
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for fans of the show Wizards of Waverly Place.


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S1 E3 I almost drowned in a chocolate fountain

I am rewatching the show right now. I love listening to the podcast, everytime I listen to it, it just brings me back. But anyway, I didn't realise how creepy the Spanish pocket elf was being towards Alex. He was flirting and stuff and she's like 15. 🤢

Let's see what else I will catch. I am surprised that David and Jennifer didn't bring this up unless they did and I don't remember.

16:56 UTC


Podcast rant

So I'll start off by saying that I consider myself a WOWP superfan. It's by far my favorite Disney show ever, and I'm excited for the reboot. Hence why I was excited when David and Jen announced the podcast. But I've gotta admit, it kinda sucks.

I know that some people agree because I've seen posts about it here, and the controversy of them calling out David Henrie and Jake, but I honestly haven't seen that until now. I've got other reasons why I don't like it.

It really annoys me how what's considered a rewatch/recap show doesn't even really recap it. They say "so we're on this episode" and explain it a little bit but the episodes are already fairly short and its 10% recap, 90% derailing and talking about unrelated topics. By the time they finish rambling about some random thing, the episode's over.

But I think what irritates me the most is how they're starting to bring on guests that have nothing to do with the show, like tiktokers. One of the comments in the recent one from someone who works with the show explains that it's for exposure purposes for younger audiences. I can understand that, but I just think it's weird when they're in recap episodes. At least put them in another type of episode.

Not only that, and maybe it's just me, but I believe Charles Brockman, the first tiktoker they had on, either never watched the show at all or didn't watch it nearly as much as he said he did. For example, when they had asked him which one of Alex's love interests was his favorite, he says "I don't know". When they mention Mason he says "oh, I just didn't remember his name". If he forgot his name that's understandable, but he could've at least said "the werewolf". Then he makes a vague statement like "the werewolf stuff was iconic". I'm not really convinced you know much of the werewolf storyline...

Especially when they asked which spell he'd want to use the most, he says "the homework one". I don't remember a homework spell. I've ranted too long about him, and no hate to him he makes good content, but my point is if you're going to have people on for exposure that have nothing to do with the show, at least bring people on who are obviously genuine fans of the show. I can't speak on Yasmine because I haven't watched the episode yet, so maybe she knows more about the show than Charles, but the Charles episode bothered me so much.

Anyway, if you've read all this and whether you agree or disagree, I'd be interested to hear everyone's thoughts.


Edit: Also, I don't want it to seem like I'm complaining about a podcast I actively engage with. I hardly watch the podcast anymore. It depends which episode they're recapping or who the guest is. But even if I cherry-pick what I watch, the episode always has the same issues as the rest.

20:51 UTC


How to view past the Q&As on the patreon?

I just joined the wizards pod patreon and I’m finding it hard to navigate, can any fellow fans help me here? Please 🙏

1 Comment
13:19 UTC


Looking for Hindi dubbed all seasons

hi i am looking for hindi dubbed all seasons, i know it was officially dubbed in hindi language as season 1 is dubbed hindi available in disney india youtube channel

where can i find other seasons 2, 3 & 4 in hindi dubbed, pls help me



05:14 UTC



i’m rewatching the show and in season one episode two Justin has his first kiss with a “goth girl” named Miranda. Fast forward to episode 10 they reintroduce Miranda as a new student that Justin meets in biology. They act like she’s a brand new character 7 episodes later and just never address it??? did anyone else notice that?

03:47 UTC


Bring Jeremy from Science Back

In the Sequel Series, we need to see Jeremy from Science brought back. But this time, should make him into a villain. It would be interesting to see a small part of the original story become a very important story arc in the sequel.

Wouldn’t that be awesome? Or naw?

02:56 UTC



I’m excited for the reboot but I don’t like the title it is literally just wizards.Do you think they will change it?

00:47 UTC


When was Max’s full name revealed?

I just finished rewatching Wizards of Waverly Place last week I remember Alex and Justin’s full name being revealed in the series but I don’t remember when Max’s full name was revealed. In Quinceañera, Grandma Maggie calls Max "Maximillian" but according to Wiki his full name is Maximillian Alonzo Ernesto Russo. Does anyone know when this was revealed that this is his full name? I haven’t rewatched the movies yet but I want to know if this is truly his full name and when was this revealed?

