A subreddit for Anno 2070, a city-building and economic simulation game with real-time strategy elements
A subreddit for Anno 2070. Anno 2070 is a real-time strategy video game with city-building and strategy elements. This subreddit is the place to be if you want to want to know how to do something, if you want more information about the game or if you have technical problems.
Is anyone free to help?
I installed Anno 2070, and my computer should actually be powerful enough to run the game with high graphics settings. While it is playable, there is noticeable stuttering when scrolling at high settings.
I can play its successor, Anno 2205, smoothly and without issues with similar settings, even though the game is several years newer and graphically more demanding.
Does anyone have a tip for me on how to get rid of the stuttering in Anno 2070?
I want to buy a steam version, purely to make sure I can use all the Ark features, which as far as I remember require connection to Ubisoft servers.
Are the servers still reachable?
Steam reviews give very mixed feedback about it.
anyone have a savegame with all the ark items so I could experiment and mess with different builds?
I start by saying I love anno 2070 and the series but this issue is really making it hard to read and check icons at a glance. I play on 1440p mostly and everything is so small. Run a search in sub and google couldn't find a mod/fix for it.
I'm considering doing ARRC for my next playthrough, and wanted to know if anyone has any recent experience with WARRC?
So I got the Complete edition on Steam , log in with my ubisof5 account and all, but once the game tells me to choose a character and name, there's an error and cannot do anything else with the game. Any solution for this problem?
Sooo.. the bugged achievement for meeting all characters has caught me as well. I want to unlock the title ingame. Is there some software which can fix this since obviously Ubisoft won't? I have almost completed the game, so it really bugs me out -.-
Just got back into this game. Am I the only one here? 😂
Absolutely nothing happens after delivering the data log from the Virago to Prof. Devi. When I delivered it, all he says is "that/this is xxxx!" or so and that's it.
I've tried relaunching the game and re-doing that last part but had no luck.
A possible reason I can think of for this is the fact that I've gone too far on developing the island. Got more than 2k citizens and all their needs are satisfied except for lifestyle, which I can't produce the goods due to the fact that the required resources are not obtainable in this mission. All these processes took like close to 10 hours, which is hella longer than the average time the users take, and I suppose it's gone beyond that graph shown at first, so maybe this has something to do with the problem?
Do you guys have any idea or am I just missing something?
I bought the game the other week on steam as it was on sale. It worked- but it was weird. Steam and ubisoft connect constantly asking if they could make changes to my device, and repeatedly having to reload to install some DLCs i apparently have. But after those first few days, it worked.
Now, im on my other computer, and i have no option on the menu to load game or access to any DLC seemingly, and i every time i try to open it, it is again asking if it can make changes to my device. Now, the complete addition is also on sale, but id rather not have to fork over another 10$ for it. It ends in 3 days.
What do i do?
I'm still quite new to Anno 2070 (or any Anno) but I managed to finish most available missions (waiting for 1st and 2nd world event).
I actually like challenge, so the most fun I had was oil mission against real player and 3rd world event with low taxes.
But the hardest mission available is something else... not necessarily good.
I had to restart mission because I spawned next to pirate base and Hector attacks my base from the start.
Then after securing a normal spawning position Thor Strinberg started a war with me mid-game for no reason, with me having still only first command ship and 1 basic cargo ship (+2x stationary defense vs ships).
I understand that Thor is supposed to be annoying and randomly make a war with you, but can game at least give me time to build any fleet?
I've had this problem before, but I got a new computer and for whatever reason I was able to connect to the servers. Yesterday I accidentally launched anno 2070 through steam before launching ubisoft connect launcher. I seems like for whatever reason launching them out of order has me back to being unable to connect to the server agian. It seems like like something steam did makes it unable to connect and I have no clue how to reverse it. I just want to play with career progress and put items into my ark dammit.
I love anno games and always thought the domination mode in 2070 was really great! I do have a rather peculiar question about the time acceleration part - does the accelerated time reduce the bank your team has in the domination mode faster? Like does making the game go faster make the time you have for your team decrease faster? Thanks.
