
Photograph via snooOG

A place to discuss relevant topics in civil and military aviation, space exploration, and news relevant and interesting to those with a passion for all things flying.

A place to discuss relevant topics in civil and military aviation, space exploration, and news relevant and interesting to those with a passion for all things flying.

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All modern airliners are built to withstand lightning strikes...Except the Sukhoi Superjet. What exact design flaw does it have that means it cannot withstand lightning strikes while normal planes can?

The pilot himself said the plane was uncontrollable. https://www.rusaviainsider.com/captain-of-the-crash-landed-superjet-100-gives-first-public-interview-denies-the-charges/

The plane has been in the news again recently due to another crash which may or may not be lightning related. What's different about it compared to the Airbus A320, another fly by wire aircraft which unlike the Sukhoi Superjet can withstand lightning and has never lost control due to lightning strikes, despite there being over five times more of them and they've been flying for far longer?

02:18 UTC


Having Trouble With VSPAero!


I'm trying to perform an analysis on a preliminary design for an aircraft I'm building. The only problem is, VSPAero yields a blank graph when I try to run simulation on the aircraft. I followed a tutorial linked here, but VPSAero is not working for me like in the video. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

1 Comment
03:16 UTC


Aerospace wiring harness

I just wanted to know some of the wiring harness models(I mean to say wire model that is or might be used to make harness and I don't mean complete harness itself) that are used in commercial or military spec aircrafts by some of the top companies like Safran, TE connectivity, Collins , Amphenol or gkn aerospace with the source if possible..(Intended for case study)

01:11 UTC


Took this photo of the ISS flying over Atlanta, GA, USA. Trying to identify the spacecraft visibly attached to it from the photo

05:04 UTC


SpaceX Interview - Tax Analyst

Hi! I'm not sure if this will apply to this community but I am currently in the interview process for a Tax Analyst role at SpaceX and was wondering what the process was like. More specifically for the on-site interview. I've been reading other posts stating they had to do a presentation, but I'm not in IT or engineering so I don't know if that would apply to me. If anyone can give me an insight into how the process is in a Finance/Accounting role that would be great! Thanks in advance.

02:06 UTC


SpaceX Interview invite

I applied for an entry-level hardware engineer position and got an email asking for my availability for an interview. There were no other specifics. Anyone have any experience or ideas about what this first interview will be about or its format, etc.?

22:08 UTC


What Coding languages does an aerospace engineer need?

I am thinking about becoming a aerospace engineer and i want to get a good headstart and learn some things early which will benefit me later. I've heard that programming is useful and i want to know specifically which languages would benefit me the most if i learn them now for the future? (I already know Python)

09:39 UTC


Want to study aerospace, where to begin?

I am a cybersecurity student and have a pretty good background in programming which includes python and c++ which i heard are being used for engineering. I wanted to find out where to begin learning, be it in the programming or mathematics, calculus etc. Thank you

18:28 UTC


Would it be possible to remake the Space Shuttle in it's entirety?

There were a lot of things wrong with the space shuttle, hence why they stopped the program after 30 years. However, I want to know from people who are in aerospace... would it be possible to remake the Space Shuttle? What would they have to change in order to make it more practical or... "cost efficient"?

17:50 UTC


Which is the best source of news regarding aeronautical industry?


Because of my job, I really need to start being updated about aeronautical and aerospace industry. Could you suggest me some sources to read daily? I would need everything in between pretty technical stuff to commercial and high level.

Thank you!

10:43 UTC


Space R&D opportunities in the north?

I've been trying to get back into space-industry R&D, but I'm in Kentucky where there's not a whole lot of it. I'm looking for opportunities elsewhere, but I have never had to do a nationwide job hunt before so I'm a little overwhelmed with the breadth of locations and companies.

Would anyone be kind enough to recommend some R&D facilities for space companies? I focus on structural systems design (mechanical engineer). Preferably farther north (I prefer the cold). Adjacent stuff like aero and defense are okay, but I have experience in space R&D so that's what I'd prefer to stick with. All recomendations are appreciated!

