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Another pandemic?

07:55 UTC


Is it just me or does Adelaide Central Market suck now?

Everything costs 30% more for 20% less. The toilets smell like chemical death pits. The service is mediocre. And it’s only tourists and young families now. Or am I just being a dick head.

07:02 UTC


Harbour Town security?

I just got curious. I was just on a short break on a holiday at Harbour Town Adelaide when in walked in a 'person'.

They just flashed what seemed to be a 'security card' on a lanyard, no introduction, and then all of a sudden the manager and store person went into some mode and had a meeting with the guy in the back.

The nosey tourist in me initially thought it might have just been a secret shopper but the manager jumping into serious mode made me think otherwise. They kicked everyone out of the backroom and had a meeting.

Does anyone who works at Harbour Town happen to know who these 'special' personnel are?

06:56 UTC


Updated article on Nangwarry crash

Has anyone got the full story about the life of the Nangwarry crash driver?? It's behind a pay wall in the afternoon edition of the advertiser.

06:39 UTC


Stop G3 having some issues

06:19 UTC


Consistently getting 1-2 bars of reception after switching to belong in Adelaide. Is this normal?

I was with Vodafone previously but switched to belong for better rural coverage with a Telstra wholesale network that is quite cheap. I pay $35/month for 40gb data. I have 1-2 bars of reception at home and I love in a metropolitan area not far from the cbd.

Doesn’t seem like these low bars are affecting anything though in terms of mobile internet speed or phone call quality. Bars also tend to increase outside of the house.

Should I switch to boost or Aldi?

03:14 UTC


Cosplay jobs in Adelaide

Hi guys! I'm a 19 year old who is currently employed but am not the biggest fan of the job I'm in, I want to do something I actually enjoy, so I've come here to ask if anyone is aware of any children's entertainment jobs or just anything where I can dress up at work. Any responses will be appreciated. Thanks :) Edit: forgot to mention I'm a student working on a cert III in early childhood education.

03:11 UTC


Adelaide underground metro

I've been wondering for a while now—why doesn’t Adelaide have an underground metro system like other cities of similar size? Given our growing population and all the traffic on the roads, it feels like an underground metro could really help take the pressure off.

Has there ever been any talk or plan for one? Or is this just a pipe dream in a city that’s so car-dependent? Other cities in Australia are pushing for expanded rail networks, and even some smaller cities worldwide are building underground systems.

It seems like it could connect the inner suburbs way more efficiently and make getting around the city center faster for everyone. Anyone know if this has been seriously considered, or are we just stuck with buses and the tram forever?

03:09 UTC


Relocating to Adelaide

Hi all, my partner and I are relocating to Adelaide in the new year. Currently looking for recommendations for suburbs/areas that are nice to live in, preferably close to Elizabeth. As well as recommendations for great coffee & food places :) EDIT: no kids so schools/daycares don’t matter. Looking to rent. Relocating from Townsville NQ.

03:06 UTC


Tricycle laws?

Hi everyone! I’m planning on getting an adult tricycle soon (not an electric one) for a bit of exercise since I’m disabled, I’m wondering about the laws of them though. Do you have to ride them in the bike lane or on the foot path? I’ve tried looking but I can’t seem to find anything about it, thank you in advance!

02:32 UTC


New Landlord Requirements for terminating a lease

I'm a landlord (boo, I know) and I'm interested in selling my property so that I can buy a PPOR in the state that I've moved to. I used to live in Adelaide in this property and have since moved interstate so I've been renting it out whilst I figured out what I want to do.

I want to minimise disruption to the tenant for the upcoming sale so I always planned to say something like "after the end of this fixed term I'd like to put the property up for sale, so please make plans over the coming year".

I'm now reading the new landlord requirements for terminating a lease which says that to terminate any lease (both period and also at the end of a fixed term) I need "a contract for sale of the premises has been entered into under which the landlord needs to give vacant possession to the new owner."

Does this mean that I have to put the property up for sale WITH the tenant in the house under the new laws? And that I can't actually give notice to terminate the lease until I've entered into a contract? The tenant seemingly can't use this as grounds to leave early either.

Surely this leads to a poorer experience for the tenant - less time to plan - more inconvenience whilst I stage the house - and perpetually not knowing whether I'm about to get a contract or not. What am I missing?

01:58 UTC


Saturday club t20 cricket

Does anybody know of a Saturday T20 club comp? I would like to get involved in a cricket club again but committing full Saturdays to games is a bit much. I've tried Google but nothing seems to come up.

