All things concerning Ancient Egyptian archaeological developments, art, culture, history, or appreciation.
All things concerning Ancient Egyptian archaeological developments, art, culture, history, or appreciation.
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Hello I am new to Ancient Egypt so forgive me for my mistakes and lack of knowledge.
But I am wondering what is the connection between Ancient Egypt and Eritrea/Ethiopia because there are obelisk there in Axum and it has Egyptian Hieroglyphics written on it.
Axum existed around 2000 years ago but wasnt Egypt long lost at that time so how could the Axumites know how to write Hieroglyphics?
Is it possible that some of the Egyptians migrated back to Eritrea/Ethiopia when Egypt was conquered?
I read Christopher Ehret's book (Ancient Africa: A global history to 300 ce) where he states that the egyptians originally came from this area, And I believe also Queen Hatshepsut said that they came from Land of Punt (Ta-Neter) which is said to be around the same area.
So is it possible that they migrated back to Eritrea/Ethiopia and if not, then how do you believe they was able to read and write hieroglyphs?
I was very interested in ancient Egypt for around 10 years ago and I recently took up the interest again,
What documentaries or books would you recommend for self studies/research?
I’ve tried Fabricius, JSesh, and even hieroglyph-to-English alphabet charts, but they’re either not accurate, or I’m not sure how to use them. There’s also hieroglyphs.net, but it’s just a dictionary and can’t translate full sentences.
Basically what the title says. I was wondering if anyone could give me a list of recommendations for accurate and well-researched books, authors, websites, or other rescources for info on ancient Egypt. I'm specifically interested in its religion and gods, but general info is good too, as I feel it's important to have context to understand it wholly.
Thanks in advance!
Where i can find the pyramids or the temple or tomb where this hieroglyphics is present?
I’m learning about Ancient Kemet/Egypt in one of my classes and was curious as to the age in which people had children and grandchildren. When I was looking things up it says many people in Kemet had children at the age of around 14-18 if this is true does that mean people had grandchildren from around 28-36? It also seems like many people lived to be in their 40’s 50’s and sometimes higher. Were multiple generations of families common at the time? I’m just genuinely curious because I haven’t asked about this in class yet 😅.
Aviametrix has just released “Pharaoh Finder” a new App to the App Store. This app is the easiest, quickest way to identify a Pharaoh from their cartouche, or Horus name, Nebty name, or Golden Horus name!
You don’t even have to know how to read hieroglyphs. Just recognize a few of the symbols in the inscribed name and drag & drop them in the App. The order does not matter!
The App includes over 320 Pharaohs, including the minor kings of the intermediate periods and includes all known attested variances of spelling. That’s over 2,200 names!
Check it out! There’s a seven day free trial. If you like it, then you can buy it for an unlimited use. No subscriptions, just a one-time buy!
Hello all!
I am trying to make a t-shirt design with the treaty of Kadesh, on the front the Hittite version and on the back the Egyptian one. The Hittite version is very easy to find with many sources, but the Egyptian side has been much more difficult for me to find.
I am referring to the inscriptions at the Karnak Temple, the ones that can be seen at what Wikipedia calls the Cachette court:
The line drawing is incredibly useful, but sometimes it is not clear what Hieroglyph is being represented. For example, before the hieroglyphs for "of Hatti", there is G40 A19 O29V. Here I am not sure about A19, it is what would make the most sense, but without the stick it is suspicious:
I searched on the volumes of "Reliefs and Inscriptions at Karnak" of the Oriental Institute and I couldnt find these carvings there.
Does any of you know where I can find a transliteration of the text (or any extra resources)?
Would you translate it based on how it's pronounced, or what the name represents?