
Photograph via snooOG

Multi Level Marketing (MLM) schemes are a drain on our society. Its participants either build the pyramid taller or get squashed by it.

Multi Level Marketing (MLM) schemes are a drain on our society. Its participants either build the pyramid taller, or get squashed by it.

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What is an MLM?

The idea behind MLMs is that people pay to become distributors of a product. These can be physical products or services. The company is structured so that the people above (the person who recruited or signed up the new distributor, the people above them, ad infinitum) get a percentage of whatever the distributor sells. The new distributor is encouraged not only to sell the product, but to sign up other people below them so that they can make even more money. courtesy u/copacetic1515

What is a "Hun"?

People who shill products/services for an MLM. The sellers have a tendency to frequently use the word "hun" when initiating a sales pitch. Ex: “Hey hun ❤️❤️ I see your aunt is dying 😱😱 anyway hun 😊💁‍♀️ wanna buy my oils it’s good for stress 😍😘😘” courtesy u/fiestaspongebob

Suggested Content

Here are a few examples of the type of content we actively seek:

  • Rational arguments against the MLM business model
  • Examples of business or mathematical delusion
  • Tone-deaf advertising
  • Boundary-crossing, predatory relationship abuse
  • MLM legal news and developments
  • Share tips on how to stop a friend in a scheme.
  • Dank antiMLM related memes, gifs and shitposts only

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Related Communities

  • Contemplating getting out, or have you already left an MLM? Check out r/MLMRecovery

  • Tired of memes and looking for MLM stories and rants only? Share and read over at r/MLMstories

  • Watch out for /r/scams and share them!

  • Marvel at awful fashion choices at r/LuLaNo

  • Cringe away at some fab-tabulous makeup application at r/Youniqueamua


840,803 Subscribers


What a shame

23:39 UTC


I just don’t get it… real/fake. Some days I believe it and I question why am I not doing it 😂

This is a Kangen/Enagic Hun in Canada… she is not highly ranked (3A last time I saw an update) but typically keep her blocked cause her content is all the same ‘lifestyle’ selling.

Do you even question your own anti-mlm stance haha?!?

22:55 UTC


Unsure if MLM


I see this advertisement in local FB feeds. She often uses the words empowerment, unity, etc which gives me MLM vibes. Im curious if anyone else has seen something like this.

It could be a legit business, so if I'm wrong no worries. Maybe she used to be into MLMs and just only knows how to write like that.

18:47 UTC


My roommates have drunk the koolaid...I mean the water. ASEA water...

One of my roommates is a kooky older lady who is deeeeeep in the ASEA shit. She just left on vacation to go to some conference for it. After she moved in, she preyed on our roommate who has serious health issues and got him drinking it too...

I have told her and him that it's complete bullshit pyramid scheme nonsense and they get so defensive. He literally hid his face and said "stop you're not being a good friend to me!!" um excuse me? I'm not being a good friend? I'm the one telling you the truth and she's the one lying to you and getting you to waste your money on this crap.

Whenever she can get an opportunity to insert their BS products, she will. At one point we were evacuated to a town hall building from our house because of a bad storm in the neighborhood. We were cooped up with our neighbors till past midnight. There was a chance we'd lose our house and all our belongings. The stress gave me a headache and I complained out loud. She said "Want to try my headache lotion?" I thought maybe it was arnica oil or something. Nope, she pulls out some ASEA BS. I wanted to punch her.

The other day we were talking about having a spa day and she tried getting me to try her ASEA face mask. I noped out of "spa day" immediately.

Apparently she's known in our greater social circle as a quack peddling her stupid water on people. I'm a little embarrassed to say she's my roommate now. She's a sweet person no doubt, she is very loving and kind, but I hate her fucking ASEA shit and hate seeing the stupid blue bottles all over the house.

I wish they'd just give all the money they're wasting on it to me, since it will have just as much an effect on their health lmfao

14:44 UTC


Former Monat hun shares her story

Why I left Monat… (youtube.com)

This popped up in my YT feed this morning. A very small channel, but she really shares what happened with her experience in Monat, especially about being deceived by her uplines. It is really disgusting, which we all knew, but it's always horrible to hear about. I think it's important we support these ex-huns as much as possible. I think they are the ones who huns currently in the MLM are most likely to listen to.

14:37 UTC


MLM Hun In a Nutshell

13:23 UTC


Any familiar with DoTerra?

I know several friends who are in this oil business. They are so full of it. What can tell them about this MLM so I can warn them. TIA

09:46 UTC


Tupperware down the gurgler?

1 Comment
08:49 UTC


MLM Karen threathens to call the cops on me.

I recently remembered this encounter I had with an MLM Karen and I think you guys and gals might be interested.

So, a little backstory: About 20 years ago, my aunt really got into an MLM that rhymes with (and I will henceforth call) Kerbadive. Like REALLY into it. She tried to shill the products, recruit new members and used the products a lot. Eventually, her using the products led to negative health effects (shocker, I know). It took a lot of convincing from her partner and family to seek medical help. But eventually with declining health and a bad case of denial she finally went to see a doctor.

