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Old text, likely bible.


Is there anyone on here who would be able to help me with the text in a very old book I have in my possession which I believe to be a bible, and to be in Amharic?

Thank you in advance :)

11:03 UTC


Looking up double consonants

ሰላም! I’ve noticed that double consonants are very frequent in Amharic, despite not being marked in writing. I wondered if you knew where one can conveniently look up the correct pronunciation of a word? Online dictionaries only give incomplete transliteration without double consonants. Google Translate speech synthesator generally pronounces double vowels where they should be, but it’s often hard to catch with a beginner’s ear if a consonant is doubled or not.

Like, how do I know that there are double consonants in ድመት (dəmmät), ውሻ (wəšša), or ፍየል (fəyyäl), but not in ፈረስ (färäs) or አሳማ (asama)? Don’t native speakers themselves get confused and need to look it up?

Another issue is whether a consonant is pronounced with the vowel ə or not. How do I know that ክረምት is krämt instead of *krämət or *kərämət, but ትንሽ is tənnəš not *tənš? Or ወይም being wäyəm instead of *wäym?

00:01 UTC


Please translate this to English for me

I need someone to please translate these messages from Amharic to English:

W: selam beyilign baliyewn F: eshi eleleshalew W: Weye endet nesh amrobeshal demo F: Alewlesh F: Amesegnalew baby F: Endet yezoshal? W: alehulish babe i miss you guys enanute batinafikunim W: Ene adelew hule text maregewe dena new babe nafikotuma ayitali new gn yichalali

16:15 UTC


Could someone please help me translate this text from English to Amharic please?

“Don’t worry. I fell because I slipped. I don’t eat much. I don’t buy junk for Leul or me too much. I had my blood work done before coming and I have good blood sugar and cholesterol levels are perfect. They are below the range.

The only reason I gain and lose weight a lot is because I have a thyroid condition. I have hypothyroidism and it is autoimmune. Even if I don’t eat much I gain weight for periods of time and then I lose it. I am taking medication since September for this but I have never ever broken a bone ever before in my life. It was just an accident. I will order groceries like fruit and vegetables for Leul and I to eat this week. He needs to eat healthy too because otherwise his body will never recover.”

03:09 UTC


Could someone please help me translate this to English? Tysm

መቼ ነዉ ሪሀብ የሚገባዉ አነጋግሪዉ ልትረጅኝ ነዉ የመጣሺ አደል ለኔም ላችም ጥሩ ነዉ አብራቹ ለመኖረ አደል ?

1 Comment
06:44 UTC


Could someone please help me translate this message?

እባክሺ በፍቅር አናግሪዉ እዬናፈ ነዉ መሰለኝ አይዞህ በይዉ ሪሀብ ግባ እመጣለሁ በይዉ ተሰፋ ነዉ እዬለፈለፈነዉ አተቀዬሚዉ እሺ

Thank you so much!

05:08 UTC


Learn Amharic

19:09 UTC

17:48 UTC


When and why does the እ get added to the front of a word that starts with ር.

Sometimes I see that words in Amharic that I think should start with one of the ረ letters, starts with እ. For example ራሱን and እራሱን (and all the other forms of that word). And also እርዳኝ and ርዳኝ. What causes this to happen? Is it just a spelling difference or is it something else? Thank you.

21:39 UTC


Difference between ደብር and ደብረ

Can someone explain the difference between ደብር and ደብረ when is comes to the names of churches/monasteries? Thank you!

12:24 UTC


3+ Ways to say "I don't know" in Amharic:

1 Comment
04:21 UTC


Translating Song

Selam everyone!

I heard this song recently and understand a majority of it, but my Amharic isn’t the best and sometimes I mishear words.

I was wondering if someone could transcribe & translate this beautiful song for me as I know it has a nice meaning and would love to use it as a way to practice my pronunciation and learn Amharic vocab better.

Thank you!

1 Comment
17:20 UTC


is there an amharic name similar to hillel/hilal?

So, I’m Jewish but I often get mistaken for arab because my name is hillel which sounds similar to the arabic name hilal

What’s intresting though is that they mean similar-ish things; hillel is a type of Jewish prayer while hilal refers to a crescent moon which is a holy symbols in both Islam and arabic culture

So I’m curious, is there an Amharic name that’s similar? And what does it mean?

1 Comment
11:18 UTC


How can I learn Amharic?

How can I learn Amharic??

You can learn Amharic like this:

First, just believe that learning any language takes time.

Learn something new every day.

Practice what you have learned. You can practice by talking to yourself or others, and you can practice by writing and posting in Amharic in every group you find.

Never give up even though there are no many resources to learn Amharic, start and use what you find in your way!

1 Comment
11:33 UTC


Are any of these phrases commonly used in Amharic?

  • እግዚአብሔር አምላክ ነው (God is Lord)
  • ክርስቶስ ሕይወቴ ነው (Christ is my life)
  • በእግዚአብሔር አምናለሁ (I trust in God)
  • የጌታ ምሕረት ለዘላለም ነው (The Lord's mercy endures forever)
  • ሰላም ከእግዚአብሔር ይሁን (Peace be with God)
  • እግዚአብሔር ከእኔ ጋር ነው (God is with me)
  • የእግዚአብሔር ኃይል በእኔ ነው (The power of God is within me)
  • አምላኬ የማዳኒ ነው (My God is my Savior)
  • በጌታ እምነት አለኝ (I have faith in the Lord)
  • እግዚአብሔር በጎ ነው (God is Good)
1 Comment
17:31 UTC


Can someone clarify something for me?

ነገር ግን ከጥንት ጀምሮ በወርቅ ማንጠር፣፤ በብር ማፍሰስ፣ በብረታብረት ቅርጻቅርጽ ሥራዎች ታዋቁነትንና ተደናቂነትን ያተረፉት የአክሱም ከተማ ባለሙያዎች /ጠበብቶች/ የሚሠሯቸው ቅርጻቸው የረቀቀና ጥራት ያላቸው በመሆናቸው በመጽሐፍ ደጓሾች ዘንድ እስከ ፃያኛው ክፍለ ዘመን መጨረሻ በከፍተኛ ደረጃ ተወዳጅነትን አትርፈዋል፡፡

I vaguely understand from online translators that this is talking about metalworkers in Aksum that were highly regarded up to a certain time. However, depending on the translator, it gives a different century (one says "until the end of the 19th century" and another the 20th century. The man that helped me translate it many years ago wrote "20th century" but I just want to confirm since it is for a publication. Can someone please clarify for me?
Thank you!

12:14 UTC

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