Welcome to /r/allcore, the place where -core music matters and genres don't.
Welcome to /r/allcore, the place where hardcore music matters and genres don't!
-Be friendly and encourage intelligent discussion (no memes)
-Try hard not to categorize the music posted here, we like all of it no matter what specific sub-genre it belongs to.
-We insist that if you are posting a song or video, you include the Artist/Song names in the post title. Anything in subs after(Like THIS!) are completely fine-
Missed an Album of the Week? Every thread is archived here!
Ya'll probably don't like this idea but, let's combine Raggacore/Breakcore with Splittercore and noise. I present to you Splitteragg/Splitterbreak, Splitterbreak or Splitteragg. It is an extreme genre of electronics that has a BPM ranging from 350BPM to 10,000BPM. It works by cutting the breaks and making rushes with all the samples and with synthesizers like digital hardcore and ragga vocals with normal speed and a lot of noise glitches and sounds made with a computer. I don't know if you are interested in making a song of my new genre. Tell me your opinions.