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Find how some diseases can be healed with alternative medicine, and share your experience with alternative medicine.

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Neck and shoulder pain

If you had neck and shoulder pain for years would you first see a physical therapist? Or first get a scan?

17:59 UTC


Cupping therapy: true or false?

The Eber Papyrus (1550 BC) from ancient Egypt is one of the oldest medical texts to mention cupping therapy. Do historical documents resolve this controversy? Source here

1 Comment
15:02 UTC


Dysautonomia help

I have medicine anxiety, plus my insurance is pretty bad (I get it from my mom since I'm under 18) and we can't afford $300 synthetic medicine. A lot of people seem to be against natural medicine, but I'm still trying to find some things that can help my symptoms. The symptoms that affect me most are: 1. High heart rate (BPM gets to 130+), 2. Low blood pressure (BP), 3. Dizziness and feeling lightheaded (blood rushes to my lower body and legs, leaving my head and upper body as I stand up), 4. Shakiness and/or anxiety out of nowhere. Usually happens after my heart rate skyrockets.

I for sure have some type of dysautonomia as one of my doctors has finally said, after 10 years of symptoms and being ignored, she's almost diagnosed me with POTS. She said a Mediterranean diet and physical therapy can help, but I was also wondering if there was anything else I could do. Specifically for the heart rate. I wake up and after a few seconds I'm able to hear my heartbeat, it's very intense and fast sometimes and it does make me worry (hence the anxiety part) as heart issues are a fear of mine. Compression socks can work a bit, but it irritates my skin unfortunately. I also have anxiety when it comes to taking new medicines because of the side effects and the fact its mostly synthetic and bioengineered. Thanks for your help :)

12:50 UTC


Is High Cholesterol Really a Problem? GREAT EXPLANATION!

18:27 UTC


HEALING Sunrise Morning AFFIRMATIONS for Persistence & Self-Belief | MANIFESTING Abundance 🌅

07:29 UTC


How to speed up recovery?

Hello friends,

I have been sick for more than a week: runny nose, coughing, slight fever and general malaise. I don't seem to get better, I keep coughing and such. What can I do to speed up my recovery?

Thank you very much for your useful suggestions!!

11:55 UTC


Eye bags

Anyone have any good suggestions for what to smear on undereye bags? Mine are usually pretty puffy.

02:05 UTC


Is there any where to warn people or leave a review of a practioner in the holistic space? I feel if leave on her ig will delete comment 😢

As the subject says I am in the process of reviewing things with my attorney but I wanted to know if there are any places to leave a review on a holistic mineral balancing practioner?

14:06 UTC



Hey guys for the past week or so my hair has been quite thin and oily. I’ve been doing no shampoo for over a year now will great results but now my hair is in this weird state. Anytime natural tips to get rid of oily hair and make it thicc again?

1 Comment
21:53 UTC


A Lesson For The Glucose Goddess on Glucose

19:57 UTC


Is there anything that can be taken with magnesium to lower the laxative effect?

I’ve tried every form of magnesium (glycine, threonate, citrate, micromag, etc) but they all tend to make me go to the loo more. I tried taking calcium with the magnesium and it may or may not have lowered the laxative effect, still need to test it more.

21:50 UTC


sick of being sick

Hey, I am 30 years old person and during a year of 2023 I was sick 7 times ( symptoms similar to a flu, usually last few days with higher temperature). I am looking for holistic/ natural ways to boost my immune system however I already feel like i am doing a lot:

  1. Diet : I am pescatarian/ vegetarian. I eat fish 1 a month. I eat a lot of salads, proteins, fruits (mostly berries) and seeds. Overall very very well.
  2. I do power walking 1 hour daily with 1-2 days rest.
  3. I suplement vitamin B ( all types), magnesium, vitamin D, everyday

If you could recommend something I could do but also not very costly I would be greateful. Thanks

Edit: thanks everyone for the responses. I really value them and I will have the look on everything that can help me, however I will NOT eat beef and meat. If you have any other recomandations except that i will be happy to hear 😊.

10:17 UTC


Are the salt and sugar in ultra processed food different from the salt and sugar in non ultra processed foods in ways that cause them to be addictive and less healthy or is it simply the amount or concentration that causes them to be addictive and less healthy?

Like do they undergo processing that differs? Are they engineered without regard to healthiness and in a way that differs from sugar from natural sources? Are they ultra processed? What about regular table salt or regular table sugar?

20:08 UTC


Nicotine studies - dementia amd nic nacs

01:33 UTC


For those who have vascular migraines, has ginger helped you?

