Not directly affiliated with amvhell.com
However, we'd like to try our hand at it. Post your creations and we'll sew the best together into a monster mash-up.
/r/gifsound has a great place to start for connecting youtube videos with gifs: http://gifsound.com/
submit your content and the best will be woven and stitched together to form a grotesque yet loveable creature of otaku fandom!
~Mark NSFW clips, please restrict NSFW (no full nudity).
~Video or audio must be animation related, not just anime. Cartoons or cgi are acceptable. Other content can be posted to other places like /r/gifsound.
~Keep it short, no full length music videos.
~[optional] Mark spoilers if you can so people don't think you're a dink.
NOTICE: Moderators can remove content and users whenever and whyever.
By Sempai amv
By Sempai amv
By Sempai amv
By Sempai amv
By Sempai amv
By Sempai amv
By Sempai amv
By Sempai amv
By Sempai amv
By Sempai amv
By Sempai amv
By Sempai amv
For those who were not aware of this. Also enjoy the sequel AMV HELL 8.5, because we really did our best to make something special, and i think we really delivered on that.
AMV Hell 8
AMV Hell 8.5
By Sempai amv
By Sempai amv
By Sempai amv
By Sempai amv
By Sempai amv
By Sempai amv
By Sempai amv
By Sempai amv
By Sempai amv
By Sempai amv
By Sempai amv