist troll did thing" and constant prattling about how dumb gamergate is.

People in SRD have been harshly downvoted over breaking the jerk for ages, but now they're being downvoted for different things and the size means the negative vote totals on a comment can be significantly bigger. The other day I saw a guy at -60 for saying something defensive about gamergate. The top mod of subredditcancer got downvoted to -12 for completely innocuous comments, just because of who he is

As the so called pro-SJW circlejerk on SRD has gotten stronger, so have the counterjerkers grown more alienated and frustrated. and some of these diasaffected subscribers can be found in off shoot subreddits. A lot of criticisms are being leveled at SRD. it's a legitimate criticism to say there's a hivemind you'll be downvoted for disagreeing with, but it seems like a lot of the critics don't mind the concept of a hivemind and want the old one back where people thought to be SRS were downvoted on sight.

SRD has also been accused of being very smug, which the hivemind often seems to revel in and gets even smugger. Although a lot of SRDers take offense to critique and "shade" as the kids call it, overall many delight in the attention.

(r/subredditcancer has been linking to/talking about SRD lately, with SRD linking back to talk about being talked about. r/subredditcancer's mods seems to be a mixture of the grieved, trolls looking to kick up some dust, and grieved trolls, and so they attempt to provoke SRD into linking them and certain SRDers into coming in to comment. However, SRD seems to enjoy being hated or pseudo hated, so it's all dumb sheninagans. Everyone wins. Or maybe everyone loses).

I didn't like the hivemind thing when it was against SRS, and I don't like it know. As mods we tried to stymie the jerk (and the flood of bad submissions) by making the SRS megathread. It was incredibly unpopular, although a bit effective while it ran at improving our front page. I'm at a loss at what I can do now. If there's anything I can try that will do more good than harm. When mods try to break the jerk of a subreddit, the subscribers usually flip their shit. Modding /r/cringepics has been a giant lesson in that you can't change the general direction of a subreddit unless you mod with an iron fist and are willing to lose a LOT of your traffic. And even if/when you do succeed in making changes, you won't end up with the userbase you wanted.

There are little things a subreddit can do to try to nudge. We thought user-selectable flair would lend itself to a mood where every one took things less seriously. We've considering having week-long moratoriums of certain over represented topics like gender wars in hopes it puts more non partisan niche drama on the front page. We've considered getting really aggressive about bias in titles and things that were submitted because the submitter wants to use SRD as call out subreddit. We've considered meta posts. We don't want to frustrate or confuse our userbase, and is it futile anyway to try to break the jerk?

(Apologies if I rambled or one is wondering why I'm posting here. I figured a dead-ish meta subreddit is a decent enough place for a thought dump).

04:49 UTC


We won?

So I haven't been here for a really long time, but it feels as if SRS has really died down as a force on reddit. And of course antisrs is pretty dead in response.

Is it appropriate to declare "Mission Accomplished" at this point? Break out the bubbly, shake hands politely and ride off into the sunset as heroes?

21:12 UTC


Troll account uses inactive sub for shitpost.

A troll user by the name of Bamatrama decided to use /r/antisrs as a platform for a shitpost.

00:41 UTC


Bigots need our help.

This is a continuation of Bigots "have it worse": http://www.reddit.com/r/antisrs/comments/2au1b0/bigots_have_it_worse/

Racists come in all shapes and sizes. Those I worry about the most, though, aren't those that are in positions of authority, but those where it is simply an outlet for the injustices meted out to them. In these cases, SRS's actions are sickening to me, because they draw these people further into this self destructive path.

The solution to isn't to berate them, or antagonize them, and maybe not even educate them, but to improve their lives. When under great stress, maybe some people need outlet even if it isn't rational, a promise that things will get better, all we need to do is something as simple as throw out the blacks, and to focus on yourself, because the race war is coming and we'll mop the floor with them. Or that our great leader will nuke the americans and we'll once again become a great power.

Sorry, I got carried away...

My point is that in some cases, like with Kamen or Biff(who you know as bubbly), what's more important than the words they post on useless forum is the well being of the people themselves. It may be frightening that they try to spread their message, or harrass overly invested people, but that behavior is an artifact of being in a bad condition mentally, patient educating or further embroiling them in petty name-calling cannot help them. What can help them, though, is improving their lives, giving them a way to enjoy themselves, even through reddit. Show them that the world can be good, even to them, and that there is hope to improve it.

It's may not even be a matter than can be taken out one on one against these people, but something that can be done by an individual for their community, or for their country at large. To focus on helping those who have it worst on a larger scale, or just the overall well being of your country.

Well, there's my rambling.

15:05 UTC


Sgore wrote a brilliant comment about the way we handle male rape victims

15:33 UTC


Damn. Ru Paul Has the Right Idea, and Everyone Should Listen to Him

Just got done listening to the WTF with Marc Maron episode that featured Ru Paul. Turns out this guy has had a long, long time to consider the way that world works, and probably could see people who go on SRS and Tumblr for what they are. In his own words,

Your fear of looking stupid is holding you back... You wanna look back on life and say, "I did it." My goal was to have fun, but if someone gets off on what I do, then right on. Joy is something that you emanate from within, happiness comes from outside of you. Some people are so fixated on being without - being their smaller self. The transexual community is not offended by the word "tranny", it is these fringe people who are looking for storylines, to build their identities as victims. Most people who are trans have been through hell, they have looked behind the curtain at Oz and have seen, "Oh, this is all a fucking joke.", but some people haven't. These people use their victimhood to create a situation where they are constantly yelling, "You look at me! You look at me the way that you are supposed to see me!" If your idea of happiness has to do with someone else changing what they say/do, you are in for a fucking hard ass road. The ego is a trap. it'll get you every time. Don't you dare tell me what I can say/do - "words hurt me!" - you know what, you need to get stronger. If you're upset by something I said, you have bigger problems than you think. A lot of people are going to get upset by this, but we have established that this is all a joke.

19:42 UTC

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