So at the doctor she laid down her symptoms, which the doctor agreed were pretty serious. When the doctor asked about her diet, she proudly proffessed to eating very healthily and explained she was consuming a lot of Kerbadive products. At which the doctor immediatly pointed out that that was most likely the problem, told her to stop and return if the problems did not go away after x amount of weeks.

Que my aunt getting angry and giving him the "HoW cAn SoMeThInG sO pUrE bE bAd FoR yOu?" spiel. It took some time to calm her down and for the doctor and her partner to convince her to at least try it. My aunt, certain that she would prove them wrong, agreed to stop using the products for a while. By some miracel, her health got better and she wasn't sick any more (shocker, I know). She swore of Kerbadive and hasn't looked back since. Happy ending? For her, yes, for me, no.

A couple of years later I was standing under the awening of my local community centre, waiting for my dad to pick me up. Rain was pouring down hard and the centre had closed for the day, so I had nowhere to go. But I wasn't alone, standing next to me was a middle aged lady, whom we shall call Karen.

Now, right before closing, Karen had been putting up a Kerbadive poster in the community centre big red flag. And now we were standing there, both waiting and she struck up a conversation. She asked me if I was interested in a life changing oppertunity. I polietly declined. She said I was really simple and I could work from home. I once more polietly declined. She continued that I could inspire people to kead a healthier lifestyle. I scraped up all my patience to once more polietly decline. After this she kept on badgering about joining or at least buying somr products. I for the final time, far from polietly, declined.

Then, she asked me why I wasn't interested. Me, in my frustration, decided to tell her about my aunt ... huge mistake. She got angry. I got an "HoW cAn SoMeThInG sO pUrE bE bAd FoR yOu?" argument, as well as an earfull of other MLM BS. It finally culminated in her demanding I'd give her my name, my aunts name and phone number and the name of the doctor. Why you ask? She wanted to sue us for slander.

At this point I lost all pretense, I declined to give her the requested information and laughed in her face. At which she took out her phone, threathening to call the cops on me for ... and I kid you not "obstruction of justice". At which I once again laughed and dared her to do it. Could I have handled this better? Yes, yes I could have. But I don't take too kindly on people badgering me about MLM's, demanding I give them personal information and then threathening to call the cops on me.

Anyhoo, not long after this, my dad arrived and I got into his car. I swear I saw her jotting down (what I believe to be) the cars license plate number as we drove away.

TLDR: My aunt had negative health effects from using MLM products. I tell an MLM Karen after she had been badgering me about joining the MLM. Karen threathens to sue us for slander and then threathes to call the cops for obstruction of justice when I refuse to give her my personal info.

07:25 UTC


Neuroflex juice?

My boyfriend was diagnosed with esophageal and stomach cancer yesterday. He's been sick for a while, had an endoscopy, bloodwork and CT scans last week and now we know.

I posted on my facebook page last night and announced that he has cancer. People were understandably sympathetic with the exception of one person who sent me a message.

They wrote: "These are some good resources for using repurposed drugs and supplements to treat cancer. I don’t have a PDF copy, but check out Cracking Cancer Toolkit by Dr. Dach, it’s an excellent resource. He also has a Facebook group that I’m an admin in which might be helpful, and he has tons of info on his website as well. Finally, look into ivermectin and fenbendazole for cancer. It’s a highly censored topic so use X as a “search engine” and you’ll begin to find info on those from experts like Dr. Malik. I specialize in this area with cancer pathways and alternative approaches, so if there’s anything I can help you with or send you some research on, please let me know. Prayers for your boyfriend and for you"

Included were two PDF's, one was from the FLCCC Alliance, the other is a book, "How to Starve Cancer".

I've been awake for a couple hours. I've tried looking into the company she supposedly owns, Neuroflex Juice - there's not a lot of info. While I'm certain it's an MLM, I'd like confirmation please.




06:17 UTC


How is Kirby an MLM?

Obviously the business practices are so sketchy and I’ve heard all of the Kirby horror stories. But in all of these stories, I never have heard anyone talk about their compensation coming off of commission from their downlines. This makes me wonder how it is an MLM, if it’s not structured with, well… multiple levels? Am I missing something?

05:52 UTC


How to sneak in your MLM into current events

Having to find new and creative ways to sneak in your MLM.

03:32 UTC


Reminders About MLMs

I made a post last month. And this second post of mine is coming from someone who knows members of Legacy Leadership, Amway and Primerica very, very well. My parents were also destroyed financially by these types of people when I was very, very young. They never recovered either. Please share this with everyone you think would find this beneficial before it’s too late.

An MLM - Multi-Level Marketing - company is a pyramid scheme. The only real difference is that MLMs involve recruiting others and actually selling products, rather than getting their money just from recruiters. These terms in the law technically don't make for most of the MLMs to be pyramid schemes on paper. However, everyone still gets scammed out of their money, besides the top .01% of these companies, who had already been there forever. 99% of employees don’t make any money. I have seen both the mental and moral decay of good men and women through these MLM organizations.