1 Comment
17:39 UTC


The movie really deserved a theatrical release. It was epic and very theatrical.

It has a very well thought out story that has something to say, it has very high stakes, it's emotional, it's funny and it does everything a movie should do. It's absolutely beautiful.

Also can I say how much better it looks as a single cam? I love the show so much but I love when I see them in a single cam environment because it just feels way more cinematic.

22:32 UTC


ALex eating

Was Alex forced to eat or did Selena suggest that she eats as Alex?

20:27 UTC


do WOWP and Harry Potter exist in the same universe?

maybe i’m just a nerd but i’ve been reading harry potter now that im an adult and i can’t help but draw comparisons between the two series. i have my own ideas as to how this could be possible, but i wanted to see if anyone had other ideas about this. my main evidence comes from the wiz tech episodes.

yes, these episodes are just making fun of HP. BUT, alex hints at the canonical existence of Harry Potter in their universe. when justin is wearing the glasses and wiz tech robes, alex says “you know, with those glasses and that robe on you remind me of someone”. it stood out to me how she doesn’t say movie character or book character, she says SOMEONE. does this prove that HP is a famous wizard in WOWP as well? it would be very on brand for alex to not remember the name of a legendary wizard.

idk i think it’s fun to imagine that the two take place in the same universe. what do yall think? any other comparisons or evidence that they could exist in the same universe?

00:28 UTC


Justin Russo

I’m rewatching some episodes of the last season and every time I watch it, I realise that Justin is not a good brother at all. He never takes the blame, he always blames Alex for his wrong doing. She saves their friends and family and he gets upset that he got the wizard of the year award.

Rewatching it just makes me mad because I actually thought he was a nice character.

09:12 UTC


Has anyone actually had Jennifer Stone as their nurse?

Genuine question I wonder what she’s like

1 Comment
03:46 UTC


Theresa needs to realize a lot of her problems are her own fault 🤷‍♀️

I’ve been watching a YouTuber do a recap of the series and one thing that caught my eye is how many times Theresa reprimands the kids for using magic in the house as if that wouldn’t be more common in a fully wizard family?

I mean don’t get me wrong using magic out in the open is dangerous and could expose the Wizard world so I understand why they needed to be punished for that. But if they cant use magic in the house and they don’t get much of a say in what they learn during lessons in the lair what else were they supposed to do? Theresa explains repeatedly how much she dislikes magic until it benefits her and she wonders how her daughter became self absorbed and self serving?

I mean how did you marry a wizard, have 3 kids with him and then STILL not accept that magic would forever be a part of your life. For example in episode 25 of season 3 (Uncle Ernesto), her brother comes in to celebrate her birthday. And despite the fact that Max repeatedly exposes magic several times its still mainly Alex who takes the blame!? Like Ma’am it was your Husband’s BROTHER who was sending them magical gifts that they shouldn’t have to hide whilst in the lair. They were using their gifts in the only place they are designated to use magic (for once).

The chicken getting loose was purely an accident, as well was the party in a box and the elf coming out of the Swiss army bag. I understand Alex played a significant role in what happened but to blame her for you having to lie to your brother as if you weren’t lying to him anyways!? As if you didn’t sign up to keep a secret for the rest of your life from your family? It baffles me.

Anyways I just thought that was an interesting take and don’t get me wrong Maria does a fantastic job at making Theresa’s reactions to magic look so funny. This was just a think piece and yes, before someone says it I know it’s a Disney show what did I expect 😂

13:00 UTC


Did Alex date anyone after Mason turned into a werewolf ?

03:08 UTC


Bring back evil Alex

Maybe evil Alex took over Wiztech or maybe Justin accidentally made a clone of himself and he took over Wiztech and maybe that is why he wanted a normal life since he himself is evil. Remember Deliquent Justin ? Maybe he never went away. He just went inside him. Same can be said about Alex.

15:15 UTC


Do you blame Alex for acting the way she does?

In my opinion I feel like Alex acts the way she does because she is constantly being compared to Justin

07:59 UTC


Episode of wizards with adult Alex

I have a memory of an episode of wizards where you see an adult Alex and she says she doesn’t have contact with her brothers and she’s like an artist and doesn’t have powers or something and I can’t seem to find anything online about the episode… does anyone else remember this??

02:13 UTC

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