Some say ginger is a vasoconstrictor similar to triptans. Has it worked for you? How do you take it? Raw ginger, full concentrated ginger juice or ginger root (is ginger root the same thing as class ginger?) in a capsule?

1 Comment
19:13 UTC


Heart Palpitations

3 years ago I read in the internet how heavy metals can be detoxified with Alpha Lipoic Acid, I tried that and since then i have really bad heart palpitations that never got away. I tried various methods but nothing really helped, sometimes i feel free of palpitations but after some time they come back and I am really sick of it. I would appreciate any advice.

20:28 UTC


The hidden cause of diseases

The hidden cause of diseases

Ilyich Mechnikov, a Russian biologist specializing in anatomy and microbiology, who won the 18th Nobel Prize, said that in addition to bacteria, the main cause of disease is toxins in the body. Toxins pave the way for bacteria to multiply and invade. Therefore, by removing and reducing various toxins in the body, our body will remain healthy and sound. Source here

14:51 UTC


Need some insight on body odor

29(f) My armpits smell horrible. I shower, wash them really well, and lay in my bed and boom it’s back. I’ve never had this problem. Seriously. I can probably recall maybe five times in my life when I ever smelled like B.O.

It wasn’t until I got covid 2 1/2 years ago when it knocked my entire immune system off. I probably got sick seven times after that in less than a year. I lost my smell for six months and have had parosmia ever since. I only recently began picking up on my own body odor again. Even though it’s still very distorted, I can smell my armpits constantly. It only started in the last six months.

I do want to note that I do wear deodorant most of the time but I try not to when I’m not leaving the house. I just remember that there’s been many times when I didn’t wear any because I literally never smelled under there.

I was reading up on the lymphatic system and I’m 100% certain it’s backed up along with other issues, but I’m wondering if the smell from my body is just toxins coming out or signaling that there’s an issue? Because even when I didn’t wear deodorant in the past I NEVER smelled. Now all I gotta do is sit down and I smell. I’ve read up on all the detox’s. My question is mainly what’s the reason hormonally/internally why this could be happening.

07:05 UTC


Need advice on how to clear mucus from back of throat

As the title suggests I have this lump of mucus in my throat that I’ve tried to get rid of for what feels like forever. I’ve tried warm salt water, even ginger. But it’s hardly moving. Every so often it does loosen up but no amount of Mucinex or anything else has truly helped. What do I do?? It doesn’t do anything bad, just presents perpetual discomfort.

13:51 UTC


DIY diaper rash cream using bentonite clay???

Has anyone ever used a DIY diaper rash cream using bentonite clay? I recently made one for an expecting mother but I remember how tight (and slightly painful) my face gets if I use a bentonite clay mask so now I'm worried it's gonna do that to the baby's bottom and private area.

Has anyone ever tried using one? Please let me know how well it worked and the safety of it. Thx

20:52 UTC


Ashwagandha supplements?

Hi! Has anyone used ashwagandha and noticed a difference? Debating on trying it, but would love to hear any opinions or experiences first.

08:55 UTC


Has anyone experienced this chest discomfort?


Any ideas what this could be?

So three weeks ago I had this random wave of pressure/tightening/squeezing in my chest. It felt uncomfortable and unpleasant but not like OUCH…. Like if it had have happened in my leg I wouldn’t have been arsed… if you see what I mean But it was in my chest/heart area. And it was more an ache than a pain… It lasted a few seconds. Shrugged it off. Happened again 2 weeks later. Went to a&e. They did xray (clear), bloods (clear) and ecg (clear). Sent me on my way. The a&e doc did say it could be cardiac, it could be digestive… and that they haven’t ruled out angina or anything but that she wouldn’t have mentioned angina due to me only being in my 30’s. It was me that queried if that’s been tested and she said no.

A week later it happened again but multiple times in the same day. This day, tmi but I had eaten something my body clearly didn’t like so I had the worst flatulence. This chest discomfort started when the flatulence started. May be a coincidence… because that didn’t happen the other two occasions prior when I got the chest discomfort.

I duno what to think …

The GP didn’t want to send me for any further tests as I’m still able to walk up a steep hill with zero symptoms, my a&e results were fine, and my age. AND my troponin bloods were completely clear. But I feel like… I don’t like not knowing what it is? I don’t get anxious about things which is why I didn’t go to a&e the first time it happened, I only went the second time because my eldest daughter wanted me to.. but I still want to know what it is? The GP and a&e doc ruled out anxiety (I don’t feel anxious about it either.. I’ve had heart arrhythmia for ten years and haven’t been anxious and that cause anxiety for most so…) So I went to see the GP again today to say like… I want to know what it is and rule out heart blockages… so can you like contact the cardiologist. He has emailed them. So now I wait….

