/r/YarnPunk is dedicated to being expressive about your work with anything knitting/crochet related, along with what is making our ears happy (Music, audiobooks, podcasts, etc.)
Rules for this subreddit:
Do not repost the same post within a 4 month span.
Keep all posts crochet/knitting and audio related.
Be respectful, supportive, and encouraging.
When posting audio, such as music, be sure to post in brackets what genre it is. (Ex: [Punk-Rock] "Artist name and song"
If posting anything other than music, be sure to classify it! Ex: [Audiobook]
This is not a place for self-promotion: Do not host contests, sell your product, crowd fund, or promote your website.
If you are following a pattern from an artist, please be sure to link their shop or blog in the comments section to support others!
Do NOT be a bully. If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it. However, when it comes to audio, you are allowed to have a differing opinion! Just be sure to be respectful about it.
Crafting isn't always sunshine and rainbows; You may post these things that are frustrating you or frogged projects, but don't use this as a therapy group.
Please do not advertise for pattern testers in the group.
Crocheting, or crafting as whole, is a punk and political thing you can be doing.
for the very first time there i see, someone with the same pains as me, having done this time and time again, she wore a yellow cardigan
Hello all.
I wanted to share something with you all. My wife and I work on a free editor application for knitting and crochet lovers. But first, I'd like to tell you the story behind it.
I’m a hobbyist software developer and a teacher, and my wife is a textile designer who recently retired. Since her retirement, she’s been diving deeper into her passion for knitting and crochet. She wanted a tool tailored for these crafts, something lighter and more accessible than the expensive and heavy software she used before (like Texelle). So, I decided to create an app that meets her needs.
As I started developing, I realized just how vast and fascinating this world is. Now, after a lot of work, I’ve reached a point where I’m ready to share it with you. The app, called GridKnit, is currently in beta, and I’d love to get your feedback to help improve it.
You can try it out for free at gridknit.com by signing up with your Google account or email. Here are some of the features it currently offers:
Of course, there’s still a lot to improve and add, such as:
For now, the app is completely free to use in its beta stage. However, due to the costs associated with AI-generated pixel art, I’ve had to limit it to 10 creations per user. But don’t worry—I’m working on a solution to make this more accessible as the app evolves.
Looking ahead, I’m also planning to add a social media hub where users can share photos of their finished projects based on the charts and templates they create in the app.
I’d love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas to make GridKnit better. Feel free to try it out and let me know what you think!
Thank you for your support, and happy knitting and crocheting!
for christmas i made this for my sister-in-law for her baby coming in june
tutorial used: https://youtu.be/y6gsjckd_5I?si=Iw4fCchJ01cTJJ4m
it took me a few attempts, mostly because i couldn't count😅🥲
I named these capybaras - Tea and Cocoa. Which one do you like more?)