01:17 UTC


The big roundabout at Montague and Nelson Rd is closed and full of police, ambulances and fire trucks.

Assuming a terrible car accident of some sort. Anyone have further details?

Sheets are up, not a good sign.

00:58 UTC


Where to buy Gold

I'm looking at purchasing 1 kilo gold bar and re sell within a year. Is Adelaide gold company a good option? Was also considering storing it there for an extra fee as don't feel like keeping it in my house. I'm getting out of a 2.5 yr abusive relationship, he was financially abusive. Worried he might try and take more money from me from sale of my home,so this seems like the best option as you can't take what's not there. Would obviously be paying in cash, I've taken bits and peices out of my bank over the months so it doesn't just look like a huge chunk of money is missing all at once.

00:43 UTC


Affray arrests in the CBD after machete-weilding fight between teens

Three teens have been arrested following reports of a fight in the city last night.

Just after 6pm on Thursday 31 October police were called to the intersection of Rundle Mall and King William Road after reports a group of youths were fighting. One of the group was seen to be in possession of a machete.

Police searched the area and located and arrested three of youths involved in the altercation on Flinders Street.

A 17-year-old from Adelaide, a 15-year-old from Semaphore Park have been charged with aggravated affray.

A 14-year-old from Blakeview has been charged with aggravated affray and carry offensive weapon after he was found in possession of a machete when arrested.

The 17-year-old has been refused police bail and will appear before the Adelaide Youth Court today (Friday 1 November).

The 15 and 14 -year-olds have been bailed to attend at the Adelaie Youth Court on 18 December.

Investigations are continuing by Operation Meld to locate the remaining youths involved in the altercation.

Anyone with any information is asked to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or online at www.crimestopperssa.com.au you can remain anonymous.

Source: https://www.police.sa.gov.au/sa-police-news-assets/eastern-police-district/affray-arrests-in-the-cbd

00:39 UTC


Truck lisence

Fellow Adelaide people I need your help. I’m looking at getting my truck license I’m looking for a good training school with easy people and high pass rates and want to know where you guys have done your licence. I have already done a two day corse with one school and it was a terrible experience the trainer was an asshole not helpful at all always yelling. on there phone constantly smoking in the truck as well as constantly making me stop so he could have a smoke wasting time. There was no aircon in the truck and he wouldn’t let me have my window down so it was hot as balls in there. Just genuinely he didn’t want to be there it was gut wrenching after spending all that money to be screwed over so hopefully someone on here can point me in the right direction. Cheers

00:32 UTC


Christmas Pageant tomorrow!!

I haven't been in years and years but am going to take my girls who have been before, but not with me. Wanted to go early and make it a whole experience for them. Where is a good spot? Was thinking north tce because there are some shady spots I think? ..does it only go down one side of the road? I remember chalk is essential but what else should I bring? Don't really want to carry chairs but at the same time I cannot sit on the ground these days lol and do people really get there at 4am? Want to go early but not that early... Appreciate any tips xx

00:29 UTC


Options traders

Hey reddit friends - oddball question but are there any serious options traders in Adelaide? I feel like it’s a rare field here and would love to catch up for a beer and discuss strategies/systems etc. Reduce my likelihood of going bankrupt haha. Have a good day 👌

23:49 UTC


How is the Halloween hustle in your area?

OK, firstly, I am not against Halloween, I just don't participate.

But I am curious. What is it like in your specific area?

I'm in Happy Valley and can say I haven't seen a Trick or Treater on my street in probably 10 years. Driving home from work last night at around 6, I saw a few around the Oaklands area, but none anywhere else.

So, I'm curious - what was it like in your area?

22:01 UTC


Major traffic disruption on Grand Junction Road: Completely blocked for both westbound and eastbound traffic between Main North Road and Prospect Road

SAPOL: There is a major traffic disruption on Grand Junction Road following a crash earlier this morning. A truck has collided with a stobie pole on Grand Junction Road near Florence Street at Blair Athol about 1.20am this morning. The impact has brought down both the stobie pole and power lines resulting in a power outage.

Grand Junction Road is completely blocked for both westbound and eastbound traffic between Main North Road and Prospect Road. Police are conducting traffic control at the Gepps Cross five ways intersection while SA Power Networks work to restore power to the intersection and surrounding areas.

Traffic lights are also out at Grand Junction Road and Prospect Road. Motorists are advised to take an alternate route and travel safely through any affected intersections until power is restored. Heavy vehicles are advised to take an alternate route also.