23:59 UTC


Master's Programs in Space Engineering/Embedded Systems Selection

Hi everyone!

I just graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering from Brazil and I'm looking for an international master's program with a scholarship. My main focus is on Embedded Systems, and I’ve done an internship in software development. My undergraduate thesis is related to a small sounding rocket, where I designed the hardware for its onboard computer and developed tools for its validation using flight simulations.

I'm looking for a master's in Space Engineering or Electrical Engineering (focused on Embedded Systems) that offers a solid academic background, multidisciplinary projects, and welcomes international students. I’m interested in the space sector, especially in programs that involve attitude control, onboard computers, simulations, etc. Subjects related to space, like satellites, telescopes, and rockets have always fascinated me.

Also, programs similar to the CERN Summer Student Programme (which I applied to but was not accepted) interest me a lot.

My questions are:

  1. Which master's programs and universities do you recommend that offer scholarships and have a strong emphasis on Space Engineering or related areas?
  2. Does anyone have experience with programs that fit my areas of interest?
  3. What are the possible paths to follow (direct application, Erasmus Mundus, etc)?

Thank you!

1 Comment
16:08 UTC


Looking to take the next step towards starting an Aerospace company, would like advice

TL;DR: Early career and one day want to start an aerospace company, would like your thoughts on what my next step should be in my career

I'm about 3 years into my first job and am facing a tough decision on what is the next best step to one day starting my own aerospace company.

I graduated with my BS and MS during covid and was lucky enough to land a job as a mechanical engineer at a great startup building a VTOL UAV for defense. I've learned more in that time than in any other period of my life and have gotten to work with some incredible people. It has been difficult, but I feel fortunate to be where I am since school did not go great for me. Having started in a role that is better than I could have expected, I've recalibrated what it is I want in my career. I've enjoyed the startup life, despite the frequent long nights and chaos, and so the idea of starting my own in the next five years is now my goal.

I see three good options to make progress towards this goal.Option one is to stay with this current company and move into management role over one of the design teams. As this is a growing startup with an ever-growing engineering team, there are a few opportunities to make this happen. This would be a great chance to get more leadership experience in a place I already know well and with a team I know and like.

Second is to move to a new city and a new aerospace startup. Kinda a big jump, but the location I'm in right now just isn't for me and while I'm single with no concrete connections to this place, this could be an opportunity to go somewhere that better aligns with my values and to make some new professional connections in the industry. Also this would be a good chance to see how other startups operate and in which areas they're more or less successful.

Third is move to the Northeast and pursue an MBA. I prefer learning by doing, but I see an MBA as a great way to make connections and hopefully standout by going to a good school. I think this could be a great demonstration of ability when going to raise money and convince early teammates to join, and while in school I could start prototyping some ideas for companies.

I'm leaving personal desires and preferences out of this to just decipher what's the best business-robot-brained decision. I feel some pressure to make a decision soon as I'm single and young so making big changes like these is easier now than if I had a family to look after. In the US BTW.

Thank you for any and all feedback you all are willing to give!

21:52 UTC


Best resources to learn from?

So I’m really interested in planes but don’t know that much about them (ironic I know). I know the basic stuff but was wondering what you all read / watch to get better / develop interest. I’m particularly interested in identifying planes and learning their history.

Thank you :)

19:14 UTC


Environmental Test Engineering

Anyone have any experience working in environmental test engineering in the aerospace industry? Next week I'm starting an entry level job doing different kinds of environmental tests (vibe/shock/thermal). Job includes conducting tests, operating, and maintaining equipment in conjunction with technicians. I don't have any direct experience in this yet (besides reading up on SMC-S-016), so if anyone has advice on what their day looks like/tips on things that helped them, it would be very helpful.

20:15 UTC


Ariane 6 launch date and time: July 9th, 1800 local (GMT -5)

22:44 UTC


Is it good to take aerospace engineering or mechanical engineering? What is the job scope in the future if I take any?

please help me out

12:05 UTC


Launch Trolley XQ-58

Previously launched via Rocket Assist, the new launch trolley offers a more traditional takeoff approach for unmanned operations.


1 Comment
05:22 UTC

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