Welcome to r/aigreentext, a place where you can share 4chan-style greentext stories generated by AI.
tag in the beginning of the title.
AI-generated greentexts may contain offensive language. Reader discretion is advised.
In general, OpenAI trains using real user-generated content on the web, which means the AI uses real 4chan greentexts created by humans to learn how to get better at generating them.
4chan users sometimes use extremely offensive language in these posts, so the AI will sometimes mimic that behavior. We have no control over this, and in an effort to promote community participation and maintain greentext realism, we do not disallow posts that contain offensive language.
If you generate a greentext that contains offensive language, you can either post the greentext as-is or you can try generating the prompt again.
For best results, begin your prompt with some variation of "Write me a 4chan greentext story" followed by some variation of ">be me" on a new line.
To generate a greentext about a specific topic, you can try giving the AI something extra in your initial prompt, for example:
Write me a 4chan greentext about the Great Depression.
>be me, an alien
>be me
>a golden retriever
If your AI-generated text is highlighted orange, it means OpenAI has flagged text that may violate their content policy. This content does not break our subreddit rules, but repeated violations may lead to your OpenAI account getting banned.
For personal OpenAI accounts, the website gives you a set amount of free "credits" to use the platform for a period of time. Once you hit this limit, you will need to either create a new account or purchase more credits.
The OpenAI website requires a phone number in order to create an account, and the free credits you get upon account creation are linked to your phone number, so if you ever get banned or run out of credits, you will need to create a new account with a new phone number in order to keep using OpenAI for free.
Users have tried signing up for OpenAI using free phone numbers generated from various free texting apps and services, but most of the time these phone numbers do not work. We have not identified or confirmed any services that generate phone numbers that will work to register for OpenAI, so if you find an app/service that works, please let us know!