Soft light trickles to the forest floor, a gentle green in colour from filtering through the canopy above you. You hear a robin chirping nearby, and, in the distance, a blue jay calls out persistently for a mate. As you pad softly through the underbrush, twigs snapping occasionally from beneath your feet, you catch a glimpse of a marvelous sight: a beautiful woman, lounging, naked, in the crook of a tree. She sees you, and, smiling, beckons you to her. You walk toward her, a nymph of the woods.
Soft light trickles to the forest floor, a gentle green in colour from filtering through the canopy above you. You hear a robin chirping nearby, and, in the distance, a blue jay calls out persistently for a mate. As you pad softly through the underbrush, twigs snapping occasionally from beneath your feet, you catch a glimpse of a marvelous sight: a beautiful woman, lounging, naked, in the crook of a tree. She sees you, and, smiling, beckons you to her. You walk toward her, a nymph of the woods.
Posts should be high-quality images of women in or around trees. Wood nymphs can be found in forests, woods, jungles, and the like.
Women must be either naked or clothed in nymph-appropriate attire. Here is an example of nymph-appropriate attire.
No man-made structures or objects. The five exceptions are: nymph-appropriate attire, tree structures (including log cabins), long-abandoned buildings or structures, pottery and rope, and unmaintained (i.e. no gravel, no pavement) roads and trails.
At the end of the day everything is at our discretion. This is to maintain the proper atmosphere and quality of the sub.
Don't use shitty hosts or link to ad-filled webpages. Our preferred is imgur, gfycat, or uploading to reddit.
This is a nice place. Don't be a dick.
You get bonus points for writing erotica to go along with the picture.
Automod is in effect. All posts must be direct links to images. That means it must end in .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, or, .gifv. List of accepted hosts: i.imgur.com, imgur.com/a/, reddit.com, i.redd.it, i.reddituploads.com, gfycat.com, 500px.com, flickr.com, .media.tumblr.com, images.sex.com, img.pornhub.com
Nymphs are minor nature goddesses in Greek mythology. Nymphs care for and maintain the ecological environment in which they live. These environments vary, from rivers and streams, to forests and groves, and meadows and fields. They associate themselves closely with the Olympian gods of nature. They are often considered to be at peak sexual attractiveness.
These types are not perfectly historically accurate.
Model: Pippa Doll