What this sub-reddt is:
Scientific discussion of medicine outside of the traditional pharmaceutical drug paradigm, but still in the western paradigm (experiments published in peer-reviewed journals, etc.). Many of the treatments you see here will hopefully eventually become mainstream medicine.
What this sub-reddit isn't:
Energy healing, homeopathy, or any other treatment where there is no evidence for it working beyond placebo. Basically if you can't find it in a respected medical or scientific journal, you shouldn't post it here.
Topics that you should post on:
Only articles with references from peer-reviewed journals will be accepted. Exceptions are self posts with questions or discussion points.
*Note on etiquette: * Please don't say anything you wouldn't say in person. Also read the Debate Pyramid http://blog.createdebate.com/2008/04/07/writing-strong-arguments/ The interwebs give you a platform from which you can reach the whole world. Respect that power.
*Note on philosophy: * We are not anti-pharmaceutical. Pharmaceutical medicine is a powerful tool that has helped save millions of people's lives. Pharmaceuticals have their place for a variety of diseases, especially acute healthcare (eg. ER visits, etc). For many chronic illnesses, however, there are evidence-based alternatives to pharmaceuticals with fewer side effects. We hope doctors will one day prescribe more of these natural medicines.
Wisdom traditions include Traditional medicine and spirituality. Traditional medicine brings about balance and balance brings about health.
Traditional medicine works by following nature. It works by doing what nature does. It works by doing what nature does before She does it herself!
For example, as a metaphor: Too much accumulation of dry wood in a forest will naturally lead to a forest fire. This natural forest fire will burn up the excess accumulation of dry wood. So the balance was achieved naturally. According to traditional medicine, we humans can go out and gather up the dry wood from the forest and burn it in our fires, thereby also bringing the forest into balance. This balances the forest by reducing the accumulation of dry wood and thereby prevents the forest fire.
So to take it out of metaphor, if we have too much stuff, wisdom would have us reduce that accumulation by giving some of that stuff away or throwing some of it away. Because the excess accumulation is going to be brought into balance one way or another. Nature doesn't tolerate accumulation for long.
Same for being overweight, skipping meals occasionally is a way to bring things into balance because the other alternative is being forced to not eat due to lack of access to food.
There needs to be an ebb and flow. The pantry should get filled up and then the pantry should be eaten from and reduced. If the pantry is not eaten from and reduced then things will get old and go bad and be forgotten about and mice and rats and bugs will get it. Same thing happens in our bodies with yeast and parasites, etc.
Hope this helps! Thanks for reading.
(the title) I'm 16, Male
Hello im thinking about buying a cupping therapy set off amazon, but dont know too much about the product. What would you look for when buying one online? What has been your experiences? Any tips/information would be helpful.
This is a kinda crazy hypothesis I want to share: I've always had bad athletes foot in the summer - which is funny since I always wear flip flops and airing your feet + sun exposure is supposed to help with athletes foot. Following the "no soap" movement from a few years ago, I wondered if the fact that I wash my feet more in the summer with soap (to avoid permadirt) could actually be causing athletes foot by destroying the good foot bacteria? This summer I've only been washing my feet with water and so far no athletes foot. My toenail fungus I had on one toe seems to be a bit better too. I've occasionally been following this approach as well lol http://oddrandomthoughts.com/will-pee-cure-athletes-foot/ (yeah I know I'm gross!). I thought if there was anywhere to post this it would be here so...let me know what you think and if it works for anyone else! Some background - I don't have especially stinky feet, just fungusy apparently, so no soap is no huge deal for me. Yes there's a bit more permadirt but not all that much...
So i want to get some, as per recommendation of Jennifer Daniels and she recommends 100% Pure Gum Spirit Turpentine. Problem is, you can easily order it in USA for 10$ a bottle (4 liquid ounces), but it doesn't ship to Europe.
Now I have found this https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B01GR2RM9G/ref=ox_sc_act_title_6?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A2NCWU2JOKEW8Q
Even if I ignore the enormous price - over 50 euros for the same ammount. The deliver would take 2-4 weeks and I don't want to wait for so long.
So maybe someone could recommend a better way?