20:05 UTC


Un-Radelaide Drivers

I know this has been flouted before, and I know not every driver is like it, hopefully only just more than the minor percentage, but why are Adelaide drivers such fucks?

Is it because we have more space than other states to drive in, hence we feel like we own the road?? In Sydney in a hire car for one week, I felt like a king - being able to cut in and out of lanes, no tail gating, no honking, just free flowing traffic, moving as one.

Tonight in Adelaide, in the outer northern suburb that's trying to be country, I was happily driving along after my hour long traverse to pick up my son, when suddenly some fuckwit pulled out of the aged care home in his older ute on one of the higher streets, even after I gasped thinking surely he wouldn't about 30 metres prior to his entry right in front of me.

He did. I had to slam on my brakes, yet came within a metre or so of his car, and after the initial wtf, he then Brake checked me hard as I was too close 🤣

My window was slightly open and perhaps he heard me telling him to get the fuck out of his ute whe we came to the stop sign, that made him change his mind ten times about which way he was going, or maybe he's just a shit driver, but still.

The nerve.

12:56 UTC


You know what really grinds my gears?

All the victorian numberplates I see have "The Education State" on them, but none of the drivers have learned how to drive properly.

> Derrr, most victorian plated cars are hire cars

Nah, most hire cars don't have carlton stickers on the back windscreen, victorian motor dealer licence plate holders, or be 10 year old toyotas.

11:08 UTC


Where to next? Barossa visit wanted

Hey all , the wife and I are from Victoria and have loved coming to Adelaide/SA these past few years.

We have stayed Belair and done the mclaren vale region. We have also stayed in Rostrevor and visted Magill, morialta falls ect. Also done along Canunda and the dunes.

We are going to visit this weekend and wanting to finally try Barossa Valley, is it possible to stay somewhere there for 3-4 days or there’s not enough to do? If so, would love suggestions.

If there’s not a lot there, we are also thinking to try the Port as we haven’t done it yet.

We make our plans up as we go hence why it’s very up in the air but keen to hear some thoughts. Thank you

09:40 UTC


Anyone else observe the incident with a machete wielding teenage gang on Rundle Street this evening?

The police were onto it. Hopefully they caught the kids behaving threatening. Have a safe October 31 everyone. Nobody was stabbed.

09:22 UTC


How can I advertise a job to local uni students?

I have a child with an NDIS plan that includes mentor support. We struggle to find people who are the right fit as they need to treat her like a peer despite her age, I've found the most success with young adults. I have tried Mable and hireup for people but I find they tend to be more about the money and don't really enjoy the work so much, and that shows to the child who then disengages. I'd love to be able to reach uni students who might be studying psychology, child development, occupational therapy etc who would really enjoy the work and be grateful for the high pay meaning they can still study. I've asked Uni SA and they have a job board, but that's only for companies to advertise not individuals. Does anyone know of any Facebook groups where I could advertise? I would probably focus on Uni SA as that's the closest uni to us but I know students are spread out everywhere nowadays. Thanks heaps!


08:28 UTC


Professsor Joanna Howe banned from upper house for ‘threatening’ tactics

Upper house president Terry Stephens says of ‘highest concern’ is suggestion Howe attempted to ‘improperly influence the free performance’ of MLCs’ duties


08:15 UTC


How late are you all accepting trick or treat-ers?

Partner put a sign up saying Trick or Treaters Welcome from 5:30-7:30, but I dunno...is 7:30 too early? I feel like we should extend the time out...

It's 6:30 now and we haven't got a single one yet - not sure if that's because of the area or if it's just too early haha


08:03 UTC


For those who left candy out - has anyone taken the entire bowl of candy?

In the spirit of American consumerism, I'll refer to it as candy.

Anyway, curious, because 2 households in the Brighton area have reported someone took the entire bowl's worth... one, the bowl included.

Ruins it for everyone else.

My ex-boss refuses to leave a bowl of candy out after ToTers did the same to her.

So, I want to run a tally. If you see anything in your local community noticeboard on social media, or talk to the neighbours, post here.

Tally: 7 so far (4 reports on my end)

The tally isn't even accurate now. Apparently it's rife in the Barossa Valley, and someone else commented that adults were taking handfuls of lollies too. Social media is wild to read

07:57 UTC


What's the longest train you ever had to wait for at a crossing?

So yeah, while waiting at the crossing for the train to pass, what's the longest train you have had to wait for before the crossing was clear?

07:31 UTC

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