But has anyone else experienced this? It just felt like a wave for a few seconds, of pressure/tight/squeeze/dull ache. I had zero breathlessness with it. Zero other symptoms with it.

Is it heart? Digestive? What?

Thanks 🤨🧐🤔

To also add.. today I walked up a very steep hill for 20 minutes, carrying two very very heavy bags. I didn’t get any symptoms… no ache pains heart issues or the discomfort…. Surely I wouldn’t be able to do that if my heart was in bad shape? I have a very active life.. lots of daily walking too including hills.

19:57 UTC


What bloodwork should I request from my doctor?

I’m about to move across the country and I intend to find a functional med doctor when I am there. I’m going to see my doctor before I move for my annual checkup. What bloodwork should I request?

17:26 UTC


Do calcium channel blockers improve cerebral brain flow to prevent headaches like a pycnogenol does?

I've had good success with migraine prevention and nap prevention with pycnogenol and its been explained to me as optimizing the cerebral blood flow so the brain doesn't get fatigued. However, pycnogenol has a very short half-life.

I've had discussions with my doctor to prescribe calcium blockers because I have slightly high blood pressure in general - does anyone know if calcium blockers would have a similar impact as pycnogenol?

1 Comment
17:02 UTC


Best treatment for awesome teeth?

I have decent looking teeth. They could be whitened a bit but still they are pretty decent. However my teeth have been getting a little more sensitive and one tooth is starting to have a brown spot.

Now my issue that I have is when I go to the dentist I don't want to give him the opportunity to make a fortune filling in cavities I don't need filled. So I think the best way around this is to find a good dentist and have super healthy looking teeth and healthy looking gums. And maybe if there are any pre cavities causing the sensitivity maybe it's early enough to maybe try and reverse it?

So I looked into the world of alternative health and came across something's that might be helpful.

First of all remove fluoride from all dental products used. That includes toothpaste and floss. They said to get a powdered remineralizing toothpaste and floss without fluoride. Okay I'll try to find on Amazon.

Then get a healthy anti gingivitis mouth wash and not use Listerine. Okay.

Then get some pink Himalayan sea salt and rinse with that. Okay.

Then I heard about oil pulling with coconut oil but I'm not sure what product to use.

And I heard clove is good for teeth as well but not sure what to do here.

So basically I plan to use powdered tooth paste and brush gently 3 times a day. Then use mouthwash and Himalayan sea salt rinse before bed. And floss once a day before bed. Then use tongue scraper once before bed.

I just don't know what products to get from Amazon. I want something organic and I don't want anything with chemicals you don't want. Any recommendations?

I would also like to use coconut oil for oiling pulling and clove but I'm not sure what to do there. Any recommendations?

I also heard of people applying iodine to cavities so maybe I could apply that to the tooth with a brown spot? Idk.

And last but not least Aloe Vera Gel has been amazing for my skin. So I'm thinking it would be amazing for my gums. Any ways to incorporate this into my routine?

15:36 UTC


How did and do people practice earthing in traditional societies when so many people wore and wear footwear in traditional societies (including hunter gatherer societies)?

And why were or are, in at least some traditional societies, people expected to take their footwear off in certain places? I would think people would be practicing earthing by walking barefoot.

If walking barefoot (or putting their footwear back on if they took them off to walk barefoot), I would think their feet (and in the latter case also footwear) would be dirty, so I would think it wouldn't be due to dirt. Plus, if I'm not mistaken, people in some traditional societies walked or walk barefoot all the time or walked or walk barefoot on dirt (which I'm under the impression has microbiome benefits that would not be obtained by exposing other areas of the body to soil), though their feet likely weren't protected from cold weather, hot sand, burs, etc.

If I recall correctly, a lot of the materials used in traditional footwear are about as electrically conductive as human skin or human feet. From what I recall, they're not good conductors of electricity from what I've read.

Just to be clear, I'm not trying to disprove earthing. I believe earthing is legit or, at worst, needs more research but has strong evidence to support it (and I'm personally convinced it's legit). I just feel I'm missing information.

01:22 UTC


Has anyone here worked with this practitioner? Coach Lawson @THEIMMUNITYCOACH


Anyone here have experience with him? He claims to help ppl with MCS but i cannot find any information on him online except one post on a MCS facebook group

14:37 UTC

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