Welcome to World Music
A place to share international / traditional / ethnic music from around the world. The music may be traditional music from a particular region or a modern pop song. Examples include; non-European classical music, Indian ragas, Eastern European folk music, and the many forms of folk / tribal music of Africa, Asia, and the Americas
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A place to share international / traditional / ethnic music from around the world. The music may be traditional music from a particular region or a modern pop song. Examples include; non-European classical music, Indian ragas, Eastern European folk music, & the many forms of folk / tribal music of Africa, Asia, and the Americas
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If practicable use the name of the country/region eg China not Chinese. This will make it easier to search. It should only state ONE country or region which best identifies either the music source or the location of the recording.
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Finis Africae was a Spanish experimental music group that created a unique sound by blending traditional and modern instruments from around the world. The group's name comes from a secret room of forbidden books in Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose.
— just discovered this band and think they are fantastic! Pairs well with the UK band 23 Skidoo.
This is one of my favorites. Has that 80’s vibe. If anyone has any recommendations for similar sounds, I’m all ears! 🙏
Hey! So l've been listening to Ukrainian folk band DakhaBrakha (really recommend if you haven't heard them) and the only similar song l've been able to find to their catalog is this song by this world music band. If anyone has any recommendations that go heavy on percussion but have a distinctly folk music feel please send them my way. Also, check DakhaBrakha, especially their album Yahudky, its really good and l've been looking for that sound every since I heard it.
Also, if you saw me post this more than once its cause i was trying to make the post follow the sub’s guidelines!
Played on closing credits of season 4 finale of The Bureau
It was called something like "Sound of the amazon" or something about Belèm, the cover was a photo of the musicians in the jungle with their instruments
Beautiful Christmas song from Latvia ❄️