When im in the game on an island there are 3 zoom levels, near, middle and far.
Very far would be the fourth cam zoom level, but it's not doing it ingame ?
Why does the config command set to 1 does not work at all ?
Standard value is 0.
The path to the config file: maindrive \Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\Ubisoft\ANNO 2070\Config
This fourth cam seem to be removed by a patch, because i can remeber this used to work in the past, some years ago.
Once I reload a savegame the AI´s colors, from AI´s spawn from the AI shipyard, change to the same color - gray. That makes it hard to distinguish them. Does anyone know a solution? When they spawn the first time they have their noromal game color, but once reloaded its gone.
does anyone want to play anno2070 multiplayer? reply with you're uplay username if you do
Recently I had a problem with loging into servers and was playing offline. Today I suprisingly loged and finished one of missions in the campaign, but the progress wasn't saved. Anyone has an idea how can I fix it?
I have a question I'm sure has been asked many times in the past, but as the internet does, answers are either buried or misconstrued by newer posts.
I'm looking for a mod if it exists to add in a template mode similar to what they finally added to 1800. Mainly for when I'm doing large scale city planning for the deep ocean missions where population is key and maximising space for production is essential. Love using the templates uploaded to the wiki but some of them require so much space it can be a challenge at time to accurately gauge space when doing the old depot road painting
I can only get Anno 2070 to connect to the servers about 10% of the time - otherwise it forces me into offline mode - which probably would be fine - except loading _my_ saves says I'm playing someone else's files.
I can't find any work arounds online for this - am I alone - or are others seeing the servers as completely unreliable even to login.
Hey y’all, I’m a very new player and I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. I built drinks for my techs but every time a house ascends into tier 2 they immediately have no drinks and promptly leave and the building goes back to tier 1 and their needs are met and try to ascend again?
I have 2 drink factories both producing a pretty much full. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?
I just installed Anno2070 and when I try to play it I am stuck at the profil creation screen. I enter a name for my profil and confirm the name after that I get the "Unknown error" message.
I seem to not be the only one with that problem (thread is in german): https://www.ubisoft.com/forums/topic/189255/ann0-2070-profil-kann-nicht-angelegt-werden?lang=de
There they recommend to run it as administrator which didn't work for me and at least one person who has the same issue as me. In the thread they link two articles which aren't really helpful either. Just some general tips, like updating drivers, verify files, system requirements etc.
Ubisoft apparently will close their forums and move them to discord in a couple of days and I couldn't reply to the thread.
Maybe someone here has some tips?
Thank you
Google Translate was used for translation to english
I went to Anno 2070 bought yesterday I went to play, I saved it and left today I go in, I don’t see the button to download the game, I’m going to google, it says to find an additional section. I don't have it asked ChatGpt. He told me the same thing. What to do?(?(?(?((((
Зашёл в Анно 2070 купил вчера зашёл поиграл сохранился и вышел сегодня захожу не вижу кнопки загрузить игру иду гуглить там пишется найти раздел дополнительно. У меня её нет спросил у ChatGpt. Он мне сказал тоже самое. Что делать?(?(?(?((((
If you do not understand, then here is a screenshot of the main screen, so at least someone can help me
Если вы не поняли то вот вам скриншот главного экрана может так хоть кто ни будь мне поможет
Since last week the daily events are not giving any career points in Anno 2070. Even the current world event is not giving any career points. I tried reinstalling to check if maybe it has to do something with my profile but still the same issue. Can anyone help me with this ?
Hey there,
I wanted to play Anno 2070 again after a long time, but I can't seem to save the game. When I press the save button, the message "Game saved" appears, but there is no loading button in the main menu. Moreover, when I try to save again, there is no old save file to overwrite.
I then took a closer look at the game files and noticed that there is no "Savegames" folder.
I also checked if Windows Defender is blocking the game and made sure that it is allowed.
When playing in 4K, the UI will become too small (unlike in 1400 history edition).
There is however a simple solution to this: you can change the .ini file. See link below.
I personally changed it to 175 instead of 200.