
Photograph via snooOG

Antarctica travel, work, science, history, and news. Please read the FAQs and rules before posting.

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    Anyone coming to McM soon and can help a girl out?

    Is there anyone coming down from Chch that can help me out immensely by bringing me a bottle of nail polish remover? 😂 I forgot to pack it 🙃

    Obviously i will pay you back, or maybe I have something I can trade you for 🙂

    06:56 UTC


    Employment question

    Hello, I’ve read the employment FAQ and utilized the search and cannot find any answer.I was interested in the Fire Department positions and am qualified but have a prior DWAI out of Colorado. 1)I have not drank since the incident 2)I have completed all court requirements. 3)I have completed alcohol therapy and education. 4) I don’t want to go back to that lifestyle. 5) it was 10000000% me and no one else.

    With all of that being said would this still be held against me and I’d be DQd regardless?

    04:26 UTC


    DUI Conviction and Antarctic jobs

    Hi, Im (American) looking at maybe shooting my shot at Antarctic employment. I've read the FAQ and I realize its a long shot but I have a decent resume and hey its worth a try.

    My question is - I have an OWI (2nd) as my only criminal conviction back in 2019. I no longer drink, have worked the program, and have left that behind. My question is - does that conviction pretty much disqualify me from being considered as a candidate?

    05:44 UTC


    Advice on Employment in Antartica as a Nonscientist Professional?

    It has long been a desire of mine to assist in the work being done in Antartica, however I do not have any background in any sciences, having gotten my degree in journalism.

    Because of this, I’ve been looking at jobs that do not require a PhD to get.

    I’m aware of the Ganayoo positions but I have never heard back from any of my applications when I applied.

    I just want to know if I need to build up any experience for my resume to make it more attractive to employers for onsite positions.

    Thank you!

    20:44 UTC


    antartica question

    if we know that antartica used to be a more tropical continent before it drifted to the pole, where did all the dirt go why is it just ice ❄

    09:19 UTC


    Check ins about alternate status

    How often is too often to check in with your hiring manager about your contract status as an alternate? Would a weekly check in be ok this close to main body?

    23:51 UTC


    Starlink in Antarctica

    Just a random question really I’ve seen posts about how there was going to be a trial of starlink. How’d that go? Has a deal been done to keep it permanent?

    How has performance varied between winter and summer? Are more satellites going to be launched to cover the continent? Did anything happen with the rumour of cabling under the sea to Antarctica?

    Also I heard the bars no longer sell alcohol and you bring your own bottle now? What happened there? Why did that change?

    Just random curiosity! Hope anyone out there is doing well!

    09:42 UTC


    Does anybody know who made these stickers? The world needs more of them

    04:54 UTC


    Scott station is so BRAT💚

    i just went down the antarctica rabbit hole and omg u guys should totally do a brat set at icestock this year

    02:18 UTC


    Collaboration Readiness Event

    For those that have done a cra in Denver, what did it consist of for your occupation? Was it occupationally specific? Any info would be great! I have mine coming up soon.

    18:57 UTC


    Circadian Rhythm question

    Hey all! Hope you're staying warm down there! I'm currently writing a story that takes place on the South Pole of an earth like planet that revolves around a star almost identical to ours, but the planet is warmer, and as such the poles are inhabitable for indigenous cultures. But then I remembered that days and nights don't work the same way they do up north (or south I suppose). So my question is: How do your bodies adapt to the change in circadian rhythm? How are you able to maintain healthy sleep hygiene given that the sun either doesn't set or doesn't rise for half the year? Thanks!

    15:54 UTC


    When do you give work notice?

    EDIT: just got my on ice date!! Giving my notice!

    Signed my contract in March and passed PQ. EBI was only a short form and fingerprints. My contract is for mainbody, and currently I'm working a job that does contract work and is booking out through September and October, schedules being finalized next week.

    I need to give my work a heads up so they can staff and also so I can get my leave paperwork started- is there anything else to be waiting on after the PQ is done, before I can give work the heads up I'm leaving? Of course I'm paranoid that something will happen because of course I am! I wanna make sure I'm not doing anything prematurely, but I gotta be fair to my current workplace.

    Any other pieces of the puzzle I'm missing?

    19:00 UTC



    I applied for an open position about 2 months ago on a whim & just got the phone call today from the recruiter. He seemed like a cool dude. I was hoping on McMurdo but he said they are full up and only looking for people at the south pole. I have been doing electrical work for a decade now & am a licensed Master.

    Have any of you on here gone down to the south pole as an electrician & if so would you like to share your experience? I have traveled a fair bit in my life but this would be unique for sure. He said I may hear back next week, but I know nothing is ever certain until im on an airplane.

    01:55 UTC


    Medical Doctor Working in Antarctica

    Hey all, I’m a pre-fellow anaesthesiology registrar currently working and training in Australia. I was wondering about the sort of work physicians do in polar outposts and if maybe any former AMPs could share their experience working there? I understand that pursuing a career as an AMP requires a level of competency in general practice, and from what I’ve gathered, there’s typically only one medical practitioner on the base at any given time?

    Being a registrar in Australia is equivalent to going through residency in the states, the only real difference being that our training programs are often government sponsored and not done through universities, and also that our fellowships are typically integrated into our last 1-2 years of learning. Being a pre-fellow in anaesthesiology, I’ll be sitting my fellowship exams at the end of next year and will then obtain unrestricted specialist qualification.

    In my intern year, I gained experience working in rural general practice (because I couldn’t get an ICU spot 😭), so I think that, coupled with my specialist training in critical care anaesthesiology (advanced life support, resuscitation, intubation, central lines, etc.), positions me well to provide a generalised standard of care becoming of a sole physician in a rural environment.

    If any former AMPs or expeditioners could shed any light on the intricacies of practicing medicine in such a hostile environment, please do comment!

    15:37 UTC


    C17 Intercontinental Flight on its way to McMurdo Station 14 August 2024

    05:32 UTC


    Beneath the South Pole

    Hello. This is just a small question for anyone who may know. I'm wanting to write a story about something that's been buried for millions of years being unearthed and causing disaster. What I'd like to know is, what would you reach/find if you bore-drilled three miles beneath the surface of the South Pole? Thanks for any help.

    15:39 UTC


    What is this green line coming out of the building on live webcam?

    13:54 UTC


    Views from the freezer. Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, Antarctica. We store food outside since it doesn’t go above freezing at any point in the year and there is no wildlife here. -72°F ambient today.

    14:47 UTC


    What's it like being a General Assistant?

    22:06 UTC


    Questions about sleep and energy for the day

    Do you have your own rooms? Does everyone have their own rooms? I assume the rooms are blacked out so you can have a proper sleep due to the sun being present for six months. Do your rooms have windows then?

    What about polar night? How do you manage to upkeep your energy throughout the work day? Personally if I don't get to see sun for a day due to bad sleep schedule I will feel like I haven't slept at all. Are there any official instructions how to deal with polar nights and sleep?

    21:10 UTC


    Kayaking vs paddling

    I’ve recently booked a trip through Quark to Antarctica in January 2026. We’re trying to figure out if we should do the kayaking or the paddling. Is the kayaking worth the cost for those who have done it? Did you feel like you missed out on zodiac cruising doing kayaks? Is it better to just do a one off paddle excursion instead? Any insight is much appreciated. We are a group of four - one person in their twenties, one in their thirties and two in their fifties all in decent shape so I don’t think we would be worried about being tired. Thanks for any guidance in advance!

    18:07 UTC

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