Welcome to Alt Gone Wild, a place for tattooed/pierced/otherwise "alternative" ladies to share their nude selfies with reddit and celebrate anonymous exhibitionism.
Have fun and be safe!
Please show off your 'alt-ness' whether it be with your tattoos, piercings, or outfits, while alt is not really definable please know that just having a common tattoo or piercing may not be alt. If you have any questions please message the mods!
You must be 18 or older to submit a link.
Direct links to images only please. When using Imgur, simply right-click the image, select "Open in a new tab" or "View Image", and submit that URL.
*No advertising...EVER! Do not ask for money, votes, or gifts, and do not link to your cam site, blog, wishlist, or any other URL.
Be kind. We have zero tolerance for trolls.
Utilize the "report" feature. If someone is being a real asshole, or posting personal information about another submitter, PLEASE report them. Do not egg them on by engaging in a comment war.
Original content (OC) only! Do not submit links of photos, gifs, videos, etc. of anyone but yourself. No exceptions!
Only women are allowed to post here.
Please send to modmail: An album that has 3 color photos of you from 3 different angles, all displaying your altness as much as possible. Hold a handwritten, slightly crumpled sign that includes the following:
Imgur is not accepted. Any verification messages including Imgur links will be ignored by the mod team.
Verification from other subs may be carried over at mods discretion.