People who are a part of these groups are often pulled into a cult-like atmosphere that feeds on their unawareness and/or their insecurities and convinces good people of the idea that they are signing up to be “entrepreneurs.” If these good people become too indoctrinated, nothing can help them other than themselves at that point. All you can do is be a supportive friend who still opposes their shady operations.

Rich people from all walks of life are sponsored by, promote and even work for these companies. These rich individuals, from both sides of the political aisle, also get paid to talk good about these companies, despite fully knowing what they are supporting.

The DaVos family, who owns a large portion of Amway, as an example, also owns the Orlando Magic. These companies and their heads all invest in more legitimate businesses, including sports and luxury hotels. They are everywhere and are meant to look legitimate in the eyes of doubters. They even have ties to Western enemies despite also sounding as if they care to help the West.

MLMs love billboards and cheesy ads. They love churches and professors; high school and college students are their main targets in fact.

What can you do? Simply keep everyone you love away from MLMs. Remind everyone that nobody makes money except for the ones at the tiptop. They say if you don’t know who the sucker is whenever you play poker, it’s you. Nobody will make money and everybody will become more miserable with MLMs. Thank you MLMs for ruining lives.

01:03 UTC


Can’t tell if it’s an MLM site? The abhorrent grammar will let you know 😅

This is from the “olive tree people” / oliveda site. Out of everyone on their team, apparently there was no one with an eighth-grade level grasp of the English language available to design the “join us” page.

“Waterless skincare grows 140% faster than all conventional skincare including organic dr brands etc.” No source, no punctuation before “etc”, no spelling of “doctor”, and the sentence itself doesn’t even make sense.

“Our largest organ, the skin, trees without wich life is not possible” implies that the largest organ and the skin are two separate items. Plus a spelling error, of course.

MLM-related media are so reliably poor quality, it’s almost insulting to anyone who falls for them.

00:37 UTC


Previous R&F hun says skin looks better than ever 🤣

I was suckered into Rodan and Fields in 2017 and didn’t last long lol but still follow some higher ups on FB that I was told to follow and engage with when I joined. Anyway, there is one lady who has been posting a ton about their new venture, Shaklee. Today she posted about how amazing her skin is with these new products, better than it’s ever been, even girl who does her eyebrows commented on it! I’m sorry but I am just like 🧐🧐🧐 especially saying how they are “clean” when I specifically remember being told to tell anyone who asked if RF was clean to say that clean is great but it doesn’t work as well as products of higher grade or whatever like RF. So just… lollllll how are people still falling for this?! Whatever makes a buck!!

00:28 UTC


Need to vent about Sister Wives

It’s that time again when a new season comes out of Sister Wives and social media is full of praising how wonderful Christine, Janelle and even Meri are. People just skip past them preying on people to grow their downline in predatory mlms.

20:37 UTC


Are SLMs really any different from MLMs?

There's this business that is recruiting on my university campus. I'm pretty sure they are an MLM but when I asked that said they were an SLM (single level marketing scheme). This ticked me off immediately as the names are so similar. From what I understand it's basically like door to door sales which I assume is not very lucrative, and the fact that they are trying to recruit any random people on campus who sign up is a massive red flag.

Does anyone have any research or resources that can help me prove that they are a scam organization?

Edit: it is called CUTCO cutlery, which appears to be an MLM.

Edit 2: I'm not and never was going to become a victim of this scheme. I've suspected them of being an MLM for over a year now. If you have any ideas on how to undermine them or get them off campus, please let me know.

Edit 3: on my way between two classes today, I went up to someone about to start signing their stupid form thing and told her it was a scam and that there an MLM and that the moment I leave the CUTCO guy will start lying to her.
Went back after class, about an hour and twenty minutes later. CUTCO guys were gone. There's a little sandwich shop right by them and I asked the girl working there if she knew when they left and where they went. She said she didn't know where they went but that they left over an hour ago. My interaction with the potential victim girl who they were trying to recruit happened an hour and twenty minutes before. They packed up just after 2 PM. I think I scared them off from that spot. Gonna have to be more subtle next time.

20:03 UTC


How to Help Your Wallet Lose Weight.

18:20 UTC


MLM employment scams in SoCal

Y’all, help.

I’ve been looking desperately for work for over 5 months. The last 3 interviews I’ve had, have been MLMs. Yesterday I got contacted by 3 more companies for interviews and after looking it seems they’re all MLMs?! I need work so bad and am getting desperate. 2 of the brands even sent word for word same text just with names switched out. (Elysium, Victorium, and Experiental)

Has anyone worked for one? Are they that bad?

If anyone has ANY tips or advise I’d be so appreciative!

16:03 UTC


Hugh & Grace update 2…

She this hun has a podcast…. It’s exciting that the new product fits with her podcast talk!

14:25 UTC


Is J. Hilburn an MLM?

What the title says. I have a family friend who was a Beautycounter consultant until it went under, and now I'm trying to convince my mom that her friend has joined ANOTHER mlm. Any information anyone could offer would be welcome! I looked at their website and I'm 90% sure it is, but thought someone on here might have more info.

13:42 UTC

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