
Photograph via snooOG

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A subforum for all Allotment, Veg Patch & Gardens.


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Leaves for food wraps.

I'm looking at using some leaves as a wrapping for some baked goods (hardtack) and am after some UK Equivalent to pandam, or banana leaf. Any suggestions.

I'm leaning towards dock or cabbage but they're out of season.

19:09 UTC


What’s your top 5 veg to grow?

Hi all,

Harvested some veg recently (potatoes/garlic/onion/shallots) and was wondering what everyone’s top 5 veg to grow for ease of growing and harvest size?

17:58 UTC


1st Allotment advice please

Hi guys After 2 years in the queue I am finally getting my allotment tomorrow, it’s come faster then expected and now I’m panicking and wondering what I need

Any help or tips would be great

10:12 UTC


How can you tell the difference between mange tout and pea plants

So I did a stupid and planted out my last crop of peas, only to realise I also planted out the mange tout too!!

I have no idea which is which now. Is there any tell tale signs I can look for?

19:50 UTC


Adding drainage from a shed to a water butt

Our allotment came with a water butt, and we're looking to properly utilise it. Now that we've cleared the plot, I'm looking to sort some kind of runoff from the drainage on the shed into the water butt around the corner. I want to end up with a solution so that the water butt lid can be left off all the time to allow rainwater to drain in, but I also need some kind of cover, to minimise the chance that birds might fly in and become trapped. I'd ideally like the cover to also be large enough to allow a hosepipe in, so the water butt can be topped up from a tap

I've got a couple of pictures of the pipe pieces we have that were already on the plot (we do have a couple of pieces that could go round corners). My question really comes down to what's the best way to attach this stuff together and secure it? Additionally, what's a good cover to use for the top of the water butt? Some kind of net/lattice?

Happy to answer any related questions :)

Shed drainage with water butt in the background

Top of the water butt with a couple of smaller pipes

13:06 UTC

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