Celebrating the very best and most bad-ass of all the Super Heroes.
Because Wolverine is the best X-man and kicks ass.
Wolverine Comics(as recommended by our users) Where to start:
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Finally got one. Been trying forever to find one everywhere with no luck.
Can someone explain the Weapon X program in Apocalypse to the one in Origins like I'm a 5yr old?
mine would have to be his dynamic with Deadpool.
Very new to comics and decided if I was going to get into them I needed to focus in on specific characters to really get anywhere. Picked Wolverine, Spider-Man, Superman, and Batman. So far for Wolverine I've read Weapon X, Origin, Old Man Logan, and a book I got on Amazon of the first 4 Chris Clairmont Wolverine comics + 2 Uncanny X-Men comics. What are some Wolverine comics you would recommend I read after this? Preferably self contained but doesn't have to be. I do have a new printing of something called "Enemy of the State" preordered on Amazon but it doesn't release until April.
Link to the artist https://www.instagram.com/rudyao?igsh=cXRzbWFpajB4a3lt