This is a subreddit for people with EDS to share memes, pictures, etc. It is a more lighthearted sister sub of r/ehlersdanlos.
Be nice. Don't belittle others.
Don't try to one-up others. Pain is not a competition.
This is a safe space for people with EDS and other chronic pain conditions.
Know when to be serious and when to have fun. Chronic pain is hard, and sometimes we need to take it seriously despite the lighthearted nature of this sub.
If you're comfortable doing so, please put your conditions in your flair. That will make getting to know each other easier and avoid having to ask what conditions people are dealing with all the time.
Even if you don't have EDS, if you have some other chronic pain condition, you're welcome here. If you have loved ones who are dealing with chronic pain, you're also welcome here, but make sure you are being respectful. Make sure you are laughing with us, not at us.
This isn't just a place for memes. If you need support or just need to vent, feel free to do that here as well. As you may have noticed, there aren't a ton of rules around these parts. People usually know when to be serious and when to have fun. I'm hoping that due to the lighthearted nature of the sub, people will do their best to cheer up other members of the herd when they're feeling down. However, that's not to say it's not okay to commiserate with each other. Sometimes people need that to know they're not going through it alone.