This subreddit is for exposing the hate and bigotry of the so-called "against men's rights movement." We comb the internet for egregious examples of AMR hate -- whether it's misandry, heterophobia, reverse racism, cisphobia, or some new kind of hate we haven't thought of yet, it's posted here.
We are not against the concept of against men's rights, we are against the "against men's rights movement" -- if it can even be called that.
We are here to expose them, and any interference may make their movement look better.
This subreddit is for exposing the hate and bigotry of the so-called "against men's rights movement." We comb the internet for egregious examples of AMR hate -- whether it's misandry, heterophobia, reverse racism, cisphobia, or some new kind of hate we haven't thought of yet, it's posted here.
We are not against the concept of against men's rights, we are against the "against men's rights movement" -- if it can even be called that.
Why am i against against men's rights? Multiple reasons.
1)I'm a douche. Not like the hot muscle bound guy who's totally self centered. No, no. I'm neither muscle bound, nor hot. But i am self concerned. The kind of prick who will stop in the middle of the road, so i don't mess up my car by hitting a dog.
2)because against MR only brings up the worst of points. It's funny when i bring up psychotic pseudo-feminists. It's insulting when you bring up nut bag men's rights activists.
3)because men's rights has so many points i agree with (like, 2! Maybe even 3!). Like stopping the Duluth model, which by default means men get arrested in domestic disputes regardless of the circumstances. And as a father, I'm a touch concerned about how custody is determined in the event of a divorce. And... well, i guess those were my 2 big ones. I am concerned about how easily it is to be screwed over by a false accusation of rape. But not quite as concerned as they seem to be. They're like, creepy worried about it. Sorta like they did something we should know about.
4)i had a point about feminism having become a toxic quagmire of sexist hate without any solutions, focusing on a few valid problems and a whole lot of non-issues... but then, what's an MRA?
but also because it's filled with feminists, and feminism is bad and mean.
Come on, we are better than AMRistas. Logic and reason are on our side, so we don't need to resort to name calling and dehumanizing those we don't agree with by calling them by demeaning names that imply they don't fit within the parameters of what we, as men, are meant to find attractive (eg big = fat).
One day in, and we already have 34 readers and 20 submissions. Hopefully, we will be able to grow larger than /r/againstmensrights, /r/feminism, and even /r/shitredditsays in the near future.
I keep seeing these AMRnazis talking about male privilege, but I've never got my membership card. I did have to sign up for the selective service. Is this the privilege they are talking about?!
Oh also, check out this link where a woman gets a slap on the wrist for her crime (IMAGINE IF THE ROLES WERE REVERSED). Must be nice to get the pussy pass.
Is it misogyny? STEMphobia? cisphobia? Probably all of the above?
I'm going to talk about this really slowly and delicately. It's a complicated issue, so bear with me.
You know gender equality, right? The concept of equality? It means that both genders are treated equal (as long as women can keep up of course). If women can have femenism, why can't men have men's rights? Don't they see that they're being against equality by being against men's rights? What if reddit had a subreddit called "againstfemenism", where all they did was talk about how much they hate femenists like Anita Sarkeesian and big red, and talked about how femenism is irrelevant except for in brown people countries? Wouldn't they be mad at that? Why do same to us?
Also, some of the posters in /r/againstmensrights are really really mean. One time they banned me for calling someone a "cunt". They didn't even care about my reasoning behind it! I called them that because they were dodging my points and wouldn't argue with me. It's so annoying. They've heard my point over and over but still wouldn't acknowledge me. They must have just given up and thought I was right. Why else would they ban me unless they were afraid of being proved wrong?
They're not setting a good example of femenism if you ask me. People will want to be femenists, see the /r/againstmensrights subreddit, say "actually I'm not a femenist" and then leave. This probably happens every day. /r/againstmensrights is a terrible subreddit because it's bad for femenism and I care about femenism even if I'm an MRA but not really.
Like any proud crusader for the rights of men, Mr Farrell is a Redditor (/u/warrenfarrell).
And since being informed that he is a GENIUS and worthy of defenses including superfluous capitalization and exclamation points I believe that he would make an excellent addition to the AAMR family (and we all know how family oriented he is!).
All those in favour?
A great video refuting the thesis of Scott Benson's "Feminazi Stole My Ice Cream"
Over 80% of AMR browsing is done while seated. They could be completing triathlons or building houses. Why don't they share exactly my interests?
DAE notice that like 99% of AMR posts are just cherry-picked quotes to make MR look bad?
There's literally THOUSANDS OF THEM!
Even one or two quotes representative of TRUE men's rights activism would disprove this nonsense . . . but what do you expect from a bunch of feminazi misanderistas.